Tuesday, February 17, 2015

eat, sleep, and protest

the efficiency of it all almost makes this nicer than tiny NYC apartments

do you think this app might help? free to try. although maybe you're already cured?

sad  happy desk park bench lunch

colleges don't just take athletes' rights

this is so outdated now but i had it in my original post. godaddy's marketing arm is a genius - thousands of protests for a superbowl ad a week before the superbowl. then again, i'm not entirely sure that the marketing division would realize this ad was so controversial. i still don't know what's wrong with it. (was the dog hurt while filming? are dogs not really sold online already? is this ad encouraging animal abuse?)

oh god it's starting

the best thing i've heard in awhile. when i toured carpenter's shelter, i found that it was the only shelter of its kind in alexandria or arlington and that they get homeless people even from d.c. with so many homeless people in D.C. it's shocking that there aren't more shelters. but i guess that explains why so many of them are sleeping on the streets.

1. that article made me very sad because it seemed like the frat boys were still under suspicion and if they had said anything too strongly about their innocence, they would have been attacked. it's like instead of defending themselves, they had to defend the rights of sexual assault victims. it's as if someone gets released from wrongfully being convicted of murder and has to give a speech on how the true victims are murder victims (i guess he would not be wrong there but a little "boo-yah i'm so glad to be free" is usually allowed).

2. i heard somewhere that wahlberg wants to join police enforcement or something? in any case, i don't know why he would need a pardon and his crimes have not been in the public eye for decades so there's no good in bringing them up now. i think he did really terrible things and should probably try to make up for it but i never liked him as an actor or model anyway. of course, it would be about time for the victims to let go of their anger. people do change and even if they don't, the anger isn't going to do any good.

3. "If women had more time, they worried, they would simply be tasked with more work." this seems like a weird rationale against women having more time. and what a weird relationship dynamic - as if husbands were actively monitoring their wives' productivity, noticing their extra time and coming up with new tasks for women to do.
4. i feel like i should feel sadder about the demise of skymall than i do.

5. i'm not sure it's entirely necessary to identify the terrorists as radical islamists but it doesn't make sense to say that the charlie hebdo attack had nothing to do with islam. i'm sure identifying the motivations for the terrorists is more important for the administration or the intelligence community but doesn't the public already kinda understand that it's islam and isn't the public already a little anti-muslim? maybe it makes sense for the media to downplay it so long as the administration knows that is has everything to do with islam.

6. i don't think kanye was defending beyonce because he thinks she's helpless. i think he just thinks it's the right thing to do. i think it's kanye's form of respect.

7. well i will eat some eggs to toast that.
4. that's true. maybe we should stop glorifying ants, those gross dumb but hardworking creatures.

2. that seems like a workable cable strategy. i've heard such good things about espn classic though. they talk about it so fondly on the o.c.

2. well i think we have to assume the fire isn't moving so quickly as to engulf you before you can come up with a game plan. also i guess it depends if you can just put stuff outside your door and into the hallway and they'll be safe, maybe you'd just move everything out there in a reasonable fashion while bear or penguin kept watch.

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