Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Too clever

A lot of attractive lunch options

This is interesting in that it leads to a whole host of unintended consequences of easy abortions that I had not foreseen. The article mentions, for example, using abortion pills as birth control. I guess another problem might be if men slip abortion pills into a woman's food or if a woman falsely accuses a man of killing her child could go to prison for life. The fact pattern for the case is also interesting - here pro-choice activists didn't want to pursue it because of the fact pattern even though the fact pattern doesn't show her doing things that would undermine her case's strength. It's just gross. Also the reasoning seems suspect: "He maintained that, since it was so hard for McCormack to obtain a legal abortion, it was unjust to charge her for having an illegal one. " I think there are rights that are hard to obtain that you are excused from prosecution when you take them illegally. Like food, shelter, hospital care. I mean I guess they invalidated the law but you're still supposed to obey the law - not break it and sue later.

a burden we must bear

hmm maybe we should film some footage in our world travels...

Dave Chappelle does empathy

A candidate for our slow song - though it's not that slow.

1. Ok, I haven't finished watching all of this but yes, there will be grievances!

2. The interesting thing about these hitpieces was that I thought Rubio was a throwaway candidate with no real chance of winning. This is making him seem like a contender. Also, is there a stereotype about Hispanics being bad drivers or is it just Asians?

3. Aren't these similar pitfalls to homosexual lifestyles - like belief it's a mental disorder, or increasing likelihood of suicide? Maybe the numbers will change with greater acceptance?  Also consider: the upcoming battle between feminists and trans activists. I'll get the popcorn!

4. I thought it interesting that more half-Asian people identified as mixed than other racially mixed people. Does that mean Asian culture has less of a lure than black or Hispanic culture? Or does it just not provide any benefits to consider yourself Asian, as opposed to considering yourself black of Hispanic.

5. I guess it makes sense but isn't he being a little disingenuous by how he categorizes the "three things?" Like "awesome products" can't be one but Amazon can be best at "retail."

Responses to responses!
1. True. Everything can be considered somewhat motivated by insecurity. That's what they teach us about selling stuff! Everyone wants to do a good job at the presidency though - no one likes being reviled. Wait no, no politician likes being reviled.

2. As long as bear and bunny know the other is always supporting them, I think we'll get pretty far.

3. I never really understood the allure of popping bubble wrap. Picking scabs though...

4. I don't think i'm the stereotypical ENFP when it comes to money. If I were, I wouldn't have any.

5. Yeah I hate how we're all "they're so young and their prefrontal cortices are not fully formed yet!" It means you make mistakes and it's obviously easier if you have tons of money. It might be hard to balance our sympathy for rich young kids with middle class young kids who sign up for too many student loans. They're both young and stupid.

1. Is that ten commandments thing real?

2. I think we're agreed so long as it's not discretionary, it's probably ok.

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