Thursday, July 2, 2015

Maybe It's Not So Bad

Can we sue these people for making the world a worse, more litigious place?

This is an interesting article about GMOs.  The CSA idea is interesting (is this what you got) - here is the one near me.

This looks like fun.

The South Carolina murders have brought the Confederate battle flag back into the news.  While I do not necessarily agree with this perspective (my take: it's a flag, and it didn't cause the murders, so... why are we talking about this, but as a matter of policy, Gov. Nikki Haley probably comes closest), it is more of a good-faith argument in favor of retaining the Confederate battle flag over the South Carolina memorial than any of the straw men that others have been putting forth.

It appears that the pressure of college admissions got to this student.  Is TJ this bad???

Because it's about time someone parodied this phenomenon.


1. More great recipes.  Some of the mason jars look yummy, but how do you eat them?  (Is this where having silverware and a bowl/plate at your desk comes in?)

2. Not sure how I feel about this trend... It seems as if people are genuinely disturbed by abortions more or less across the board but feel squeamish about imprisoning women for murder or getting involved at all.  This reminds me of the debate over sex education.  It seems to be a given that kids will have sex/women will seek to terminate pregnancies, so that means we have to accept a morally questionable outcome.

3. Poor us.  I read many years ago that people who are exceptionally intelligent (or at least think they are) are more likely to be liberals because they think they know what's best for the world and the less fortunate/dumber among us.  It fits the profile.

4. You bring the camera!

5. I saw this.  It's kind of him, but I suspect that he's just waiting for a comedic entry point.

1. Poor jellyfish indeed.  That said, that's quite a skill...


2. There is no stereotype that I am aware of.  It just seemed kinda mean to throw his wife in there like that.  Wouldn't we be doing a public service by electing him president since they wouldn't have to drive anymore?

4. I suspect the latter.  If you are half-Asian, perhaps the racial question is more objectively descriptive than formative to one's identity, relative to Hispanics or blacks.  Also, in general Asians are far more interested in assimilation, and identifying as mixed is more consistent with that goal.


5. I think of this as more explanatory than exculpatory.  I would never advocate for a system that, for example, mandated that athletes put 80% of their after-tax earnings into a trust that could only be accessed after their prefrontal cortex was fully formed (or age 25).  That said, if I were an athlete, I would absolutely do that.  And if any of my kids become professional athletes, I will insist on such a rule.


1. It's real in that a (now former) banker at Barclays sent it out to the interns in his group.  The extent to which it describes actual working conditions for I-banking interns is an open question, though.


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