Sunday, June 30, 2013

Small Plates: the Debate

I saw this article in the Washington Post and felt like a recently minted immigrant citizen or convert to a religion (i.e. way too diehard compared to the average citizen/religious person).  How dare they criticize  small plates?  Heresy!  But then I read it.  Also, here's the rebuttal.  I'll tell you my position when you've read them.

This kinda relates to what we were talking about regarding Rush cards and payday loans.

Since you're posting comics, I thought I would too.

There are actually two Shaq Gold Bond commercials you need to see:  here and here.


1. Those ideas sound fun.  I like the idea of an obstacle course.

3. I liked the idea about ten commandments in cooking, though they felt redundant.  Also, two questions about Jeremy Lin?  Come on.  :)


Friday, June 28, 2013

best bear ever

oh puns

i really like all these ideas (and i'm doing at least one of them already) but i can't do cirque du soleil during those days (well i could do that weekend but those would probably be the hardest tickets to get)

a lot of interesting factoids here - some of them sad

best answers on quora 2012

1. i have been delinquent in that you are donut-less and i'm fried chicken-less.  but you knew that already.
2. i think they should keep unpaid internships. apparently to be an unpaid internship, there can't be a guaranteed job at the end, which makes all intern bellyaching seem kinda stupid. these were the laws implemented to protect you!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

There is really only one link you should be concerned with.

This article makes a lot of good points, but I can't help but wonder whether the editors of the Wall Street Journal held a gun to the author's head as she wrote it.  She's a Bartley Fellow with the paper, so the potential for conflict of interest is somewhere between 90 and 100%.

The people quoted in this article who don't like this idea are probably a lot like your friends who are lame don't drink.

This happened on your watch.  Jay tells me that they typically run out of doughnuts by 1 pm, but next Wednesday I fully expect for you to bring me a Boston Cream doughnut.  Here is the menu, by the way.


6. No?  To the extent that I feel any pressure, it's not from my peers.  I do feel pressure to be in better shape, though.  But even that, it's like 90/10, and the 90 is from me.  Also, I don't want to look like any of those guys...


3. I guess maybe I'm imagining a nostalgic, false world in which people didn't come up to me and launch into their business efforts.  But then I think about my little brother trying to sell air filters to my family and realize that it's not even nostalgic.  It's just completely false.

4. It's near you!  Maybe you can offer to buy me a drink after work one of these days.


2. This Wimbledon thing.


Monday, June 24, 2013

you'd be interested in this

a list of best new inventions that haven't taken off yet: you might be very interested in this wind-proof umbrella or iron man jet propulsion or shirts that adapt to your body to control for sweat and fit.


this captured my attention this morning - morning wedding cattiness, like catnip

big pharma strikes again

i wondered this too

this is something i would expect japanese women to do

will watch at home

does the peer pressure make you want to up your grooming game?

like i said before, this is why i don't read cosmo anymore

was this all a lie?

1. yeah, i also had no idea biracial families were so exotic. maybe that means i'm getting less exotic so score!
2. oh so many opinions. but this person is not a true romcom fan. she knows nothing of romcoms.
3. truly terrible and i do dislike when people hit me up for charities out of the blue. kickstarter makes it easier to do that but i guess the practice has really been around forever.
4. that place looks good.
5. i think we need more articles of bears doing a more varied sort of behavior. otherwise this would make it more like big foot sightings.

1. i saw it again and thought oh i forgot to post this before, right?
2. what wimbledon thing?

2. i guess you care if it's sexist as an intellectual matter but if someone does something sexist, i guess i dont' necessarily care. somehow we're becoming this society where we're supposed to have opinions about anyone and everything. some things i don't have opinions on.

1. true

Friday, June 21, 2013

All Over the Place

I recall there was an inexplicable outrage at the Cheerios ad for featuring a biracial family.  Here is one biracial person's take on the ad.  My take?  I couldn't believe that there would be any outrage - that is, until I learned that the outrage manifested itself in the form of internet comments.  At that point, I absolutely believed it and also disregarded it.  But occasionally I still do see people who, in the course of Craigslist ads or other contexts, say that they are looking to date a person from a particular race, and I think that is unacceptable.

This might be of some interest to you.  I expect you to have many thoughts on it.

Apparently there are other, more ridiculous problems with Kickstarter as well.  Aside from this, I am annoyed that social media, in replacing regular hanging out with people, has turned relationships from non-commercial interactions discussing mutual interests and experiences into constant pleas to read, buy, subscribe, follow, etc.

Bandolero will always have a place in my rotation, but the first sentence of this article makes me think that we would enjoy this place.

Apparently I have to post all the bear-related links now...


1. You already posted this.  I'll forgive you, though, because it's an amazing idea.  You can post it as many times as you want.

2. That's a cool site.  Send me lots of links from it so I don't forget about it.  The Wimbledon thing was fascinating.

3. That was very interesting.  One of the writer's concerns was the lack of structure, but I think that the old structures would not necessarily have been as helpful to the next generation of writers.  But I think that people like him will invariably come up with new structures and institutions.  That's what happens in industries that undergo massive change.

4. Also interesting - maybe zombies are like Arrested Development.

Responses to Responses:

2. Paula Deen is not my favorite.  I appreciate the inherent societal rebellion of deep fried butter balls, but I find her personality to be grating.  Also, at times I've read about her penchant for unpleasantness towards staff.  I also found her weight loss saga to be disingenuous.

3. I care if it's sexist?  Not because I'm going to do something about it, but just because I think it's interesting to explore questions of racism and sexism in a tongue-in-cheek way (i.e. not with an eye towards condemning half the internet as though my opinion matters to it).

Response to Responses to Responses:

2. Yes, but my point was simply that the issue does not seem to have as much traction on invasion grounds as it once did.  And if you're right, then the machines are controversial because of health effects, not because of the invasion of privacy.


there is no coherent story

because you would like this and this is exactly the kind of thing i couldn't have at a teetotaler ballston get-together

i just started reading this site because it's crazypants and looks that way

the business sides of things are always fascinating i think

Re: yesterday's convo on World War Z- from boxofficemojo
"Despite how popular zombies seem to be right now, Paramount hasn't shown the creatures up close in World War Z's marketing; instead, they're presented as a faceless horde of unknown origin. Maybe this is for the best: excluding I Am Legend (more vampires than zombies), the highest-grossing live-action zombie movie is 2009'sZombieland ($75.6 million). Paramount is instead positioningWorld War Z as a global disaster movie, which is a genre with a much better track record. If you're playing the odds, this seems like a good move, though to some extent it has watered down the product and caused confusion."

1.  wouldn't it be a sign of pure recession if on national splurge day, the fancy toilet paper aisles were
emptied but everything else was still on the shelves?

2. i had no idea you disliked paula deen. what about deep fried butter?

3. no. it's like colonial williamsburg requiring women to dress in old-timey women's clothes. i'm a woman and i approve this message.  also, who cares if it's sexist? hooters is sexist but you don't have to work at hooters.  i think a company should be able to require dress codes that aren't illegal or exploitative.

4. pistol packing grandma isn't the same thing it used to be. that women looks like a normal mom - i would be more intrigued to see a frail old lady holding a huge machine gun. that woman looks like she could defend herself man to man.

r to r 2
2. the scanners are still controversial for radiation effects

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sorry I'm not sorry.

Here's the article I mentioned.  I love my chair, so I agree with that one, but other than those, it's a tie between toilet paper and razors for the ones I most agree with.  You know how I feel about toilet paper, though I think you took it as a personal affront when I told you to take your cheap crap someplace else.  Sorry I'm not sorry. :P

I'm trying to decide how I feel about this.  Part of me wants to be outraged, but I already disliked Paula Deen for being a waste of space, so it doesn't work.  I also want to laugh, but I don't want to encourage you to think that racism is funny.  That said, her tone is definitely, "Sorry I'm not sorry."

Is this sexist?  This is a spin-off of the long-running series "Is This Racist?"  For the pilot, you get nine scenarios.

Would you live on this block?  She definitely says "sorry I'm not sorry" to the criminal scum she blows away.

The founder, chairman, and face of Men's Wearhouse has been canned.  The Board: "sorry we're not sorry."


1. The doodle I made during my conference call this morning was more impressive than Rosslyn's art.  Why do fake and/or failing cities think that a bunch of art that could be confused with abandoned property (which is I guess how I define experimental art) is going to attract people?  I'm open-minded about art, but it's going to take all of the art for me to go to Flint...

2. I sorta do.  I guess we talked about this a little, but to finish the thought, while there are civil libertarians who will cry foul, many Americans take the position, "I'm not doing anything wrong, so I have nothing to hide."  If you don't believe me, consider the fact that the super-invasive scanners at the airport aren't even controversial anymore.

5. I agree with all of those.

8. I actually had a fair amount of bourbon on National Bourbon Day.

Responses to responses:

2. The joke was that Dick Cheney was scowling in vindication because Dick Cheney is always scowling.

5. I think the problem is that nice-sounding programs like it are often immune from even criticism because they sound so nice and positive.  I think that such a program could be a very good way for young people to contribute to their communities, but it sounds as though many of the participants aren't really doing that.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

the smorgasboard

How much art would it take? way more awesome than Rosslyn's art, gotta say.

do you agree?

good on ya, corporations. how did i not know about f21?

a handy guide - do you tip your waitress pretax?

what say you? does your trainer agree?

touch your toes and beyond


national bourbon day celebration - need i say more?

best. gifts. ever.

1. i thought the comments to the orca video were almost as good as the video itself.
2. i don't know if dick cheney is scowling because a few random news outlets have proclaimed him right (i'm sure he knew he was right all along). obama's approval rating is still 45% which is quite good considering he has a scandal a day.
3. aww that cute bear is so going to get up by bigger bears now for this video.
4. whole foods is great.
5. i love americorps. obviously there are a lot of bad programs but doesn't mean they need to scrap the whole thing.
6. not really?

response to response 3. ok.
6.$32. i don't know which way that cuts. it's not double the cost. but its' not $30 either.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Vacation Edition

I thought this video was pretty cool.

Somewhere Dick Cheney is scowling in vindication.

I can post things about bears too!

Whole Foods is great.

These are the kinds of programs that can never go away, despite their utter ineffectiveness.

I'm having a mackerel moment.  Does this sound yummy to you?


1. I'm not as surprised about stories like this because 1) social media is making people more willing to display their lack of civility ("What do you mean I don't get to talk now?  I can talk whenever I want, even if you're talking and it's your event!") and 2) the gay community is increasingly annoyed with Obama.

2. That is interesting and encouraging.  Throw the book at 'em.

3. Would you like to go to the movies with me?

6. How much was your Uber car from work?  That decides who books.

8. Interesting idea.  But sometimes I don't know if we know ourselves, and sometimes there are good things on the treadmill.


Monday, June 10, 2013

summer arts, bears and politics

apparently, some people are defending the heckler but i find it interesting. you'd have never gotten this type of article in obama's first term

this movie popped up twice in my feed. now it has the weight of expectations.

4. it's the same but the nyc marathon. it followed deena kastor and some fancy men's runner and some regular people. 

7. daft punk - get lucky - that's the reason.

let's book massages there. i give it a go.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Saturday Edition

Did I show this to you?

I miss Charlottesville sometimes.  This reminded me of all the great places, but I link because of the rumor at the bottom.

Ask, and you shall receive.


1. Good read.  It reminds me of my time in college.  I guess I thought that, when I got to law school and met you and heard about your desire to start going to church and getting more involved, I was hoping that your enthusiasm would rub off on me because so many of the people I've encountered in church have been terrible, cynical, uninspiring people.

2. I've done most of those, if not all.

3. I miss Steve Jobs.

4. You'll be on vacation.  What's the first one about?

7. I don't. :P  But give me a reason.


Friday, June 7, 2013

too lazy to read, not too lazy to post

interesting but so long....

i kinda liked this - it would make a much more interesting grad speech than most

and of course, the best graduation speech of all time

i actually loved the first one

this was funnier than when i misquoted it

the right way to think about the violation of our rights

i don't know if you care but i wanted to save this for my later reading

Monday, June 3, 2013

did you congratulate sean?

might be helpful to get your feet wet

i've been to this more years than i care to admit - what do you think about friday's lineup?

i'm always amazed at low-tech ways to steal people's money