Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Making holes in masterpieces

This is not a realistic home to admire but it's got style

Fighting drugs with ....economics?

Good reading for when we're fighting

An argument for more massage and cuddling?

I've only ever posted one question on Quora - have you ever been rewarded for being generous - and I got some piddling responses.  This article is perhaps the best response.

Kitchen porn. I think this is interesting because the styles are so different. Which style calls to you?

1. I mean, I get it in theory. You should never smoke at all. You should never drink while pregnant. It's very belt and suspenders AND tight pants, but I understand where the CDC is coming from.

2. I will try to do these but I keep getting my credit card stolen and it's not because of the passwords.

3. Noted. We can have a sign at our wedding "__ Days without accidental Krispy Kreme deaths."

4. I like this guy's research but he seems to harp on the same point in every article he writes. 

5. Wow, the play by play of that game was really painful. I would be super embarrassed for everyone.

6. As I've said before, I'm a little mad at you for posting such a bad article. But it probably is "good" for me to know what insane thoughts other Asian people are having. I'm not sure if having Peter Liang is better or worse as a mascot than Michael Brown. 

7. This is key:  "It’s still unclear how big of a deal this is, but it seems that we have been underestimating the progress of Hispanic immigrants and their offspring because some of the more successful ones don’t mark themselves as “Hispanic” on government surveys." But in my mind, Asians and Hispanics are the most difficult races to hide from with your surnames so it's never really mattered to me to check off "Asian" anywhere because my name is unambiguously Asian.
I believe there was a study somewhere that when girls had to check off "female" before they completed a task, they did worse than if they completed the task without checking off their gender. So maybe the Asians and Hispanics that don't identify as such do better because they aren't checking those boxes. 

1. Agreed that a couple shouldn't be treated differently in the tax code than two single people. However, I think it does make sense for one person in the couple to reduce hours/work for childrearing. Do you think differently?
2. I think people have extra incentive to come because we are wonderful company! But yes, a home cooked meal is harder to come by these days.
3. I don't think there's anything wrong with a paleo/GF option if you want something different. I think paleo sounds like fun! Meat meat meat!
4. Let's download it together.
5. Our wedding will be both cool and timeless!
6. Maybe these hotels could be associated with overworked white collar workers instead?
7. I am agreed and I think Apple won anyway? I kept seeing all these "Apple victory" articles but I'm not sure they were hypotheticals. I was surprised at the number of people who thought Apple should comply. I thought we were more skeptical of the government and more pro-Apple a country than this.
2. I realize this but that was the first thing that popped into my head. It's certainly a cultural aspect - the only time I've ever seen silencers are in cartoony assassin movies so of course we should ban them so the cartoony assassins don't use them! But I thought about it more and realized that that's not a realistic depiction of how they're used.

1. I mean I understand that many of the measures that people employ to combat loneliness are stopgap measures but, unlike Louis CK's shoulder, you can beat loneliness. I think maybe counseling and 1 close friend is all you need (though I might need to do more research).
2. Well I'm only talking about us, silly! Not all the mooses who go without!

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