Thursday, February 23, 2012

So this is why people like Chris Christie so much!

Linked in the comments.

Man after your own heart.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Obama's War on Pot

It will be interesting to see whether this will cost him any votes.  It's hard to believe that Gingrich or Santorum (less hard but still difficult for Romney) would do things differently, but still.
Maybe learning more about her songs will make us enjoy Adele more?

Lot of articles about being single
BTW, looked at the blog they mention - saddest blog EVER. However, I do like the pictures.

i wonder how much exactly Obama wants to raise taxes on couples making more than $200,000.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Travel Agents

Do you pay a travel agent commission on top of the cost of the ticket?  Several websites I've seen say no (like this one), but some other seem to suggest that a better answer is "it depends."

Anyway, for some more debate:

Times to use a travel agent

Times to do it yourself

Monday, February 13, 2012

The 10 worst V-Day gifts...  I guess socks aren't on here, but I should have added a caveat.  There is a longstanding reward for anyone who can find me interesting, colorful, or creative socks that happen to be in my size.  I would take those for Valentine's Day (or any other day).

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fairness Quiz for Obama

Interesting notes from Susan G. Komen article
" While Brinker said that donations jumped "100 percent" in the two days after their decision, Planned Parenthood has raised nearly $3 million -- more than enough to replace the $680,000 in grants that they received from the Komen foundation last year."

"Just like pro-abortion group to turn cancer orgs decision into a political bomb to throw. Cry me a freaking river." 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Did you see the comments to the WaPo article about Mike starting at Bandolero?

"Is Mike crazy? Is he aware of what it's like to work for Jonathan Umbell? Tom, why not write a story about how Jonathan hasn't payed any of his staff from Hook after the fire, how he didn't pay them for weeks before the fire and how he owes his last chef from Hook over 20,000 in salary which he refuses to pay. He is a ruthless owner who goes through chefs like people go through socks. This is a terrible idea for Mike and Jonathan should be in jail."


Also, I didn't know Hook shut down. I really liked it when it opened but I think it got worse over time, as it became more famous. 

Also, should we try to get that Bandolero deal now that you're rolling in tax return refund?