Tuesday, June 10, 2014


it's bacon!

maybe because i'm an aspiring diy-er martha stewart type, but i couldn't breathe while reading this - it was too funny

snack attack

so apparently there's almost no way you'll make it out of poverty

are koalas part of the bear family?

this seems like an app that would interest you

1. i don't really know how these things work but it seems dicey that they didn't go through Congress before making that swap. There are all these new stories about Bergdahl now, that I ignore, but I think the Repubs make some good claims - 5:1 seems like a bad ratio and it does seem to encourage kidnapping our troops.

2. seems like a neat fairytale house but they kept referring it to never never land, which is now a tarnished name after MJ, beloved as he was.

3. i saw an article today about how "healthy" foods aren't so healthy (it's in a mag so I can't post it). it's basically things like juicing has a lot of sugar or when we eat kale, we usually load it up with ridiculously unhealthy things to get it down. i'm not going to stop juicing but i do think that everything needs to be in moderation.

4. let me remind you of the name of this blog....

5. yes that's disappointing for republicans but also disappointing is the lack of diversity in commencement speakers. why is cory booker booked for 3 speeches in the same year, none of which are new jersey schools? seems like a lack of imagination. we really need more mindy kalings. also i totally want to see what neil degrasse tyson had to say.

6. i'm pretty sure mark cuban didn't want this to come to a vote but i think he is an honest man. too honest.

4. yeah i think it's a little outside my wheelhouse but bunny likes thinking in new ways and surprising bears, who think they know all there is to know about bunnies.

1. it's a very paternalistic viewpoint mired in old male-female stereotypes. we have to protect the women! the man must have been the aggressor even though he was drunk. she obviously didn't want to do it. she obviously regrets it and feels violated. he obviously is fine. i mean part of it is that people are telling them how to feel. i'm sure that if a girl reports a drunken hookup, someone will say, you should report it! and if a guy reports it, he'll probably get a high five.

2. true. we can't start litigating the lies people tell on dates. at some point, people need to judge character and fend for themselves.

6. i don't think it assumes that players are bad faith but there's an easy way to keep everything on the up and up. i mean, everyone can have the best intentions but you don't want to give the appearance of favoritism over someone taking a hormone. yeah maybe everyone should view everyone as innocent until guilty but people are going to talk and you want to cut that out at the pass. just talk to the team doctor before doing anything. that's all.

this is why i want to visit greece.

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