Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sharing the profits

Oh no! I just realized we won't have summer together. Better make these popsicles now!

this is the original wife bonus article. and this is similar to my first take on it.

Dan Barber in the news again

because we could all use a pick-me-up

y'know, I don't actually make you read a lot of fashion on here, so here you go.

because money isn't everything

1. This is such a heartwarming article where the celebrity is actually working with the women, not just urging for monetary donations or "bringing attention to their plight." Also, I saw The Birds (with you!) so I actually know who Tippi Hedren is! I guess given this, I don't have to worry too much about going to low-priced mani/pedi places, except for the chemicals that we both inhale?

2. Nothing to say but I agree.

3. I don't like the comparison to Shawshank because Andy was innocent! I will say, they wasted way too many resources on this guy. Maybe he's not a model citizen but I don't really feel the need to lock him up when he's in his 70's. I did briefly think "well this would just encourage more prison breaks" but this story won't be what encourages prison breaks.Freedom is.

4. It doesn't seem like anyone is seeing the whole thing as a success - I mean, those 2 shooters could very well have plotted something against people who wouldn't have been protected by a serious police presence. I do agree with this article. It's disappointing that van Sustern went to law school.

5. The lure of low prices is real!

6. I will never look at KK the same way again. She is now a symbol! But what I do like about the Kardashians is that if they are symbols of vanity or consumerism or all manner of ill things, they don't fight it. They're not "oh I'm actually really smart" or "I'm such a righteous person." They just go with it.

7. Was that really in doubt? People aren't getting rid of their SLRs.

2. It's ok. That's why we had blast from the past for awhile. I don't remember all the lists either.

4. Freeze some zombie cookies for when you return from Frankfurt!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Trying Something New

Now we know why so many nail salons are run by Vietnamese people.

This is an interesting analogy that would (if properly considered) diffuse a bit of the racially charged discussion surrounding places like Baltimore (or Ferguson).


Erik Wemple's commentary on the Pam Geller stuff sums up my view of how this is being covered.  I think there is a such thing as responsible speech, but there is rarely such a thing as responsible shooting of other people who say something you don't like, and for some reason people are almost trying to rationalize violence in the name of Islam.

Whole Foods is trying something new to cater to millennials.  Eye rolls at that idea notwithstanding, I'm curious to see what they end up doing.

Leave it to The Atlantic to come up with an interesting take on Kim Kardashian.

Perhaps there is still room for the standalone camera after all.


1. I like the first one.  Maybe we'll do some steaks with it when I come to visit!

2. I love all the lists you send me, but I feel bad because there are so many great ideas and I never remember them!  I will remember the buttermilk hack for the cinnamon rolls, though.

3. Oooh...

4. Coming home and having fresh cookies after that first meal home sounds amazing.  That said, that first meal is probably going to be delivery, as I can cook that from the couch. :)

5. They have the cables at my gym, though they're just next to the punching bag.  It's cool that you're going back for more.

6. That's kinda intense.  But I'd watch.


2. Hot chicken sounds delicious!


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Base jump!

this first recipe looks good and is so healthy. i need to incorporate more whole veggies in my diet.

great pragmatic lists of tips to help you waste less food and keep you from needing to go to the grocery store as often - two things bunny loves. i realize for at least one of the lists that bear taught bunny most of these tricks already!

easy and sounds delicious. though i wonder how much difference it really makes. maybe just when you've had too many nights of roasted vegetables and want something different?

because we'll be travelling a lot soon

this is trx training

Seems worth watching


1.i'm going to keep that one in my back pocket for now but will let you know my thoughts when I'm done.

2. i've definitely heard rumors of the same (though isn't that true of everything ever? it's rare for a critic to say, wow this long-running tv show has yet to hit its peak!). i liked the suggestions (though i'm not sure i'd necessarily like them implemented. i just understand where they are coming from). for instance, there are too many people in the beginning but it would seem boring to have the same people for weeks on end without's like chopped without the chop. mentors might be good. i mean, what would project runway be without tim gunn? a sad heap of nothing! except for heidi klum and Fashion. eh it'd be fine but we'd be crying less.

i loved the "top scallop" joke. ahh top chef jokes...i'm not sure how i feel about hot chicken

3. that was thrilling.

4. i don't know what to think about this. i mean yes, obama was lying then or is lying now. but then again all politicians lie.

5. i am impressed that someone is defending the guy, on principles. it makes him a bit more human and shows that the author is willing to suggest that not everything the other side things is wrong and that process might be important as well. those facets seem to be sorely missing in most arguments in politics today.

6. sign me up for any place with fast eggs.'s really sad that kim kardashian would be dressing more conservatively and more fashionably than beyonce. and that's by a mile.

Also this is a headline: "Jay-Z’s Stylist Understands BeyoncĂ© Is Too Sexy to Bother With Met Gala Themes" with the line "their bodies are simply too objectively sexy to deny us an opportunity to see them in a naked dress."  I guess that explains it all.if you have a sexy body, you have to be naked. if your'e a woman. is that empowering?

8. not even sure this counts as a problem.

9. yeah but chipotle is so delicious and they haven't done anything else terrible except deprive us of carnitas so i can't even seem to care.


1. it would be great if nyc could incorporate this. also if they just built more apartments...

2. good for sleeping bear!

3. everything is inspiration for our picnics! i don't want our picnics to be one-note.'s nice that some college students have good, reasoned talks with administrators, as opposed to some of the other stories you've posted.

5. i don't think they were trying to antagonize animal lovers. i'm actually pretty sure they wanted animal lovers to get on board. the commercial is basically just a cute puppy travelling on the road.

6. well it's progress for the lesbian couple? i wonder if they even got married.

7. to be determined... but would you rather be in a converted jail cell or on the streets? actually, i guess that's a hard question... 


2. true. maybe it shouldnt' follow him for his whole life. but then again, it was a terrible thing to do and i don't feel that bad about him not being a police officer or being able to open a restaurant after that record. it would be different if it was just him trying to get a normal 9-to-5 job.

5. i thought they called it "radical islam" to differentiate it from "normal islam."

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Don't Call It a Comeback

(I hope these articles aren't too dated.)

This is a very long article, but it's a very interesting read on ISIS and its ultimate goals.

Is Top Chef slipping?

This is justice in the streets, where it's real.

Though it was obvious to many who thought Obama was being cagey in order to win the nomination, it still kinda sucks when these stories come out.

It seems as if gay rights supporters don't care how they win, just as long as they do.  The process is why I even care a little about the issue, so the fact that stories like this are coming out is a bit uplifting, even if the issue isn't improving.

This place will be amazing - at minimum, the concept is great.

This seems like a place where conservatives could push back on social/cultural issues with some credibility.

This feels like a first-world problem.  That said, I'm proud of my buddy Russell Berger, who is one of the main spokesmen for CrossFit but also a high school classmate of mine.

Chipotle is shunning GMO foods, and it's totally ridiculous.


1. That is absolutely amazing.  Yes, I'd miss the space, but maybe this should be part of the urban affordable housing discussion (maybe those fixtures are on the expensive side, but you could rent so many of those units compared to conventional apartments to more than make up the money).

2. Which app, the insomnia one?  I think therapy has probably helped more than anything.  That and regular exercise.

3. Was the inspiration for our picnic?  In any case, I will consider it for lunch in the future.  (We have the desk space, that's for sure.)

4. This is a very reasonable discussion being held by reasonable young people about something in which they could have a tremendous about of financial and career interest on the line.  Whatever the ratio that they come up with, where is this in like every other debate going on right now???

5. This sounds like the wrong people (i.e. PETA types) just managed to get involved (very predictably).  Next time we need some free publicity, maybe we should antagonize some feminists?

6. So the lesbian couple got no cake and probably turned a couple into martyrs for their own cause, not to mention ruining their livelihoods.  Someone tell me again why this represents progress.

7. They're not locking all of the doors at night, are they?


1. Agreed.  They've more than cooperated with UVA and the university community, and there are no allegations of sexual assault that can currently be pinned on their frat (which is usually enough to say "they aren't rapists").  And they continue to exercise a tremendous amount of self-restraint.  Good for them, and hopefully people are taking notice.

2. He claimed that having such a record can make it difficult to open restaurants that serve liquor.  I haven't heard about the law enforcement thing, but I imagine that the conviction would disqualify him.  It does raise a related question of how long a person's criminal record should follow him, though.

5. As long as it's honest, I'm okay with discussing the narrative in a way that protects the innocent (i.e. otherwise innocent American Muslims).  I think a lot of the people who want to call it "radical Islam" are people who want to influence policy (e.g. conservative journalists) and who think that the Administration's characterization is part of a grander scheme of political correctness (i.e. protection of minorities in this country from any possibility of unfair characterization or discrimination) that they otherwise oppose.  It's just the latest iteration of it.