Wednesday, October 16, 2013

not to be offensive

martha stewart smacks down

this would be the first tragedy of the shutdown if it happens in my opinion - well and NIH not getting funded

what do you think of this article, that i found on the billfold? for the record, the only commenter on the billfold said - kanye's crazy, that's not racist to say. i also think he's crazy but he's like a crazy artist and that's something that's usually only attributed to white people.

on ranking cities based on quality of life


because of the list of things that successful people do, i woke up at 6 to work out. =D

i really liked it when that teacher won $1M. good for him.

i have no idea why they suspended that girl for driving to pick up her friend.

that malala piece was amazing.

i liked your pollack piece but i think it needs a stronger opener. or maybe a controversial title to make you really want to read it. also i don't feel resolved at the end. like what are we supposed to think about?

it worries me a little that every day now i hear something about how the redskins should change the name of their team. and they're all prefaced with "i love football" or worse "i love the team." baloney! maybe they should just change the name of their team to the "bullets." now i do wonder how that team name came about.....if the skins do change their name, i'd like to make the term "giants" into a racial slur. it's already politically incorrect - they should be "vertically unchallenged peoples." and don't get me started on cowboys. maybe we can just rename all teams into very inoffensive names like "new england rectangles" (squares might be offensive) or "san francisco beiges" "kansas city water" or "miami switzerlands."

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