Friday, July 31, 2015

a random movie survey that I'd like you to fill out too if you like
  1. What’s the most depressing movie you’ve ever watched? punch drunk love, but i didn't finish it.
  2. What’s the most disturbing movie you’ve ever watched? crash, but i didn't finish it. maybe food inc.
  3. An actor/actress you’ve seen in more than 8 movies ? Name the movies. Tom Cruise - Tropic Thunder, War of the Worlds, Minority Report, Vanilla Sky, Mission Impossible, Jerry McGuire, Interview with the Vampire, Far and Away, Rain Man. Tom Hanks - all Toy Storys, Cars, Cast Away, Catch me if you can, That Thing you Do, Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, Philadelphia, Sleepless in Seattle, Big. Scarlett Johansson- Avengers, Chef, Lucy, Don Jon, Iron Man 2, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Match Point, In Good Company, The Spongebob squarepants movie, Lost in Translation. Ian McKellan - 3 Lord of the Rings, 3 Hobbits, 3 Xmen.  Jennifer aniston, - Horible bosses, just go with it, the switch, love happens, he's just not that into you, marley &  me, the break up, bruce almighty, office space, she's the one. Emma watson - 8 harry potter movies and perks of being a wallflower
  4. A film you could watch on repeat for the rest of your life? while you were sleeping
  5. What’s the very first film you remember watching? weird science
  6. A film you wish you hadn’t watched? man on fire 
  7. A film you wish had a sequel? while you were sleeping
  8. Which book would you like to see adapted into a film? the social animal
  9. The most aesthetically pleasing movie you’ve ever watched? lord of the rings
  10. Who’s your favourite movie director? peter jackson
  11. Your favourite movie genre? romcom, documentary
  12. A movie that holds a special place in your heart? while you were sleeping
  13. Your favourite comedy film? while you were sleeping
  14. A music video you would love to see developed into a film? dog days are over
  15. A film everyone loves but you hate? hunger games
  16. A film you love but everyone else hates? i can't think of one.
  17. Which cinematic universe would you like to live in? harry potter
  18. What’s your favourite biopic? not sure i've ever seen one
  19. Mainstream movies or indie movies? mainstream
  20. Old movies or contemporary movies? contemporary but not saying they're better
  21. A film with an amazing soundtrack? last of the mohicans
if we get a dog, can it be as cute as this one?

more cuteness

interesting. The idea that you can basically tell yourself something different ("I'm excited!" instead of "I'm nervous") and it will become your reality. It all blows my mind. 

i'm going to try this to prepare for a megaformer class.

I thought this was quite lovely

we can win our getting up early challenge by torturing ourselves

1. So long as the U.S. women's team is good, people will watch. but i don't know if that's true fandom. you need people to watch even when you're bad - otherwise a lot of stadiums will be empty.

2. I read all that coverage. Ate it up. Mostly because the initial report had so little information. I did read another article saying it was a conspiracy that stories like this and the girl that got shot by a five-times-deported illegal immigrant in San Francisco aren't getting the attention they should because they don't fit the liberal narrative. I don't know if that's true. But young gay man stabbed to death in broad daylight among dozens of people on metro on July 4 in the nation's capital probably was the kind of story that interested me.

3. preaching to the choir. they always talk about fancy dorm rooms and amenities and professors with low workload but i wonder where the money actually goes. I mean, if you have 5,000 students paying 20,000 a year, you get $100,000,000/year. does it mostly go back to the endowment? to research grants? how many admin professionals can you buy with that money? how many stadiums? (well, not that many but that money usually comes from athletics and you don't have to buy a stadium every year). just seems like a lot of money left on the table but maybe that makes sense because the university doesn't have to spend everything it makes. (though if it saved a ton of money, maybe people would find out and rebel?)

5. I'm not sure I believe in using the preserves so we'll have to have an adventure to find out!

6. even though I'm a lawyer type, I don't know why, I couldn't get myself to read this. maybe some other time? maybe in paper form?

7. that medical technician makes no sense. i assume she had some demons of her own she was dealing with. that's the kind of thing you can only say to hitler's mom, not some mom of a kid who's great but sick.


5. Well I got 2 different personality types after taking the test twice so I must ENFP!

6. That would be our coolest friend.

10. I got nothing. Why has anyone been to Bhutan?

11. Safe haven from the nasty quotes on Facebook. Then again, people can still write things on Instagram so it's a wash.

5. What is hoarding acceptances?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Other Voices

If soccer is here to stay in the U.S., it may be because of the ladies rather than the guys.

Because apparently it's necessary: let's hear from the passengers who were in the Metro car where the man was stabbed to death.  Here is more coverage.

Easy federal aid money leads to more expensive college, not more affordable college.

This is the article about social justice bullies I mentioned.

If only so one of us remembers to make this...

And because we're supposed to be lawyers or something, here is a paean to the jurisprudence of Justice Thomas.

Obviously these things are great for the kids, but 1) good job John Cena for doing so many, and 2) that medical technician who performed the ultrasound should be fired and possibly beaten.

R.I.P. Bandolero.


1. Obviously adorable.

2. It's getting a little dusty in here...

3. I can't say for certain because the company that owns my old apartment building owns other buildings and might use the same design concepts and finishes there, but I would be willing to bet (a small sum of) money that that's my old building.  I recognize the pictures from when I was looking at apartments in that building.

4. Thank you! :)

5. "[I]t's only ENFPs (and mentally unstable people) who get a wide range of scores." :P

6. Agreed.  Not sure I could live there, but I could definitely have a friend who lived there and go to all his parties.  Or maybe as a hotel?

7. I really liked the NSA one and the last one.

8. What a great coincidence.

9. It's okay!  All is forgiven!

10. I don't really have a bucket list, though I've always wanted to go to Alaska and Tierra del Fuego.  Also, how has Eric Ripert been to Bhutan but not Thailand?

11. Safe haven from what?  Also, this whole to-do is nonsense.  Instagram isn't body-shaming anyone, or else it would ban pictures of fat people.

12. Dinner party!


5. It was definitely not this bad at my high school.  But I imagine the pressure to get into an amazing school is high at schools like TJ.  That said, hoarding acceptances is idiotic.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Glamour shots

because everyday deserves some cuteness

this looks so much like your old apartment

what a handsome bear!

i don't know how i feel about the course, but this nails me to the core.

this house is beautiful but I can't say I really understand it.

and more jokes

this was a nice story, kinda, yeah overall i would go with nice.

Collin. Totally smitten with this oneā€¦
Sarah Williams ~ Instagram
this bunny is sorry for whatever she's done!

what's on your bucket list?

instagram is not the safe haven i thought it was

obviously bears eat salmon but this comic is cute because if bear asked bunny, this is exactly what would happen. =P down to the spaghetti!

1. haha, i see what you did there.
2. yes I did get a CSA. or that's what it said it was. maybe it was just a box of vegetables from a corporate farm.look at you, environmentally responsible bear! that said, CSAs make me nervous because I have to learn to cook with unknown vegetables on the fly before they go bad.
3. i dunno. it feels a little bit like being in a giant hot tub, which reminds me of jersey shore.this would have been a much more fun layover than what i did at charles de gaulle though. and that premium package is a clear winner.
4. i feel like nikki haley was put in a tough position. on principle it doesn't make sense for the reasons you stated (flags don't kill people - unless you give those flags guns!), but it also isn't something worth fighting for. i think she's handling it well.
5. maybe it's this bad at all high schools? I dunno. but seriously, she must have known she was going to get found out. maybe that means something else was going on? she just wanted the infamy?
6. i second that "how to keep cake moist" hack. why have a whole cake if you're just going to leave it around for several days? just buy a slice or cut the recipe in half weirdos.

responses to responses
1. the mason jar lunches are pretty and i think we've agreed that they're meant to be taken out of the mason jar. but to me, that's way too much effort. Just get a larger tupperware container and eat out of that. i'm already making my lunch and bringing it to work, i dont' want to have to spoon it out on a dish and then have to clean the dish and the jar.
3. so how did we become so smart yet so humble? =D
4. oh i should have taken some video of you in frankfurt. it would keep me warm on these...unseasonbly hot nights.

2. if rubio were asian, would it have been racist to release his driving record?

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Maybe It's Not So Bad

Can we sue these people for making the world a worse, more litigious place?

This is an interesting article about GMOs.  The CSA idea is interesting (is this what you got) - here is the one near me.

This looks like fun.

The South Carolina murders have brought the Confederate battle flag back into the news.  While I do not necessarily agree with this perspective (my take: it's a flag, and it didn't cause the murders, so... why are we talking about this, but as a matter of policy, Gov. Nikki Haley probably comes closest), it is more of a good-faith argument in favor of retaining the Confederate battle flag over the South Carolina memorial than any of the straw men that others have been putting forth.

It appears that the pressure of college admissions got to this student.  Is TJ this bad???

Because it's about time someone parodied this phenomenon.


1. More great recipes.  Some of the mason jars look yummy, but how do you eat them?  (Is this where having silverware and a bowl/plate at your desk comes in?)

2. Not sure how I feel about this trend... It seems as if people are genuinely disturbed by abortions more or less across the board but feel squeamish about imprisoning women for murder or getting involved at all.  This reminds me of the debate over sex education.  It seems to be a given that kids will have sex/women will seek to terminate pregnancies, so that means we have to accept a morally questionable outcome.

3. Poor us.  I read many years ago that people who are exceptionally intelligent (or at least think they are) are more likely to be liberals because they think they know what's best for the world and the less fortunate/dumber among us.  It fits the profile.

4. You bring the camera!

5. I saw this.  It's kind of him, but I suspect that he's just waiting for a comedic entry point.

1. Poor jellyfish indeed.  That said, that's quite a skill...


2. There is no stereotype that I am aware of.  It just seemed kinda mean to throw his wife in there like that.  Wouldn't we be doing a public service by electing him president since they wouldn't have to drive anymore?

4. I suspect the latter.  If you are half-Asian, perhaps the racial question is more objectively descriptive than formative to one's identity, relative to Hispanics or blacks.  Also, in general Asians are far more interested in assimilation, and identifying as mixed is more consistent with that goal.


5. I think of this as more explanatory than exculpatory.  I would never advocate for a system that, for example, mandated that athletes put 80% of their after-tax earnings into a trust that could only be accessed after their prefrontal cortex was fully formed (or age 25).  That said, if I were an athlete, I would absolutely do that.  And if any of my kids become professional athletes, I will insist on such a rule.


1. It's real in that a (now former) banker at Barclays sent it out to the interns in his group.  The extent to which it describes actual working conditions for I-banking interns is an open question, though.