Monday, January 4, 2016

Short Stories Edition

I don't understand how this could make money

I've read many accounts of people who live to be very old and they all seem to eat bacon regularly

this was a nice story

This isn't too far from your place, reasonably affordable and interesting.

this reminded me of my dad. except for the deadbeat part.

buy stuff! the research

this is that sad article about how we are funding bad colleges

is this what our children will look like?

sometimes the heart just needs to be warmed

is it weird that they're all stacked on top of one another?

1. Ugh, this makes it worse knowing the exact stupidity. For a little while, I started thinking maybe this is actually as good as it can be given how the system was designed.

2. Ricky Ricardo and my piano teacher were the only Cubans I knew growing up. They all seemed very glamorous.

3. Tom Brady is doing a good job deflecting. The whole media frenzy for sports stars seems designed to make them slip up - to say something they shouldn't or make people hate them. He's smart for keeping mum.

4. I've always liked Justin Bieber.

2. It wouldn't require government money but I wonder if climate change crusaders would go for this idea. Will they realize that they have enough money to effect the change they want without paying for lobbying?

3. Whoops we forgot to check it out. =P

4. Lauren and Aprotim. I'm ok with more Annandale.

6. Oh my!


5. I guess I'm all for anything that creates more community.

1. I think as a citizen, I should question the role of the media. The San Bernadino massacre is not relevant to you. You live about as far as possible away and the gunmen are dead, with no sign of a bigger plot. It seems that this story, if only reported locally, might be better for the citizenship because it wouldn't spread widespread fear or paranoia and because copycats would be less likely to know about it around the nation. I think we've discussed this before - is the citizens' right to know more important than preventing copycat killers and giving killers the fame they desire?

Of course, 100 people dying in a Chinese mine would also be irrelevant to you and everyone else under this rubric in addition to being a bummer, doesn't have any salacious details.

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