Friday, October 31, 2014

The End of the Beginning of the End

It's not the end for cable companies, but it's past the beginning of the end. Maybe it's the end of the beginning of the end for cable companies.

It's crazy that chicken wings have become so expensive, but this is probably part of the reason why.

This is kinda neat.  It would certainly make it easier for amateur bicyclists to keep up in traffic.

Ruh roh...

And now for an ode to Pulp Fiction on the 20th anniversary of its release.

Is the time of the network TV sitcom over?

Responses to "But check the therapists!":

1. How did you end up at Chicago Magazine?  He does seem rather badass.

2. I've always loved Taken.  What a great movie, and what great feelings behind it.  As a sidenote, it's interesting that the way the subject expressed their aggression was through provision of hot sauce.

3. That's something I've heard before.  I wonder how much they exercise.

4. "It is no longer enough to record seemingly every last moment of life with your smartphone, it seems. Near death is fair game, too."  See, I would flip that, just as the guy says.  Unless all the people who take pictures of their food are doing so because it's their last meal before execution, there's a huge difference between using recording technology for good and using it to be a narcissist.

5. Are you trying to tell me that you're struggling with food?  You're not fat - you look great!

6. I have good ideas!  Also, I'm glad one massage a month is the bare (pun intended) minimum...

7. No more pigs in blankets?  This can't be good advice.  (Some of the other things they mention are interesting.)

8. That's pretty useful.

9. More great tips.  I feel about cooking the same as I do about playing guitar: mostly self-taught and some talent, but really rough around the edges.

10. I will review these.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Visit from Well Rested Bear

It's another story about how something that's supposed to be healthy might just be irrelevant.

He was just stopping by to say hello!  No need to make an international incident over it...

The NFL blackout rule is gone.

One of my favorite shows is getting some positive press.

Cuddling on demand is apparently getting more popularHere is a take from The Onion.

This story was bizarre.

This seems like bullying...

Responses to "The Politics of Pies":

1. This makes a lot of sense.  The chefs on TV say this sometimes, but the difference is that you have to learn how to cook a lot of stuff so you can actually adapt to what's in season.  You also have to learn what sorta goes together to make basic flavor combinations.  There's a lot of failed attempts followed by takeout before you get to the point where the author is, but that's part of the fun.

2. Would that we had the sort of life where there were tart emergencies...

3. It seems society should rethink how to fund things like science and general research.

4. The obvious response to threats of default would be to find ways to lower tuition.  It appears that this isn't happening...

5. He seems to have handled it quite well.  It's par for the course in politics, though, especially local politics.


1. The latter.

6. I'd do it if I were a pro football player making millions.


7. The fat train is the express train to death, whereas the thin train is the local - it makes more stops and takes the scenic route.  So unless you've become a fatalist and believe that nothing matters since we're all going to die anyway...


Monday, October 13, 2014

But check the therapists!

old people kicking ass

basically the science behind Taken

surprisingly honest and another thing to add to the fat-shaming debate

more on living in a selfie-ful world. though i have no problem with what that guy did. if i were in his situation, i'd probably record a note to my family as well. and i have a bad memory so my strategy is take a picture and then put the camera away.

out of left field but interesting to think about art

more incentive to go au natural just like bear

an informed cook is a good cook

this will let you know if you're getting a good deal on a product at amazon - timely because we have 5% back at amazon this quarter.

haven't clicked through it all yet but i always love rereading the basics

potential therapists - I didn't do a lot of research but from this brief look, I can investigate these people further once you choose some you don't think you'd hate.
pamela garber - skype only
ian lithgow - i assume this is in person. his father is john lithgow.
Katherine Schafler - annoying website but I think she deals with people like us.
Raven Maldonado-Brown - seems fine
Andrew Gottlieb - seems fine. specialty is lgbt but doesn't mean he can't do other things.