Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Pretty Packaging

Michelle Obama, take notice. It feels a little bit like cheating but packaging is what sells the product.

Thinking about your own boring life is better than imagining a better one.

I don't think either of us has ever linked to a celebrity profile in a fashion magazine but here's a start. It helps that it's by Chuck Klosterman and I only learned about it because it was linked by Penelope Trunk in a career article.

I like this idea of non-zero days.

A cool (hot?) solution for housing woes in Bangkok


1. Ugh the death threats make this a sad story. It was a very happy story that this movie tanked. Maybe the next time they take over a beloved cartoon, they will incorporate some of the plot elements.

2. Ha!

3. A new way to fall asleep.

4. If Ai Wei Wei asked for some kind of discount for buying in bulk for his art, then I totally support Lego in saying no. I don't really see the problem selling the blocks to him at full price. Then again, I don't see why Lego should have to be associated with the art if it doesn't have to. It does not chill his speech and their blocks could be used to make something really atrocious that they have no control over and which they would be blamed for. Lego is in a hard position.

5. Gah I try not to think of them because another commercial jingle will just sneak its way in if I do.

6. I think you need a touch screen tv for this to be a large iphone. I do like the ability to use Siri to find things though.

1. You said it was funny here but then told me in person it was lame!

3. Pretty sure that if people read the weird things people post on social media, our jails would be even more overcrowded than they are already.

4. This is often the problem with modern feminism: they want men to solve the problems for them. The answer to the wage gap is for men to disclose their salaries. The answer to rape is for drunk men to stop for the benefit of drunk women. And so if she is unsatisfied in bed, the man has to figure that out and take the stand that she won't. (interesting that her knight in shining armor is an abstainer ("We won't have sex again because you're not satisfied!"), rather than a fixer ("I will figure it out and make it better!")). Why can't women just say, if you're bad in bed, we won't sleep with you again? Men would figure it out themselves and it wouldn't make women look so weak.

1. It seems like what James Taranto would put under his heading, "Fox Butterfield, is that you?" The headline would be: "More black male deaths by police officers despite more black men confrontations with police."

2. I just note the article because everything I've ever heard about global science is that the science is irrefutable and that every scientist in the world believes in nit.

3. I guess the GAL mother seemed like this. Incapable of really evaluating her actions or taking any responsibility. She said she was so upset that she couldn't find the baby's Halloween costume that she wouldn't let either of her children trick or treat. Did not seem to register that this might be incredibly disappointing to her children, who were already decked out in costume. Not saying she will pimp out her children later but it all starts somewhere.

4. I've never really partake of any of the incentives that stores bring to shop slower unless I'm already going to buy something (see: engagement ring shopping). The only exception is Barnes & Noble where I typically guilt buy stuff for all the time I spend browsing. But now that store is closing. =(


3. Keep sharing!


1. I guess if someone said some weird quirk their dating partner had, then the original person would seem too picky - just like Seinfeld. We want to believe we are better people and won't discount someone just for having a bigger head or man hands. But there isn't anything necessarily wrong with drawing the lines at weird places.

3. Crispy potatoes!


4. Still have not heard from Howard girl....Criticism is important for litigators. It's not exactly a soft industry.

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