Monday, August 10, 2015

Back to Work (for me)!

If the wake n shake app doesn't work, this is the next step.

Maybe this Cecil the Lion story is more complicated than it first appeared.

Our cellphone plan is changing again, if we want it to.

Do you think this is fair?


1. I saw this and agree. The idea that taking money/business from bad or vile people is wrong strikes me as confused and ridiculous. The main argument you hear is that boycotting will make people change their minds, but in this case it makes no sense. Perhaps more images, not fewer, of interracial couples in front of those bigoted people will make them less bigoted.

2. I thought lots of people took vacations in August (maybe more in Europe, but definitely some in the U.S.). My only thought is that the heat, once welcome in May and June as new and the beginning of pool/beach season, has worn out its welcome. It's kinda like Februrary/March, when all that snow and cold is just old hat by then. I like August, though, because work slows down. Also, there's a certain birthday in August...

3. Wow. That's all I can say. Wow.

4. I don't like the martyrdom of these "experiments." I appreciate the info, but 1) it's not a repeatable experiment if we take ethics seriously, and 2) it uses scare tactics. That said, I will be reducing my added sugar consumption immediately.

5. I wonder whether the solution to this is shortening college by one year and strongly encouraging students to work for one year before going back to school. Business schools typically won't take you if you haven't gotten at least two years of work experience (unless you are an all-star). Law schools and graduate schools could do this too. Or maybe graduate students should have to find patrons, as in the 19th century and before.


1. I remember reading about that. I am not going out like that!

3. When the professional video game players start driving Ferraris and getting the girls and pricing me out of the Manhattan real estate market (as the bankers have done), we can revisit this. That day may be closer than I realized.

5. True, but it's better than nothing.

9. If Millennials don't have to worry as much about retirement savings, that's a win. Otherwise in thirty years we'll be hearing complaining about how needing to save for retirement is racist and the word "retire" will be associated with trigger warnings and all sorts of other bs.


3. It goes both ways, which is why 1) more stories of police officers helping people should be published and 2) everyone needs to calm down. This means police demilitarization and the metaphorical demilitarization of the Black Lives Matter activists.

5. I saw it on a TV show. :)

6. I like it, but I should probably set two alarms...


3. UVA is probably not the best example, as it has a long track record of letting amazing and successful professors leave for more money elsewhere (Ronald Coase comes to mind).


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