Wednesday, September 18, 2013

This Seems Odd

Apparently Mad Men is getting extended - not in terms of number of shows, but rather when they'll be airing.  I will miss Mad Men, but it feels as though it's never on anymore.  Also, I need closure!

Stories like this will probably be more common over the next few years, but I can't imagine how long they will last.

Now this is a go-to restaurant.

Good luck with these two.

This seems like an interesting blog.  I don't know how well I can relate, but maybe that's why I'm interested in it.  Some would say we *should* be able to relate.

What a gigantic waste of time... the investigation, I mean.  I would totally host a supper club.

I'm making all of these.

I was thinking a little more about the culture preference, and I decided that I'm actually not a big fan of it.  I thought of this posting from the NPR blog linked above.  I guess I don't think of culture as something that needs to be protected and preserved.  I think of it as something that can be shared, and something that can change.  The mom is teaching her daughter Mandarin, ostensibly to preserve her Chinese culture, but what's really going on?  Well, she married a white guy, and that guy started learning Mandarin (his efforts were not exactly successful, but that's not really the point).  Also, the daughter's culture will invariably be some blend of her heritage and her surroundings, just as her mom's was.  Culture isn't some stagnant set of notions.  But when people decide that they can only date or marry someone from their own culture, they miss one of the most important lessons - though our various cultures might seem different, we actually have far more in common than we often realize.  A Christian person might decide that he is only interested in marrying another Christian, but what he has really done is 1) reject scores of women with whom he may have much in common and 2) missed out on the potential to share his faith with someone else who may not be a Christian, which I'm pretty sure the Bible tells us to do. *dismounting from high horse*


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