Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Marcus Lattimore's Injury

He suffered a dislocated knee.  Ouchies.

Yesterday, during the storm, I read about the history of waffles.  How would you feel about our getting a waffle iron?

If Chris Christie costs us this election, he's the one who has to go without underpants!


Friday, October 26, 2012

Because a response is required...

I actually agree with your take on the Catholic charity thing.  I just wanted to hear your opinion.  I'll check them out.

Also, I know that's what Chevy Chase was doing, but stories like that don't come out for shows that are doing well (exception: Two and a Half Men).  It's probably better not to use the word while condemning its use.

My point on the pink flags is that I think it's getting to the point where just everything is going to be pink and the whole awareness campaign will start to lose meaning.  There's a difference between wearing an American flag pin on your lapel and rocking this outfit.  My concern is that if *everything* is pink, then that extra one woman won't get that mammogram.  (Also, how much did it cost to make all those flags, and couldn't they have used that money to buy several women mammograms?)

Peggy Noonan believes the reason why Obama has been lagging in the polls is because the Obama at the first debate is the real Obama.

I'm over Benghazi.  Obama dropped the ball, and as a man, he needs to apologize.  That's all there is to it.

The last line of that Onion story was priceless.

Something to think about in the gym search.

FYI, the Boar's Head is about $200 a night.

As for the bet, I'll take your money, but I think the stakes should be more interesting...


The full Benghazi explanation, as I've come to understand it

So the intel was mixed so we couldn't report it, except at the Rose Garden where we totally got it right. The fact that the terrorists claimed responsibility on Facebook is not good intel and should be ignored until more information came into place.We were right to blame the video because we were still waiting for more information. But then we spent millions making a video to appease the Middle East so that they wouldn't attack us again. I don't really know where that fits in.

Though we knew there was an attack, we didn't know enough about the incident to send in troops even though we knew enough to know what the people were chanting. I mean, the reception on the drone giving us real time updates was not that good. But the attack only lasted 7 hours! And the reinforcements were a good half hour away. It would have been too late. Also, small reinforcement units from the CIA and Tripoli made it there after a few hours so people should really stop blaming us for not reacting.

The Libyan people, the people the administration blamed for the attack, were the people who found Stevens' body and brought him to the hospital. See, how were we supposed to know that they would storm our embassy. Wait, what's the story we're going with again?

Whatever - that GOP guy said something about rape. It's Bush's fault. It was the GOP in Congress' fault. The buck stops with me.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Catholic Schmatholic

It reminds me of my friend who won't donate her clothes to the Salvation Army because it's a Christian organization. To me, if you do good work, that's good enough for me. I would still support the Livestrong campaign and I would definitely give to Catholic charities.

That Community thing - he was on a tirade against using the N-word.

I thought the pink flag idea was cute.

I don't know if it's about general awareness but it might be worth it if even one woman thinks to get a mammogram because of it. Or one man watches the NFL and reminds his woman to get a mammogram because of it.

The new spin on Benghazi.  Obama relied on the best information he had and he was waiting to condemn the terrorists when more information came in, which shows patience and leadership (but he also claimed it was a terrorist attack in the Rose Garden, showing that he wants it both ways). Meanwhile, Obama was blaming the attack on a YouTube video because .....

The worst justification I've heard so far was ..."C'mon, it was only 4 Americans. People die every day."

I totally don't understand it though. I don't think it would have been that bad if Obama had just called it a terrorist attack. Wouldn't he think people would rally behind him just like 9/11 brought people together?

I bet you $10 Obama wins.

you'd like this

If this doesn't do it, nothing else will

There's a point at which awareness campaigns become so annoying that the pendulum swings the other way and people stop supporting with actual money for actual research (presumably one of the points of these campaigns).  I'm not sure we're there yet with breast cancer, but we're getting awfully close.

The Tebow trade rumors are heating up.

This is the notion of a credibility gap I was referring to yesterday.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Uh oh...

Not a good sign for Community...

I believe we were talking about this earlier today.  Apparently it is really taking the world by storm.

This is the place you wanted to go to, right?

Maybe the Mayans were right about the end of the world.

And in a non-linked comment, do you think I should donate to Catholic charities even though I'm not Catholic?  Would you?


Friday, October 19, 2012

charities to support your republican ideals

unplanned parenthood

Adoptions from the Heart

Catholic Charities

Other Catholic Charities

perhaps you could support some charter schools in dc or atlanta
i think hollingsworth supports SEED 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Engines of America

well i thought this was great, but especially since it starts with the owner of big wong's! man, i practically grew up there and places like it. i had no idea it employed so many people. it will be a sad day when that place goes down because of obamacare.

Monday, October 8, 2012

U Street is on the rise

It might be worth checking out (this is the article I mentioned).

Also, people on the internet are mean.

The debate really helped Mitt Romney.

This is why he did so well.