Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Now with more Gluten

I hope this will be something we incorporate

every now and then, a good story

squarely on the side of accepting all body types

where do you weigh in on this? I mean, yeah the employee was in a tough situation but the company can't float her forever either. Maybe they could have floated her a little longer, which is I guess the regret she talks about.

I haven't seen the video yet but it seems to have a positive response. Way more positive than you'd expect for a to-do list method.


1. I was seriously hoping the tontine was a french pastry.It seems like a good idea and as long as the group was big enough, the idea of you taking the shares of your fallen comrades seems more abstract and less vile. But I feel that as an Asian woman, no one would want me in their tontine! (we live so long).

Also what a sad family:

"The idea didn’t catch on at first, and Tonti eventually landed in the Bastille (while his son, an explorer, would eventually help found the city of Detroit)."

2. That was sad! If it's going to be sad like that, it should at least have funny animated gifs!

3. Yeah, I've been hearing about this and we talked about it briefly on our FaceTime call.

4. I was going to add this to my YLT! (I was entitling it "The Circle is coming!") I've heard so many things decrying this. However, I had already seen an app (I think it's called Lulu) that lets you rate people with online dating profiles so that they don't continue to keep getting terrible dates, and that seemed like a reasonable thing to do. Then again, there is also that site about celebrities being nice and it really lets anyone post anything about someone without verification and it seems useless and mean. I mean, it was only a matter of time before this app happened. Although maybe it'd be more useful if it was a composite of all your rankings - like your Uber ranking, if your company is ranked on Yelp, your Lulu rating, etc.

1. I dunno, I found that compelling. It might actually be tougher to lose weight now.Not saying you shouldn't keep trying, because there is no other option. But some things just were easier for our parents!

1. I get that too. I've been thinking about recycling lately because someone at community group said they were a big climate change fanatic and everyone's like "I recycle!" But I'm not sure recycling is all that big a deal. First of all, if you reduce, then the companies will make less and that will save all that energy from creating. If you reuse, then that saves all the energy of recycling and doesn't go to waste. If you recycle, then it takes all that energy to sort and recycle the object. I've heard that scrap aluminum or paper doesn't make that much money some years and there are rumors that it just gets thrown in the trash anyway. Even if that's not true, I've heard that in some instances it takes less energy to harvest from new materials than to recycle old ones. I guess the benefit is still that you're making less trash but if you just reduce and reuse, then whether you recycle or not doesn't seem like such a terrible thing.

Likewise, though I think reusable bags make a ton of sense, mostly logistically, sometimes you need a plastic bag.

2. Yeah I think bread needs a resurgence. With all the gluten-free and paleo people, good bread has taken a backseat! Come back, bread! We love you!

1. Fair.

4. It will be brung. Brought. Brang.

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