Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Is This Racist? The Series

On this episode, Sergio Garcia makes a suggestion about what he'll serve for dinner if he were to invite Tiger Woods to join him.  Hilarity did not ensue.

What are your thoughts on this?

I was actually thinking Airbnb would be a good way to stay in New York without handing over your life savings.  A New York City court disagrees.

Another Top Chef restaurant is opening, this one in Logan Circle.


1. I couldn't disagree more.  I think people overrate how much the President's policy proposals affect the national economy.  I think there are particular things like Obamacare or Sarbanes-Oxley that can hurt small businesses, and there are structural things like simplifying the tax code that can help everyone (except tax accountants, I guess), but I'm in the Milton Friedman school of thought when it comes to economic analysis.

2. Thank you, The Onion.  I imagine the well-performing equity markets are positively correlated with economic happiness.

3. I don't know her.  Most of my friends know not to climb that high.

4. I am not taking my singing showerhead to the beach.  I wouldn't own one to begin with, but how is that a suggestion?


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