Monday, August 26, 2013

ceo bear

the best mtv vma photos

exercise doesn't help sleep?

"robust, fully formed and is a bright, healthy shade of pink," 

as surprising as macauley caulkin's DUI in his mercury

on buying olive oil 

so this is happening

always something new on 14th st - it will be way too much to keep up with all new things in manhattan

another place to get vinyl

1. buzz feed is so amazing. this was linked from your article

the way her shoes attach at the ankle makes it look like she's bound. and since she's photographed upside down on a chair, she's in a very vulnerable position. a male ceo would never be photographed this way. i tried to find a counterpoint and came up with richard branson who is also very glamorous. he's sitting in a hammock and he's barefoot - makes him seem normal and relaxed. but it looks like we're getting a sneak peak at his life - not that he's being presented to us on a silver platter. marisa looks purposefully contorted and put on display - she is facing us and there's no purpose for this shot other than the photograph - no one lies down on a chair uncomfortably like that at any point in the day or wears those clothes while lounging. she is being portrayed as an object whereas branson is a person.

hard truths #4 - i liked this line "“Too often what poses as cultural identity is, in reality, ignorance or bad education,” he said." so true.

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