Monday, December 22, 2014

boy heroes and male villains

because we certainly will have our vacation!

more evidence that we know nothing about nutrition

i'm still catching up on this torture memo stuff. one of the associates at my firm said she was accosted by a person with a microphone and camera and asked her opinions on the memo. i think she was profiled for being a dressed up person on k st.

this was interesting - specifically that saying "hair" shows neuroticism. but i can kinda see it. and this seemed like therapy breakthrough - but perhaps it's only one of the reasons i never get anything done. also the enfp-ness of me.

this coming to an amazon near you

so when artists make and deliver it for free, it's this amazing and legendary bull and we pay for all that crappy art in and around charlottesville?

this boy is great. i don't think constantine can do this. but the real question is - is this only on theroot because he's black? would this story not have been covered otherwise? (granted, it's not exactly a fancy international news story but it's the kind of thing that is clickbait for so many outlets).

a frugal recipe to try out.

some anecdotes about the original white meat

the new diet fad

1. i'm making a recipe off that site tonight. but i learned that it doesn't actually take that long so i will have to find a recipe for tougher meat to try later.

2. that's not really applicable to either of us but i understand his sentiment. of course, he could also be very wrong if the s&p has a down few years.

3. this seems to be the right way to approach the uva story. although jezebel is still twisting it its way as mightily as it can. feminists's need to control the story, every and any story, even if it looks like it won't help them in the long run - looks as if they're really covering something up. if campus sexual assault is as big a problem as they say it is, then it shouldn't be a problem finding another story. so maybe feminists don't even believe the stuff that is coming out of their mouths?

btw wapo and slate have done an excellent job with coverage of the rape issue. maybe wsj has too but i can't read any of their articles!

4. it's cute and i definitely starting noticing when quarterbacks clapped or congratulated the other side for whatever reasons during sunday's game.

2. i mean, i'd throw some cushions out first so they could land on them.
4. social media doesn't write my stories. in any case, i feel like my best stories are my dreams and of my childhood.


i believe that it is a bridge too far to suggest that liz seccurro's story shows a rape culture 30 years after it happened. i'm not convinced it's a rape culture 30 years ago so much as an inept administrator and police. it doesn't appear that people are protecting a random rapist or saying rape is ok. it doesn't even say that the frats condoned rape as we don't really know if she was gang raped. it's not enough to point to a few bad apples in an incident and call it a culture. but i guess this is jackie's last stand? the last chance feminists have of twisting the story and hoping that no one notices the big holes here - that this story is too old and anecdotal to represent a culture.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Good Ideas

Crockpots are quite versatile - here are some recipe ideas.

This is an interesting counterpoint to the idea of paying your loans off as quickly as possible.  It's something I've thought about (given the current interest rates at below 4%), though having a $1,757/month loan payment is a bit debilitating on a non-biglaw salary.  The amounts that these kids are paying are chump change...

This is a good way to think about being anti-rape and wanting to do something about it, understanding the substantial difficulties in proving rape in court, and nonetheless being dismayed at the holes in the UVA story.  Most people are anti-rape but also pro-truth.  It would be nice if feminist activists realized that about the vast majority of UVA students (or people generally) following this story.

I love how confused everyone is by Andrew Luck's "trash talking."


1. That's a nice idea.  I hope that the recipients end up participating (i.e. paying it forward) as well.

2. Oh no!  Make sure bear and penguin bring their emergency parachutes!

3. Does this mean I can get a puppy?  What if I come home and play with him during lunch?

4. It's a nice idea.  I wonder whether social media is doing the job for us, though.

5. What a sad story...  This reminds me of my little brother, though he's not quite there yet.

6. This article hit all the right notes.  I fear that people are more interested in amassing evidence for their position these days than the truth.


2. It's like the tail-end of something, with a connotation of said end being in poor shape.  But your point about freedom and security is apt - it's a constant tension, and I think many in our generation have experienced mostly the pitfalls of freedom (e.g. freedom to fail, freedom to take out thousands in loans, freedom of others not to hire you).

3. The problem is that feminists who believe that feminism equals particular choices (as opposed to those who believe that feminism equals choice in general) are dominating the stage right now.  Feminists in the latter category are starting to speak up, though, and that's a good thing.  By the way, I have always contended that having schools trying rape (even if the punishment is just expulsion rather than jail) is a bad idea.  Schools are bad at it, and their motives are either reputational (i.e. they don't want to be known as the rape school, so they suppress and deter women from going through with it) or monetary (i.e. they don't want to lose federal funding for being in violation of Title IX, so they become too eager to convict to show that they're serious about rape).


The woman who was gang raped 30 years ago wrote about her experience separately.  Based on the article, she tried to pursue criminal charges but UVA questioned the veracity of her claim based on faulty assumptions about why she was seeking to press charges (which is obviously insensitive, prejudicial, and wrong), and then fed her misinformation about jurisdiction (claiming that the Charlottesville Police had none).  Neither issue exists anymore (for all its faults, the new system is accommodating to the victim's concerns and in fact gives her the option (for better or worse) of going to the police), and but for these issues justice may have been served a lot earlier, and perhaps against all of the guilty parties instead of just the one who confessed.  If that's true, then what more do we have to learn from this anecdote?  It seems unlikely to prove that there's a rape culture within frats without more proven incidents like this one, and the issues that we can glean from her story seem to have been addressed at least somewhat successfully.  What is the point of suggesting a "rape culture" based on this story?


Friday, December 12, 2014

the good stories edition

paying it forward

what would you save if your apartment was burning? i thought about this for a minute. I would throw my dresses, bear and penguin off the balcony because they won't break. i would grab my luggage (to hold everything), hard drive, computer, purse (which i hope would contain my phones), coat, chargers, glasses, a pair of shoes and favorite umbrella. It took me a long time to pick and choose all those dresses and I love them all. I would hate replacing them. *My passport and photo albums are at my parents' house. My favorite cards from Bear are in my office.

quora is asking all the right questions

about writing your own good stories - because you may have a good memory now, but will you always?

this reminded me of my brother

ok one bad story but well reported. all you ever wanted to know about rape myths

1. i saw that story on the metro express and instantly straightened my head a little. i also tend to go on back straightening binges with my family but they never listen. not for long anyway.

2. i would've thought cross college was upset that there was someone saying the pro-abortion side at all but upset that they were just men? that's a bridge a little too far.also what is "fag-end"?

i think there might be a life cycle to these types of things. people have freedom and then they're so used to freedom that they take it for granted and desire comfort. comfort gets taken too far so that it's basically censorship and we have a hong kong situation. hopefully we can get freedom back after that but at least we'll want it and appreciate it then.

3. the lawyer describes herself as a feminist but against all these feminist views about college tribunals on sexual assault. the word either has a negative or no meaning at this point. however, missing from this article is the idea that maybe schools shouldn't be handling this crime at all, which i think is the ultimately correct solution.

4. karen, the lady who hosts community group,was rapt with attention to the uva scandal because her son went there. it's quite a thing for mothers to be upset for their sons now (because apparently there are some women who care about the boys' side in rape stories). i expect much more pushback along these lines.

5. i liked the idea of calling their mothers but yes, i read a quote: "wisdom is knowing what things to overlook" and online harassers is definitely one of them.

6. i'm more of a satisficer i guess. i got a 41. But i do check all the radio stations every time!

7. dogs are always a good idea.

8. maybe people who look bad in slow motion are jealous. but they probably also look bad in normal motion.

4. i think going to a movie is different. it can be more akin to reading a book. it can very much be a solitary activity though i guess society would have you think it's a group activity. you watch movies and tv alone in your room. the movie theatre is just a more expensive way of doing that. =P

5. yeah the guy is just a rando who was publicizing his blog on comment boards. sketchy true but he does have his sources in order and this is the most comprehensive account by far.

Yes going to court and reliving the past isn't fun but it still seems questionable to me that so few rape victims do it. that liz securro person prosecuted her rape guy when he confessed in a letter some 20/30 years later. all these cosby attackers are reliving their memories. i can understand a few women doing this but that so many are expected to avoid court - many more than other traumatizing crimes? i just don't think it all adds up. maybe there just aren't as many rapes as people think there are.

Monday, December 8, 2014


When I read this, my neck immediately started hurting. 

This is a disheartening trend, but at least people are talking about it.  For now...

Speaking of disheartening trends, people are starting to push back here as well.

I expect more pushback along these lines.

And this one is long overdue.

Which one are you?  My score was 38 (out of a possible 91), which would put me in the 30th percentile and pretty close to being a satisficer.

This is such a good idea.

These stories are always good for a face palm.


1. That makes a lot of sense.  I'm going to try these things.

2. Adorbs.

3. Adorbs: Part 2.

4. All good points.  But for me it's less the social anxiety of it and more the notion that going to the movies is a social experience.  I'm similarly reluctant to go to a sporting event, a bar, or a restaurant (for dinner) myself because I don't derive as much pleasure alone.  Perhaps going to the movies is different, though, because there is not much socializing going on during the movie.

5. Interesting read. The penultimate paragraph before the addendum says it all: "Such [a female victimization] ideology, and the movement built around it, actually diminishes the status of women while vilifying the character of men, thereby militating against the kind of egalitarian and just community that the original feminists envisioned."  That said, who is this guy?  He seems to have his sources well in order.


2. Also, I think a wider range of people fly now.

6. I've read some of the coverage, and I think there are definitely some unanswered questions.  I wonder what role outsiders are playing in rape analysis.  Both in Dunham's story and in this Yale story, to name one example, the friends have to convince the victim that she is a victim (and in both cases the issue raised is presence or absence of clear, affirmative consent).


6. Nicole Kidman isn't playing Paddington, but rather the bad guy.  She didn't want her kids to see her tormenting poor Paddington.


3. There is something to be said for not wanting to relive the experience on the witness stand, but I think that experience is more generalizable than advocates suggest (and I think that generalizing can be helpful because it could help remove some of the stigma).


Sunday, December 7, 2014

the happy birthday bear edition (unfortunately there's quite a bit about assault)

apparently we create our own luck

it's videos like this that make the internet worth it

get psyched

this showed up in my feed. seemed appropriate though perhaps it should have gone into your feed.

a complete recap of the whole uva story for posterity


1. that's useful but i haven't been able to get it to work yet.

2. the next generation will not understand this smoking section idea at all. Then again, it's a pretty idiotic idea. and really once they put inseat entertainment, flights were changed forever for the better. there's no going back. i went to china having to watch the dvd's my friend brought and intermittently going slightly crazy.

3. i guess i can agree that politeness serves as a socially acceptable censor. free speech exists apart from politeness and often directly in opposition to it.

4. they seem to connect ghosting with technology but i'm not sure it's that much easier to escape now than before. i mean, people can track you online now.

5. i don't agree with any of what the author thinks is good or bad about those shows. i think it's been going badly this season. however, this was an important gem from the story.

6. i mean i don't care for or against her messiness but i'm not much for lena dunham's rape story 

1. i thought the 4- hour body would be something like - "outsource your workout." but it seems to be heavily researched for the optimal health results with the least effort. so it seems interesting. though i had to return it because it was on hold for someone else. i'll let you know.

2. it was supposed to be a link but i can't remember for what. maybe that dumpling restaurant in queens that you said you would never go to.

4. that first sentence is incredibly sad.

6. nicole kidman plays paddington?!?!?!role of a lifetime.

3. in re princeton: this cosby accuser kinda reminds me of what feminists want to do with sexual assault cases - reducing the statute of limitations and putting the emphasis on shaming perpetrators and not questioning victims. what kills me about the cosby accusers is that you have 16 or so women and maybe 1 went to the police. do women really care so little about other women that they wouldn't alert someone to the danger? do they really care so little about themselves?