Monday, September 30, 2013

communication improvement and bathroom storage

would any of these tips help?

the very worst thing about a gov shutdown

more on that 300 sandwiches girl

i liked this though a bit cheesy

another book for us to read?:

If I do not want what you want, please try not to tell me that my want is wrong.
Or if I believe other than you, at least pause before you correct my view.
Or if my emotion is less than yours, or more, given the same circumstances, try not to ask me to feel more strongly or weakly.
Or yet if I act, or fail to act, in the manner of your design for action, let me be.
I do not, for the moment at least, ask you to understand me. That will come only when you are willing to give up changing me into a copy of you.”
 —David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II  (via thatkindofwoman)


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Starting Things Right

This isn't depressing at all...

I've been meaning to read this Malcolm Gladwell article, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Buzzfeed continues to bring the goods.

My friend Marissa started a fitness and nutrition blog.  I figured we might find some inspiration from it.  Or it'll be like Runner's World...


Friday, September 27, 2013

food and politics

runners' world makes me feel less than

i've found my topic for my first conservative media post

this is the next topic

not that you have time but this would be pretty easy and yummy otherwise

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

For the Bus: Part 2

We could relate to some of these.

The next generation is going to be completely worthless.

More from Buzzfeed.

While I think this is a good thing, stories like this make me wonder just how many regulations for air travel are absolute hokum.


Monday, September 23, 2013

I hope there's wifi on the bus!

Here is Louis CK's take on giving kids cellphones.

And here is a preview of the new dramas this season.

Many of these photos were funny.

Oh hey, look who it is.

This argument again.  That said, here is one response, and the basic gist of it seems to be, "This is too complicated for you, ladies.  You don't want to get bogged down in all these confusing studies.  Let's leave the thinking to the doctors, and we'll get you another decaf latte.  Also, I don't understand what economists do or how studies work, which is why I think they're so complicated and should be left to the adul--I mean, doctors."

Buzzfeed strikes again.


Thursday, September 19, 2013


preaching to the choir?

wasn't sure if i'd agree, but jitlada is on the list

everyone wants to be chipotle

you're kidding about that list, right?
"32. Guys: she may say it’s an exit only, but that’s only because she’s never given it a try. #Shocker"
"34. If you can get her into bed before date 3, then you’ll get bored with her by week 2."
kinda misogynist, no?

i hate bob peterson for pushing back finding dory!

trophy wife looks ok. i saw the ad for the goldbergs in a taxi and thought it pretty funny.


Here is a Grantland preview of some of the new fall comedies.

Nice going, Bob Peterson.

I've never understood the dates on food.  Apparently it's because they're ridiculously confusing.

I like this list better than the GSElevator list.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This Seems Odd

Apparently Mad Men is getting extended - not in terms of number of shows, but rather when they'll be airing.  I will miss Mad Men, but it feels as though it's never on anymore.  Also, I need closure!

Stories like this will probably be more common over the next few years, but I can't imagine how long they will last.

Now this is a go-to restaurant.

Good luck with these two.

This seems like an interesting blog.  I don't know how well I can relate, but maybe that's why I'm interested in it.  Some would say we *should* be able to relate.

What a gigantic waste of time... the investigation, I mean.  I would totally host a supper club.

I'm making all of these.

I was thinking a little more about the culture preference, and I decided that I'm actually not a big fan of it.  I thought of this posting from the NPR blog linked above.  I guess I don't think of culture as something that needs to be protected and preserved.  I think of it as something that can be shared, and something that can change.  The mom is teaching her daughter Mandarin, ostensibly to preserve her Chinese culture, but what's really going on?  Well, she married a white guy, and that guy started learning Mandarin (his efforts were not exactly successful, but that's not really the point).  Also, the daughter's culture will invariably be some blend of her heritage and her surroundings, just as her mom's was.  Culture isn't some stagnant set of notions.  But when people decide that they can only date or marry someone from their own culture, they miss one of the most important lessons - though our various cultures might seem different, we actually have far more in common than we often realize.  A Christian person might decide that he is only interested in marrying another Christian, but what he has really done is 1) reject scores of women with whom he may have much in common and 2) missed out on the potential to share his faith with someone else who may not be a Christian, which I'm pretty sure the Bible tells us to do. *dismounting from high horse*


musty-eyed bear

remember we did those stretches while on the cleanse? part deux

the responses to that "how to be a man" from gselevator were extremely negative. like, women reading it interpreted "license to rape" into every single advice bit ("unaccompanied women want you to talk to them? maybe they're strong independent women! and that doesn't give you a license to rape them!"). i would link the article but it's very very stupid. you get the gist anyway.

i changed my goals for the week because morning yoga is not a possibility right now. but i should have time next week for it. ah to be able to get up at 6am not panicked. what a luxury.

i wanted to send you some NY bridge news but 80% of the bridge news in NY is jumpers. you might enjoy this more. of course, that reminded me of this blog and its cool animations and graphics.

on the party list

thoughts on miss america:

i obviously don't care that miss america is indian. but i thought her answer to her question was abysmal (I always think that about pageant answers though; of course, this one hit closer to home)

"In the interview portion of Sunday's pageant, Davuluri was asked about Chinese-American journalist Julie Chen's decision to have eyelid surgery to advance her career.
"I don't agree with plastic surgery; however, I can understand that from a standpoint," Davuluri said, delivering a noncommittal, diplomatic answer. "But more importantly, I've always viewed a Miss America as the girl next door, and the girl next door is evolving as the diversity in America evolves. She's not who she was 10 years ago, and she's not going to be the same come 10 years down the road. So I wouldn't want to change someone's looks or appearance, but definitely be confident in who you are."

miss california - I don't agree with her answer but it was well-articulated and was probably the right answer for a pageant. also that's a crazy question to get at a pageant.

kinda luv the little introductions they gave themselves near the bottom of the article

this is the best dog:

also his jacket looks cozy. his outfit looks cozy. i could rock that.

i had no idea that kind of racism still exists. also i would totally quit that sorority if that happened. of course, they probably wouldn't have let me join if that happened.

hugging has always been complicated. =D not for bears and bunnies though.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Speaking of Racism...

This story brings me hope.  It's (obviously) not because of the outcome here, but rather because all the kids seem to be completely outraged by the lingering racial discrimination, in a break from the previous generation.  In a way they're going along with it, but not as quietly as they might have 20 years ago.

DC Law schools have gotten on the struggle bus.

Hugging is apparently complicated now...

I think we need some balance after the heavy stories above...

This is just too cute.


personal anecdotes

so she was runner-up to miss america (the first indian miss america ever apparently) but she's also my mom's friend's niece. ms. california that is.

yeah i bet eli manning is better at running <insert some kind of disparaging joke here>

i answered a question on quora.

the happiest bear:

why did that chipotle commercial make you feel bad about yourself?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Goals for the Week

You should modify this document and add your own goals under your name.  (And delete this sentence and the previous one when you do.)


1. Finish unpacking.

2. Go for one run this week after work.

3. Meet up with at least one non-work person.


1. Do morning yoga 1 day this week.

2. Collect all things to donate to Goodwill

3. Continue POTD. =D

City Life + Movie Time!

Careful, bunny!  There's a naughty raccoon on the loose!  Speaking of which, when I was biking in Central Park yesterday, I saw a couple of raccoons.  I didn't know they had woodland creatures in Manhattan.

The first part isn't that interesting, but the second is what you've been waiting for.

This is something I may want, especially since the dry cleaners in my building have a $20 minimum for credit cards (which is against their agreement with the credit card companies, but nobody cares).

This makes me 1) feel bad about myself, 2) want Chipotle, and 3) feel better about myself for wanting Chipotle.  It's also awesome.

If you have an additional 3 minutes, I would check this one out as well.


Friday, September 13, 2013

now for your video watching

speaking languages

this is probably not the right response but i really liked kanye west more after reading this

i think scarlett johansson has a really good accent but her face is super weird. maybe i'm too tough on actresses. i think the mark of someone good is they have to be utterly compelling - they have to have a certain presence that makes them watchable. and i think it's important that they show different sides like a normal person- particularly if they're a bad guy and you still end up liking them. and maybe women just aren't written into those roles. like joseph gordon levitt is supposed to be a gross meathead but you can already tell that you like him, whereas she's just hot. if she was made to look ugly, it would be a chore to watch.

this girl on the other hand has the worst stage presence/acting ability ever. she was in the office and i'm like, who is this terrible girl and why was she cast? i looked her up and she's the same girl that was in those magic mike commercials where i said, wow, who is that girl that is so bad everyone should apologize to keanu reeves? daughter of  warner brothers/disney exec.


on nyc cartoons: nice!

on how to be a man: i think he clarifies at the end "Remember, “rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.”  but there's only 1 i disagree with is: If you want a nice umbrella, bring a sh*tty one to church. what does that even mean? why can't you just bring your normal umbrella and take a nicer one? why does it have to be a bad umbrella? and :Time is too short to do your own laundry." but i actually like doing laundry as opposed to dishes. also, eww are undershirts supposed to soak up your sweat? 

on celebrity imperfections: those aren't really imperfections (they all involve their hands!) and you don't know if the celebrities are ok with it. i don't think there's any way of fixing those imperfections but maybe if there were, they would fix them. well, except seal. that's a real imperfection but again - don't think there's any way to fix it. then again, he went into a field that doesn't matter as much what he looks like - and then married heidi klum. overachiever.

gen y: yeah, that seems to explain it. but are gen y people really that unhappy?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

New York

This was helpful for getting adjusted to NYC.

And this was kinda neat too.

I think you could appreciate this way more than I.

This seems like a straightforward explanation of the problem.

Many of these make sense.  Some really don't...

Many celebrities are comfortable with their imperfections.



I just listened to the Stuff You Should Know podcast on how breast implants work.  It was... weird.  Speaking of artificiality, I thought this story was interesting and along the same lines.  What would you do in these circumstances?  I honestly don't know what I would do...

Instagram is trying to make money.  Can we move beyond ads, though?  I think I'd rather pay for some stuff.

I don't want to jinx it, but maybe DC is learning out to be competent.

I don't know what the problem is...


food and exercise day

some are weird but those soba noodles look pretty yummy and easy

so many ruts to bust

i know renaming is lame but why is one food stamps program the "women infants and children" program? are poor women as helpless as infants and children?

also these criticisms are weird:
Critics of Roe’s proposal say that the tighter nutritional requirements would actually be more of a burden for low-income individuals and families who rely on SNAP funds. (of course it's more of a burden. isn't that the point?) They also point out that Roe previously opposed efforts by first lady Michelle Obama to improve national school lunch nutritional standards. (so? incidentally the article linked to, while very liberal, talks about how students were barred from getting seconds and how the school staff threw away any extra food. not exactly helping to feed the hungry kids there. )

i think what they're getting at here is that maybe low-income people do purchase healthful food but maybe they're purchasing less healthy food with their food stamp card as a supplement. sorry, your doritoes have to come out of your own money.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


i saw this a little while ago and thought it was hilarious. there is something of a cottage industry for these but i thought this one was the most subtle.

addendum to the isabella post- i won't put any lyrics in....

and from the tom sietsema chat today:


Does Mike Isabella think there's some sort of contest to see who can open the most restaurants in the shortest amount of time? It doesn't count if they all implode within a few months, like Bandolero, dude.
  • – 
    September 11, 2013 10:55 AM 
I do not worry that Kapnos, or any other Isabella venture from here on out, is going to implode.  He has a good team in place.
– September 11, 2013 11:28 AM

i don't know all these songs but i like the ones i do know

one of the best answers of all time

is this too weird?

apparently the u.s. isn't taking to the syria thing and doing something on 9/11 seems pretty gauche but i still have to read your posted articles.

if you had stayed in rosslyn, well you wouldn't have starved. but it would have been less delicious.

ok the first one's not a bear but how could i not?

have we even started talking up the mother yet?

this was more helpful re syria than those wsj articles

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Enforcer Bear is on the Prowl

In a world that features crystal meth, chemical weapons, and this woman, I don't know how Crossfit could be everything that is wrong with America.  But this person seems to think it is, though it's not obvious why until the end.

Here is some news on the new iPhones.

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm going to have a candy bar while I think about it. :)

At this point, I mostly agree with Ted Cruz on Syria.  And George Will has a point too.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

isabella ella ella eh eh

kapnos got 2.5 stars

g is doing ok as well

his cookbook comes out later this month

graffiato has a new chef but the article is largely uninteresting

this came up when i looked up graffiato but it's not about it

not isabella but close. among places to get snakehead - range!

isabella-adjacent: i always find that asian people tend to scoop up the money though not necessarily the acclaim

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Too Slow

Jay and I were talking about it last week.  In case you haven't been in the loop (I hadn't until Jay told me about it):

James Taranto provided a nice take on it.  Mine is similar to his, though I am particularly annoyed that Obama went to Congress when few think he needed to just to launch a couple of cruise missiles.

At this point, rather than leading, Obama has punted the problem to Congress.  Also, everybody's credibility is on the line except his.

Also, Great Britain won't be a part of any action against Syria since the House of Commons voted it down.

In other news:

We were too slow on this.

Ohio jailers were too slow on preventing this from happening.  Of course, if I were in charge, I would not have been in any particular rush to stop him...


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Get Excited!

How about an ode to fried chicken, thanks to the Wall Street Journal?

Here is the article about the dad who killed the child molester and avoided indictment.

I hope you're still getting excited for RGIII's return.

Articles like these remind me how much of a dork I am.


2. Amen.

3. Schaller & Weber is super close to me.  I will be checking them out after I move into my real apartment.

4. I was at South Street Seaport yesterday with Tim McK and Caitlin.  (Note: they are going to the U.S. Open tonight, and I am super jealous.)  There is some outdoor stuff (we were at Beekman Beer Garden, which I am convinced turns into an outdoor club of some sort on Friday and Saturday night), but the mall is a little sad.


culture but mostly food

 red velvet + shake shack

on being a nice guy but only because we talked about it before. i thought this article was more interesting.

because you have to get your meat

the only thing i got out of this was that the south street seaport is dying - that's where they opened america's next top greatest best restaurant with such fanfare