Wednesday, January 27, 2016


The first comment on this article on loneliness is: "I have to say, that what the writer describes as "Glimmers of hope" sound even more bleak than anything else in the article".

I loved this article as a way of saying - hey, we're all ok

this is pretty cool and random

I've seen a lot of apartment tours and this is my favorite of them all.

Inspiration for journaling

Bunny butt makes another appearance!

1. That was a nice article. I think weight loss is incredibly hard and should be cheered on, even if people who are always thin don't get congratulated on that. It's achieving a goal and improving oneself, which should always be applauded.

2. I thought the problem with going to Europe for us was terrorism...

3. I did appreciate the line "The Post generally does not identify people who are purported victims of sex crimes." The "purported" speaks volumes.

I also question the paragraph:
In court filings, Jackie’s lawyers wrote that she should not have to produce any of the requested documents because of certain legal protections for sexual assault victims. Jackie’s lawyers wrote that asking her to provide the information “constitutes exactly the abusive re-victimization that these protections were designed to prevent.”
I wonder what legal protections those really are and if they prevent fake rape allegations from being successfully adjudicated.

4. This person only pays for cable during her preferred sports seasons. Maybe you could do that too? It seems like all you watch is football and Netflix.

Also, I think it's kinda weird for a dad to buy his daughter a diamond bracelet. That seems like a husband kind of gift.


3. I thought it was interesting that the husband did that and the wife appreciated it so. I could easily see a story like that where the wife is like "I really don't like #8-10, that jerk!" It's nice when people are nice.

5. Just that it's one way to connect. My dad is an accountant after all. My dad and I also connect on sports, news, politics and car maintenance.

7. What made me sad is that the school was probably exultant that some of its students had been murdered. Yay we won't be shut down!

8. Of course I mean cute and adorable!

10. The formation is impressive but it looks painful!


2. What a sad way to live - to be a billionaire and think you didn't have enough money to change the world. 

3. But wouldn't that require us to have a joint bullet journal? Should we discuss our bullet journal topics on our calls?


1.  I think we agree on copy cat killers and that the media should change its reporting tactics. But one last question - you think reporting on such incidents is important for the citizenry to have an informed opinion when it comes time to voting for someone who proposes how to fix the problem. but what if the actual results of the reporting was fear and not added knowledge to the citizenry? what if the people who vote know enough already and the people who don't just get misinformed and scared? does reporting on these incidents have any intrinsic value then or should we weigh whether we think the media should report on this based on the results?

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