Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What's Old is New

This is a pretty useful feature in Google Maps.

Maybe flying wasn't better in the good ol' days.

Though I do not necessarily agree with the author's (or Krauthammer's) conclusions about what to do about the Redskins name, she is onto something.

How are New Girl and The Mindy Project doing?

One of my co-workers told me this happened to her friend.  But later the friend ran into the guy and confronted him, which seems like a waste of time.

Let's list even more reasons why Lena Dunham is bad.


1. There are only maybe 5 books on that list I would even consider reading, but you are more than welcome to tell me what you learn.  How is the 4-Hour Body going?

2. Was this supposed to be a link?

3. No, I do not.  That said, I understand the feeling very well.

4. My version of Internet Explorer doesn't let me play the clips.  That said, I'd probably get them all wrong.

5. I want all of those dogs.

6. Nicole Kidman (who is in the movie) said her kids wouldn't be watching because her character is scarier than they would be comfortable with.  I'm led to believe that the plot is more exciting than anything in the books ever was, which takes away some of the appeal for me.  Most of Paddington's adventures were very mundane and cute, but I'll reserve judgment.


1. I agree with much of what Rubenfeld has to say and disagree with almost all of the response.  It's baffling to me that these people don't understand how over-the-top affirmative consent rules are themselves different from actual reality.  If they want those rules to be reality, the way to do that is through cultural and societal change, not by creating a world that conflates sexual assault and poor life decisions.

3.  Oops.  The correct link is here.  And an update is here.  It's disappointing that 1) Princeton caved, though I get why and 2) that the use of the "clear and convincing evidence" standard rather than the "preponderance of evidence" standard was attributed to "arrogance and ingrained male privilege.  This is all so bizarre and wrong.

6. It has to do with Sodastream building a factory in Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

7. So no more Mas?


6. Yes, but not for spaghetti squash.


Fake accents, puppies, and adult guidelines for Paddington.

Well I'm reading the 4-hour body - and we both read david and goliath. i know some of these are cheesy but it seems like a good list.


do you want to run a marathon?

I want to try this quiz at home

more puppies? yes please!

is there something you want to tell me about paddington bear?


1. yale law professor jed rubenfeld (husband of amy chua) wrote an oped in the nyt about sexual assault, which i thought was a good article. yale law students disagreed. (there's a link to rubenfeld's article in that article. i'd link to the article directly but i'm out of new york times articles for the month). i think one of the comments has it right - most of these trials are secret so how do we know what the typical case is like? how do we know what the thorniest problems are? affirmative consent seems like a recipe for problems. and why are women so afraid of reporting rape to the police? if it's as predatory as the yale law students believe it to be, women should "ovary up" and report to the police. are women just less likely to report crimes?

also, the yale law students sound as logical as normal feminists. i'm team rubenfeld.

3. this links to the pork belly video. does princeton have a pork belly problem?

4. hmm if you agree not to get christmas or birthday presents for the next ten years...

5. i identify with every one!

6. do you understand what scarlett johansson did wrong that she had to resign from oxfam? but yes, wrong side of history - i don't know if it's bullying so much as weak. it's the "everyone will be doing it" peer pressure model.

7. i'm over small plates. they say we can only make a certain number of decisions every day and that just adds to the too many things to think about. just give me an entree that i know will fill me up! almost makes me want to go to simple olive garden. almost.

6. no but i think i need a mandolin to do vegetable spaghetti?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

On Sexual Assault

Some Harvard professors had some interesting criticisms of the new sexual harassment policies being adopted at schools across the country.

The Washington Post weighed in as well.  The Yale paper has a more in-depth account.  I think the panel got it right.

Princeton is also battling with this issue.  Their policies seem fine to me, if not better than what I've seen elsewhere.

I want one!

Do you understand these struggles?

Every time someone makes this argument to me, I just roll my eyes.  It smacks of arrogance and dismissiveness.

This is the big problem with small plates.


1. Those cameras are dumb.  He was doing the world a service!

2. That looks delicious.  Here is another variant on pork belly that Gordon Ramsay put together.

3. There were two statements that I found problematic: 1) she said that her career would always be first, ring or no ring, and 2) she didn't think the therapist would ever ask a husband to cut back on his hours.  The first one would sound cruel coming out of any husband's mouth and seems like a life choice that would make any romantic relationship difficult, and the second is likely untrue (maybe it was true in the 1950s).  Also, outsourcing to child labor does sound wrong...

4. I hear this in person from time to time.  It's quite unpleasant.  That person really didn't understand the point of the article, but hopefully the reasonable people on each side of the aisle can continue to bridge the gaps.

5. Maybe start brainstorming some puns starting in August 2015 (to make sure it's relatively topical).

6. I want a puppy!

7. Have you ever tried spaghetti squash?  The paleo people swear by it.


"The End is the Beginning"

2. I love chicken thighs.  Wings are so difficult for not as good a reward.


4. He phrases it as if recording "near-death" is less valuable than recording mundane aspects of life.  The latter is obviously more justifiable.  If I were getting ready to crash in an airplane and I was connected to the internet, after saying a quick prayer and making sure my affairs were in order, I would probably record a video to send to my loved ones.  And I'm the most anti-selfie person I know.

6. Maybe some prospective invaders are working with the massage industry to mellow us out to make the invasion easier.  It's a risk I'm willing to take.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Getting back in the groove

stop the surveillance on bears! well i guess they got their comeuppance.

I kinda want all my recipes to look like this in form.

i thought this article is basically professional woman catnip. but i thought "startup that helps American companies outsource digital work to women and children in developing countries" sounded terrible. is it a good thing to outsource that work abroad?

partyism is the new racism. i read another article that linked to this article that said "I'm still going to judge people based on their parties because that shows if that person has any morals at all!" so i don't think that person understood this article.

punny costumes are the highlight of halloween for me. if i came up with an original, i'd probably find a halloween party to go to just to show it (and my incredible wit) off.


tasty ideas - even though its veggies pretending to be pasta it's a far better sight than tofu trying to be meat

responses to "well rested bear"
1. i had heard this from someone a long time ago. she said she didn't drink the full 8 glasses but she wasn't thirsty and i think she may have said her pee was clear but i may have made that up. i, however, am always thirsty.
2. i mean, the postal worker was just scared. he didn't say anything negative about the bear. he didn't know the bear! it's just like running into a strange man.
3. that's good. wasn't expecting it even though it needed to happen.
4. i still don't get that show. even after reading that. 
5. creepy.
6. well, the ending was strange, for sure. but the whole idea is weird. like the idea is that the best defense against bullies is living a good life. and that you're not supposed to care how the bullies turned out- they're all ugly and stupid and wrecked because of how badly they treated you in the past (see, e.g., the kids that used to bully taylor swift). you're never supposed to go back and actually see them! also it'd be weird if i was hypothetically a former bully to be confronted like that. you have this person trying to get you to start crying and asking for forgiveness. i think i might play a few mind games with this person as well.
7.  2 bullying articles in a row - but this one is less clear cut bullying. i guess you mean it's bullying the announcers but if it's deemed an obscenity, they're not allowed to say it. and it doesn't seem like bullying snyder because it doesn't really reach him?

responses to "the end is the beginning"
1. i would totally get hbo on demand. i keep hearing about this game of thrones business.
2. i'm kinda tired of chicken wings. maybe we can move on to thighs?
3. seems a little terrifying. but that's probably because i'm afraid of scooters and motorcycles.
4. coq10! just in case.
5. these odes make me feel incredibly old. but then again i wasn't old enough to watch this when i was younger or old enough to request the uma thurman haircut at any point in my life. (although honestly, that kinda was my haircut growing up).
6. i don't actually know why the current sitcoms are so bad. what happened to the people who wrote cheers or frazier or sex and the city? those were really good shows that were funny and thoughtful. then again, maybe we're to blame as there are good shows that get cancelled (community, happy endings) or criticized to death (arrested development 4th season). i saw a wapo article about tv shows that ended badly and it said that no one was satisfied with how i met your mother's ending (clearly she doesn't know us. but if she's talking about the last half of the entire series, yeah, that was pretty excruciating).

r2r "check the therapists"
1. it was in a comment on the billfold. the guy is the commenter's grandfather or something.
2. the experiment seems a little convoluted and also a little too "on the nose" but it's kinda fun to injure through hot sauce. i guess it's like the benevolent way of conducting the (Zimbardo?) volunteer shocking experiment (y'know, the one where they tell the volunteer to press the button to shock the person - well i guess that's not revenge so much as watching people suffering but it seems similar to me).
4. so you would flip that to say it's never necessary to record one's life or one's near death?
5. thanks bear. *bunny beaming*
6. do you think the recommended minimum 1 massage/month is being brought to us by the evil masseuse lobby that is trying to make us calmer than we need to be?