Friday, October 31, 2014

The End of the Beginning of the End

It's not the end for cable companies, but it's past the beginning of the end. Maybe it's the end of the beginning of the end for cable companies.

It's crazy that chicken wings have become so expensive, but this is probably part of the reason why.

This is kinda neat.  It would certainly make it easier for amateur bicyclists to keep up in traffic.

Ruh roh...

And now for an ode to Pulp Fiction on the 20th anniversary of its release.

Is the time of the network TV sitcom over?

Responses to "But check the therapists!":

1. How did you end up at Chicago Magazine?  He does seem rather badass.

2. I've always loved Taken.  What a great movie, and what great feelings behind it.  As a sidenote, it's interesting that the way the subject expressed their aggression was through provision of hot sauce.

3. That's something I've heard before.  I wonder how much they exercise.

4. "It is no longer enough to record seemingly every last moment of life with your smartphone, it seems. Near death is fair game, too."  See, I would flip that, just as the guy says.  Unless all the people who take pictures of their food are doing so because it's their last meal before execution, there's a huge difference between using recording technology for good and using it to be a narcissist.

5. Are you trying to tell me that you're struggling with food?  You're not fat - you look great!

6. I have good ideas!  Also, I'm glad one massage a month is the bare (pun intended) minimum...

7. No more pigs in blankets?  This can't be good advice.  (Some of the other things they mention are interesting.)

8. That's pretty useful.

9. More great tips.  I feel about cooking the same as I do about playing guitar: mostly self-taught and some talent, but really rough around the edges.

10. I will review these.


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