Monday, October 12, 2015

Life Goals

I found this very entertaining especially with its state stereotypes. Some thoughts - I don't think that guy is a "sex fiend" but it's probably a legitimate dealbreaker if he's that into porn. The Chicago date didn't seem that bad. Also, how do you feel about waterboarding?

Speaking of state stereotypes

I have a bit of a bias against Jamie Oliver because I didn't like his TED talk. I mean he showed a video where he was talking with an overweight mother surrounded by the food she feeds them and said "You're killing your children." So just a big manipulative. Even so, his website is on point and I'm super excited about this Shepherd's Pie Recipe.This pork shoulder looked pretty good too.

Life goals

He's got a good walk to him.

1. I mean, if that's the woman's most important political issue, then it seems reasonable for her to choose her life partner to some degree based on agreement on that issue.Perhaps the bigger issue is she's unlikely to choose this guy even as a friend and is probably misconstruing all his political arguments.

2. True. I hate making phone calls to companies. The Billfold has a "Do 1 Thing Thursday" feature where people do the thing that they've been procrastinating about and it's a lot of "call [cable company/bank/store]."

3.  It's just well-reasoned. It's hard to have a strong opinion when it all makes so much sense.

4. Love this: “I basically grew up on the stuff,” he said, adding that he planned to order extra for dinner and return for lunch on Wednesday. “It definitely lived up to my dreams.”
It's so nice that Chikfila really thought about its customers. I mean it could just be "open a store in NYC and make millions!" but they really took the time to make it a good experience. Good on you, Chikfila!

5. I saw this article weeks ago and was surprised that I hadn't posted it. This reminds me of that time when I think TC Williams' Math Team beat our math team in some competition and it was front page of the Washington Post. But that was the only year we'd lost and it never so much as made the community paper.

A few points:

I like how the inmates came up with a creative defense. I feel like if they were millenials, they would have rejected the side out of principle.

I like how this brings up the idea that maybe criminals are smart. I mean, you could say that they can't be that smart if they get caught, but they have all that time to work on debate and legal arguments. It is totally in their self-interest.

1. Yay! I can't wait for our weekly dinners! Hottest ticket in town.

2. Mind-blowing?

3. Yes, if you are obese, that's on you. But if you're just a bit heavier than normal, then it's harder to lose that weight.

4. I think that people have a right to request leave to care for people that aren't their kids. That's fair. You might need to take care of elderly relatives, for example. Of course, it seems a little rough for them to ask for a flexible schedule if you're not a single mother with a difficult child. It's hard to draw the line on what's fair though.

5. We can be productivity buddies!


4. Do you think I should complain to the manager instead of posting on Yelp? It's just on sitcoms, when you complain to the manage,r you get them fired and that's much worse than a bad review because you ruined one person's life.

5. Ooh I forgot to respond. I've always judged people based on whether I think they know the correct grammatical rules.So a their/there misuse is a red flag whereas lack of capitalization is not a big deal (particularly for me because I do that all the time). I know this article makes it seem like Bear would be the most popular of them all on online dating but I think too-correct grammar and punctuation can be a turn-off to some. =P

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