Tuesday, January 21, 2014

a lot of useless statistics and the dog picture to end all dog pictures

the first time I heard about this magazine cover, the title of the article was "Mindy Kaling finally lands magazine cover!" This article was less flattering although the comments have been overwhelmingly positive for the cover. What this article fails to mention is though ELLE may shoot Mindy and Melissa McCarthy in different ways than their skinny counterparts, it's the only magazine that will put them on a cover at all. (Also found it weird that Mindy Kaling is only person of color so she should be shot in color is weird). Also interesting- if you note on the magazine cover - Lena Dunham and Megyn Kelly are also featured but don't have covers - it's a bit odd.

these statistics don't seem right

these statistics may seem right but in a way don't matter. how does this change how we combat bullying? asian awareness? should I care more/be more outraged that Asians are being bullied than gay kids because I'm Asian and not gay?

not that angora is even fashionable anymore but i'm never buying it. poor bunnies!

would you like to vacation in a treehouse? i might start a little theme - interesting vacation destinations. we started with the international ice festival.

"Soft leafy herbs such a cilantro, mint, basil and parsley, are often interchangeable." What?


1. how is that guy who broke up the kkk in maryland not working as a peacekeeper or something? How has he not won a peace price? who has that kind of patience? in any case, that was an inspiring story. i think i should probably read it every few months.
3. if anything, that article seems to say that when people meet together, dissension arises (so maybe the thing wrong with religion is church. actually that's probably true but there are good and bad things that come out of church. seems that a whole lot of bad is coming out of these churches). 

6. is this like how you hate it being called "a short pant" instead of "short pants"?

8. totally saw that moskowitz article in the paper. purposely chose not to post it here. =P

9. i know i'm from jersey but i'm not THAT big of a springsteen fan. he's a dem after all. =P i haven't been as big a fan of his new stuff (although i think a lot of fans can be huge fans and still not think that much of the new stuff. i think being a huge fan almost requires ranking and not just blindly loving everything. how else will people determine that you're a better fan than that 14-year old who just likes 'fire' because it was on glee? (although to be fair, i saw it on glee and got reacquainted with it. it's definitely his best song besides this other song that i think is his that i heard once in a car that i've been looking for for years. it will haunt me till i die.)

10. i guess good for john boehner though i don't have a lot of faith in him. it's kinda like obamacare - if it ends up working, i feel that it will have gotten there by falling apart in a very lucky way.

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