Monday, June 30, 2014

Me, Myself, and I

This might be more for me than you.

If you're going to move to DC, which you shouldn't, you should live in one of these.

I was friends with Evan Baehr in college.  He's going places.

Apparently some people can't handle having a Fitbit.


1. Isn't this where you involve the police...?  Yeah, I get that she was probably pissed, but don't take it out on the children.

2. There are some nice ideas there.  It's blocked on my work computer for some reason, but I'll check it out before my next trip to the grocery store, which should be in approximately 2 months.

3. Didn't John Cougar Mellencamp write a song about this - "Jack and Diane"?  That said, I've always thought it best to delay being "cool" until you're an adult because then you can do whatever you want.

4. I'll never read enough articles like this.

5. Was that staged?  It had to have been, right?

6. Avocado ice cream was our beets before beets (in that it has created psychological problems, not in that we ate too much of it).  One day!

7. I was going to link to that!


Thursday, June 26, 2014


the worst way to run a business

proof that you can eat well on food stamps? a lot of good ideas here. granted, we don't need to live on foodstamps but i think they take lack of time into account.

people always want to show that the cool kids are bald and lame when they're older

the best hamburger: a how to

because who doesn't love a good dance showdown?

was this what we were supposed to do?

very similar to the cutest vid of all time - the imaginary video of when bunny met bear

1. it's kind of cute? do we want cute though?
2. mixed feelings. i mean, what a waste of jail space. but also, hey you get that debt paid pretty quickly. then again, i guess the problem is  you don't get a choice.
3. i think it's going to take multiple views for me to figure out what just happened there.
4. i'm not pretentious, says the article. but that's so not true. maybe i just like ambiguity, confusion and being a rebel.
5. it shows that you're mean to knock someone when they're down. it shows that you need to accomplish something with your life to mock someone who is possibly the greatest of all time.
6. it's hard not to like him more and more.

Monday, June 23, 2014


We've found the key to victory in 2016.

Apparently, debtor's prison is real.  Too real.

OK Go produced another gem of a music video.

What does your (dis)belief in the Oxford comma say about you?

Lebron is (and probably always will be) a polarizing player, and for (some) good reason, but maybe the "debate" that is happening is really really dumb.

Louis CK is smart.

The Rock is great.


1. But would you have believed it had you not paid hundreds of dollars for said advice?

2. "Five minutes spent squeezing yourself could save your life."

3. Insane lists filled with factoids are the internet at its best.

4. I'll take some Bach.

5. It's good to know those services are available for our friends.

6. Yet more evidence that social science is hot garbage.


3. I think this might just be going after women who buy clothes for their fellas.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Touch a Sea Slug

Well if I had just read this article, that would have saved me hundreds in therapy.

i love things like this list. it's my wunderlist on steroids.

I probably shouldn't read askmen but it's like buzzfeed/crack. and now i have a reason to touch a sea slug. and maybe listen to allegri's miserere.

some of these are self-explanatory but some are surprising. maybe i'll gift everyone some bach for christmas.

i love this

apparently, donald trump is married for his looks

1. it definitely seems that it's the way you described. especially because it never says that the people who most trust fox news actually watch fox news. for instance, i would choose fox news over the other sources that they provided but i have watched maybe an hour of fox news in my entire life. i've watched far more msnbc (against my will), cnn and the daily show. a far more interesting survey would ask where people actually get their news.

2. should i feel bad that they call one of my favorite heroes "a feminine hero"  as if he's just reacting whereas other heroes are acting. aren't all heroes reacting? they don't save damsels not in distress.

3. i don't know what dads/men think about fashion. my dad wears the same old navy hawaiian shirts whenever he has the chance to. his clothes are probably 10 years old. my brother has a closet devoted to grey sweatshirts. my brother in law wears clothes he inherited from his grandfather. obviously none of them are stylish and all of them wear dockers or dockers-like clothing. however, i think it makes sense that dockers would think this would work as a marketing ploy - if we assume men are similar to women. for women, it's always been, make the consumer fear something they've never thought of before but only after they've made it cool. first it became cool to show your thongs; then came all this stuff to remove visible panty lines. visible bra straps were in fashion until fancy bras came about for you to hide them. now retailers make backless, cropped, sheer, unstable clothing that requires you to buy so many more things. stay away from it men! just wear your dadpants!

4. hi cute puppies! and kitty. whatever.

5. i don't understand how the ncaa's winning argument is supposed to be because amaeturism (not paying athletes) is at the "core" of their mission.

2. this is that rare instance of sad funny that i really like.

5. tree-hugging indeed.

6. why would i use that app? that's totally up your alley, history bear.

i agree. people should use their brains more. 

Friday, June 13, 2014


This article suggests that Republicans who watch Fox News are led to hold more conservative viewpoints than those who do not, but an equally (if not more) compelling explanation is that Republicans who are more conservative than average are more likely to watch Fox News.

Speed is 20 years old this year.  How about an homage?

Dockers is apparently engaging in some misdirection on this one, but at least they're trying?

This is an interesting study about allergies, but mostly I just thought the animals were cute.

The NCAA is in court trying to prevent players from getting paid.  The plaintiffs randomly invoked Little League.


1. Bacon + science = good times.  Wait, whom are we kidding... bacon = good times.

2. Some of those were sadly funny, but I feel bad for the people who wasted all that time and ended up with hot garbage.

3. I want to make pig candy (i.e. candied bacon).  Those are some decent ideas for the office, though.

4. Not sure what to make of this story.  That your parents and upbringing play a huge role in your ultimate position as an adult seems obvious (and not necessarily in conflict with the Horatio Alger idea).  It's obviously sad that so many poor black kids struggle to get out of poverty, but this study seems less about being born poor and more about being born poor in a shitty neighborhood with no sense of community outside the context of illegal activity.  I wonder what happens when you look at parents who make an effort to care about their kids' education.

5. Koalas are not part of the bear family, but we are friends, even though they are tree-hugging hippies.

6. Have you used it?  Seems interesting.


6. I get that it's easy to avoid (in the same way that DUI's are easy to avoid since the NFL pays car services to pick players up), but it's different because 1) many of these drugs aren't themselves PEDs but rather used in conjuction with PEDs, 2) the way he went about it would be perfectly reasonable but for the (in my view) unreasonable policy, and 3) they could always have the system they have now, except make the appeals process worth something, i.e. allow his doctor to explain the screw-up.  I am actually fine with the burden being on the player to prove he was not cheating given that the player has all the information about what he's taking, but in this case, the player proved exactly that and the NFL's response was, "We don't actually care to use our brains to analyze this situation."  That seems wrong to me.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014


it's bacon!

maybe because i'm an aspiring diy-er martha stewart type, but i couldn't breathe while reading this - it was too funny

snack attack

so apparently there's almost no way you'll make it out of poverty

are koalas part of the bear family?

this seems like an app that would interest you

1. i don't really know how these things work but it seems dicey that they didn't go through Congress before making that swap. There are all these new stories about Bergdahl now, that I ignore, but I think the Repubs make some good claims - 5:1 seems like a bad ratio and it does seem to encourage kidnapping our troops.

2. seems like a neat fairytale house but they kept referring it to never never land, which is now a tarnished name after MJ, beloved as he was.

3. i saw an article today about how "healthy" foods aren't so healthy (it's in a mag so I can't post it). it's basically things like juicing has a lot of sugar or when we eat kale, we usually load it up with ridiculously unhealthy things to get it down. i'm not going to stop juicing but i do think that everything needs to be in moderation.

4. let me remind you of the name of this blog....

5. yes that's disappointing for republicans but also disappointing is the lack of diversity in commencement speakers. why is cory booker booked for 3 speeches in the same year, none of which are new jersey schools? seems like a lack of imagination. we really need more mindy kalings. also i totally want to see what neil degrasse tyson had to say.

6. i'm pretty sure mark cuban didn't want this to come to a vote but i think he is an honest man. too honest.

4. yeah i think it's a little outside my wheelhouse but bunny likes thinking in new ways and surprising bears, who think they know all there is to know about bunnies.

1. it's a very paternalistic viewpoint mired in old male-female stereotypes. we have to protect the women! the man must have been the aggressor even though he was drunk. she obviously didn't want to do it. she obviously regrets it and feels violated. he obviously is fine. i mean part of it is that people are telling them how to feel. i'm sure that if a girl reports a drunken hookup, someone will say, you should report it! and if a guy reports it, he'll probably get a high five.

2. true. we can't start litigating the lies people tell on dates. at some point, people need to judge character and fend for themselves.

6. i don't think it assumes that players are bad faith but there's an easy way to keep everything on the up and up. i mean, everyone can have the best intentions but you don't want to give the appearance of favoritism over someone taking a hormone. yeah maybe everyone should view everyone as innocent until guilty but people are going to talk and you want to cut that out at the pass. just talk to the team doctor before doing anything. that's all.

this is why i want to visit greece.

Monday, June 2, 2014


There have been so many examples recently of the tension between (allegedly) good outcomes and preexisting rules.  Here is another one.  How do you come out?

Louis CK bought a house.

This is the article I mentioned about fat and our diets.

Too weird.  Too far.

Though this trend has recently affected some progressives, it undoubtedly has affected conservatives more.  I wonder whether it'll reverse itself if a Republican President is elected in 2016.

Either Mark Cuban is an honest man or he is super glad that this didn't actually come to a vote.


1. Now that I have a few more deals under my belt, I should probably update mine.

2. This is my favorite.  RIP, Maya Angelou.  (Those are some great quotes, though.)

3. Co-sign.  I don't really care whose fault it is as long as people keep coming out in opposition to this nonsense and offering a better way.

4. Those are interesting, the last one especially so.  I'm surprised (though pleasantly) that you liked it.

5. I'm going to start planking three times a day.

6. I've always kinda wanted to go to Iceland.

7. Should I learn how to code?


1. This makes me think that we need to reevaluate how we think about sexual crimes.  The one issue I had with Coughlin's analysis was the disparate treatment between drunk guys and drunk ladies.  Yes, the law typically does not allow drunkenness to be an excuse for crimes where the mens rea is recklessness or malice, but taking a step back and thinking about the circumstances around a drunken hookup might be worthwhile.  She notes that guys don't typically report rape in the event of a hookup where they were too drunk to consent.  But there are strong societal reasons why they don't.  It seems that the criminal justice system does a poor job of dealing with drunken hookups.

2. "I'm an astronaut, let's sleep together" isn't puffery.  But I don't think that the person who says that is a rapist (or has committed any crime really).

6. Yes, the rules are in place and are clear, and as a result he has himself to blame.  But I don't like the rules because they assume bad faith on the part of players.  Maybe that's a reasonable assumption when it comes to PEDs, but if so then that makes me sad about humanity.