Monday, October 13, 2014

But check the therapists!

old people kicking ass

basically the science behind Taken

surprisingly honest and another thing to add to the fat-shaming debate

more on living in a selfie-ful world. though i have no problem with what that guy did. if i were in his situation, i'd probably record a note to my family as well. and i have a bad memory so my strategy is take a picture and then put the camera away.

out of left field but interesting to think about art

more incentive to go au natural just like bear

an informed cook is a good cook

this will let you know if you're getting a good deal on a product at amazon - timely because we have 5% back at amazon this quarter.

haven't clicked through it all yet but i always love rereading the basics

potential therapists - I didn't do a lot of research but from this brief look, I can investigate these people further once you choose some you don't think you'd hate.
pamela garber - skype only
ian lithgow - i assume this is in person. his father is john lithgow.
Katherine Schafler - annoying website but I think she deals with people like us.
Raven Maldonado-Brown - seems fine
Andrew Gottlieb - seems fine. specialty is lgbt but doesn't mean he can't do other things.

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