Friday, June 21, 2013

All Over the Place

I recall there was an inexplicable outrage at the Cheerios ad for featuring a biracial family.  Here is one biracial person's take on the ad.  My take?  I couldn't believe that there would be any outrage - that is, until I learned that the outrage manifested itself in the form of internet comments.  At that point, I absolutely believed it and also disregarded it.  But occasionally I still do see people who, in the course of Craigslist ads or other contexts, say that they are looking to date a person from a particular race, and I think that is unacceptable.

This might be of some interest to you.  I expect you to have many thoughts on it.

Apparently there are other, more ridiculous problems with Kickstarter as well.  Aside from this, I am annoyed that social media, in replacing regular hanging out with people, has turned relationships from non-commercial interactions discussing mutual interests and experiences into constant pleas to read, buy, subscribe, follow, etc.

Bandolero will always have a place in my rotation, but the first sentence of this article makes me think that we would enjoy this place.

Apparently I have to post all the bear-related links now...


1. You already posted this.  I'll forgive you, though, because it's an amazing idea.  You can post it as many times as you want.

2. That's a cool site.  Send me lots of links from it so I don't forget about it.  The Wimbledon thing was fascinating.

3. That was very interesting.  One of the writer's concerns was the lack of structure, but I think that the old structures would not necessarily have been as helpful to the next generation of writers.  But I think that people like him will invariably come up with new structures and institutions.  That's what happens in industries that undergo massive change.

4. Also interesting - maybe zombies are like Arrested Development.

Responses to Responses:

2. Paula Deen is not my favorite.  I appreciate the inherent societal rebellion of deep fried butter balls, but I find her personality to be grating.  Also, at times I've read about her penchant for unpleasantness towards staff.  I also found her weight loss saga to be disingenuous.

3. I care if it's sexist?  Not because I'm going to do something about it, but just because I think it's interesting to explore questions of racism and sexism in a tongue-in-cheek way (i.e. not with an eye towards condemning half the internet as though my opinion matters to it).

Response to Responses to Responses:

2. Yes, but my point was simply that the issue does not seem to have as much traction on invasion grounds as it once did.  And if you're right, then the machines are controversial because of health effects, not because of the invasion of privacy.


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