Wednesday, July 30, 2014

the return of the bunny

i've been to 2 of these. you've been to at least 1.

i'm going to do #23 from now on.

an asian american actor died. he was in die hard and voiced General Li in Mulan. Why did they feel the need to get asian american actors to voice characters in mulan?

i feel like the mentality that this article is combating is why a lot of americans are fat. it's the guilt of eating and then crazy starvation that makes the body retain fat because of all the stress.

seems like a good thing to have in my back pocket with all this traveling.

a burning restaurant patron question

responses to ylt#1
1. well, but wouldn't this be perfect for that bright eyes singer guy? also that star wars kid for sure. but yes, censorship without limits would be bad.
2. yeah, that would be not ideal.
3. i think i'm going to courthouse exclusively from now on.
5. i have no problem with people paying kim kardashian for whatever they think she's worth. i guess i have no problem necessarily with chelsea clinton because i don't think hillary will get elected and i don't think that  inviting chelsea to speak really curries that much favor with the clintons, who have tons of rich people trying to give them money. maybe that's the wrong way to think about it....
4. empathy seems to be the answer to so many things. maybe that's why there are so many love songs.
5. seems to have gotten lost in the hubbub. poor mitt.

responses to ylt#2
3. tons of snark. "thinks" will work. i'm not sure these are the best ideas to handle poverty but he may be using a strategic conservative approach to obtain widespread support and maintain budget-neutrality. i applaud him for trying particularly since it's not a very sexy issue right now.
4. gah! wish i had done the one in nova scotia.
5. yeah that was surprisingly depressing.
6. i mean it's social science so shouldnt' we just question it all the time always?
7. i don't know what to think about this except sometimes the kardashians get it right.

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