Monday, December 22, 2014

boy heroes and male villains

because we certainly will have our vacation!

more evidence that we know nothing about nutrition

i'm still catching up on this torture memo stuff. one of the associates at my firm said she was accosted by a person with a microphone and camera and asked her opinions on the memo. i think she was profiled for being a dressed up person on k st.

this was interesting - specifically that saying "hair" shows neuroticism. but i can kinda see it. and this seemed like therapy breakthrough - but perhaps it's only one of the reasons i never get anything done. also the enfp-ness of me.

this coming to an amazon near you

so when artists make and deliver it for free, it's this amazing and legendary bull and we pay for all that crappy art in and around charlottesville?

this boy is great. i don't think constantine can do this. but the real question is - is this only on theroot because he's black? would this story not have been covered otherwise? (granted, it's not exactly a fancy international news story but it's the kind of thing that is clickbait for so many outlets).

a frugal recipe to try out.

some anecdotes about the original white meat

the new diet fad

1. i'm making a recipe off that site tonight. but i learned that it doesn't actually take that long so i will have to find a recipe for tougher meat to try later.

2. that's not really applicable to either of us but i understand his sentiment. of course, he could also be very wrong if the s&p has a down few years.

3. this seems to be the right way to approach the uva story. although jezebel is still twisting it its way as mightily as it can. feminists's need to control the story, every and any story, even if it looks like it won't help them in the long run - looks as if they're really covering something up. if campus sexual assault is as big a problem as they say it is, then it shouldn't be a problem finding another story. so maybe feminists don't even believe the stuff that is coming out of their mouths?

btw wapo and slate have done an excellent job with coverage of the rape issue. maybe wsj has too but i can't read any of their articles!

4. it's cute and i definitely starting noticing when quarterbacks clapped or congratulated the other side for whatever reasons during sunday's game.

2. i mean, i'd throw some cushions out first so they could land on them.
4. social media doesn't write my stories. in any case, i feel like my best stories are my dreams and of my childhood.


i believe that it is a bridge too far to suggest that liz seccurro's story shows a rape culture 30 years after it happened. i'm not convinced it's a rape culture 30 years ago so much as an inept administrator and police. it doesn't appear that people are protecting a random rapist or saying rape is ok. it doesn't even say that the frats condoned rape as we don't really know if she was gang raped. it's not enough to point to a few bad apples in an incident and call it a culture. but i guess this is jackie's last stand? the last chance feminists have of twisting the story and hoping that no one notices the big holes here - that this story is too old and anecdotal to represent a culture.

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