Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sharing the profits

Oh no! I just realized we won't have summer together. Better make these popsicles now!

this is the original wife bonus article. and this is similar to my first take on it.

Dan Barber in the news again

because we could all use a pick-me-up

y'know, I don't actually make you read a lot of fashion on here, so here you go.

because money isn't everything

1. This is such a heartwarming article where the celebrity is actually working with the women, not just urging for monetary donations or "bringing attention to their plight." Also, I saw The Birds (with you!) so I actually know who Tippi Hedren is! I guess given this, I don't have to worry too much about going to low-priced mani/pedi places, except for the chemicals that we both inhale?

2. Nothing to say but I agree.

3. I don't like the comparison to Shawshank because Andy was innocent! I will say, they wasted way too many resources on this guy. Maybe he's not a model citizen but I don't really feel the need to lock him up when he's in his 70's. I did briefly think "well this would just encourage more prison breaks" but this story won't be what encourages prison breaks.Freedom is.

4. It doesn't seem like anyone is seeing the whole thing as a success - I mean, those 2 shooters could very well have plotted something against people who wouldn't have been protected by a serious police presence. I do agree with this article. It's disappointing that van Sustern went to law school.

5. The lure of low prices is real!

6. I will never look at KK the same way again. She is now a symbol! But what I do like about the Kardashians is that if they are symbols of vanity or consumerism or all manner of ill things, they don't fight it. They're not "oh I'm actually really smart" or "I'm such a righteous person." They just go with it.

7. Was that really in doubt? People aren't getting rid of their SLRs.

2. It's ok. That's why we had blast from the past for awhile. I don't remember all the lists either.

4. Freeze some zombie cookies for when you return from Frankfurt!

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