Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Bear and Penguin's HandMade Super Duper Parachutes

how about this book list?

while this diet is less super delicious looking than maybe whole living or goop, i appreciate that they thought out the whole thing so you wouldn't have to spend a lot of time prepping or have a lot of wasted ingredients.

nerd chef bear would like this list

i thought it was because ants can't tell time

how to fall in love with anyone

obama's less-talked about tax hike- although i'm not sure how this hike benefits anyone

1. while i understand we have to stand up for our freedom of speech, Sony doesn't have an army and would likely be blamed if there was a terror attack because of not pulling the movie. I understand what it was thinking. Of course, we don't believe that N. Korea could mount a successful attack on us but then again after Charlie Hebdo, all you need is a few sympathizers. Who gets blown up in Team America?

2. Oh Virginia! That kind of thing should only pass in The Good Wife and D.C.

3. I think the demise of Chipotle is greatly overexaggerated. The chicken is probably fine.

4. I understand why cable is the way it is - because who's going to buy that hallmark channel otherwise? but why can't cable just lower their prices to combat this?

5. The most interesting part is the restaurant owner's reporting of death threats to the FBI's "animal terrorist division." Are there animals that are terrorists? (moose perhaps?) or is there a whole category of PETA people who kill humans in the name of animals? so many so that the FBI has created its own division for them.. Also, did you see the update from PETA re death threats?: "PETA is skeptical of the claim that threats are being made. Anyone who's desperate enough to want to serve up the diseased, fatty livers of tortured birds is certainly not above making up a fat lie. This big macho chef needs to 'man up' and recognize that part of being a man means having a heart."


1. not everywhere can be paris (although frankly, "we're not shooting tourists on site anymore" might be better than going to Paris in light of Charlie Hebdo).

4. It's probably chicken and egg. Neurotic people probably read more Facebook than non-neurotic people and they probably get more neurotic from reading the posts of their neurotic friends. 

5. haggling would probably only make sense on big ticket items and i dont' forsee buying any big ticket items on amazon anytime soon.

7. yeah, maybe all 4-year olds should be able to do that? we should train constantine immediately!

9. those were really funny. i like his "lawyer" voice. zippity doo dah!

10. so i guess atkins works because that diet is at least 10 years old. 

2. Well yes, i figured it wouldn't apply to you because your interest rate is so high. or at least it used to be.

2. but you never answered the original question about what you would take out of the apartment in case of a fire! you just criticize me for how i would SAVE penguin and bear! I will have parachutes ready though...

4. we do take pictures more readily now and it's probably hurting our memories

agreed. i see stuff about rape culture and i guess to feminists, it means that sometimes rape victims are not treated as they should be. so i guess by "culture" they mean, "some things that some people have done before." like there could be a racist culture because a racist person exists. 

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