Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cynicism in America

This has to be eating this guy alive.  I would cry.

The easy (though mostly inaccurate) takeaway is that federal employees are LAZY.

Speaking of lazy, there's finally some pushback on what has felt like the inevitable move to legalizing marijuana.  As always, I'm torn on this issue.

This movie is apparently about what we've been talking about.


1. It sorta reminds me of the scene in Mad Men where Don Draper listens to the Beatles to try to get them.  That said, at least they're trying?

2. Deadbeat dads around the world are forwarding this link to everyone they know (especially the ones with multiple baby mommas).

4. I wonder if it's any good.

6. My response is almost identical to that of the author.  It's never okay to push a fan like that, but can you really blame him that much?  For some reason, people (i.e. the media) have decided that, because we pay professional athletes so much money (money that comes in part from ticket sales but also from TV deals that require media exposure and star-making to be as lucrative as they are), we "get" to demand some higher level of behavior from athletes.  But we don't demand this from fans?  Their ticket price included the right to hurl vicious obscenities or other terrible remarks at people?  And the kicker is that this doesn't even apply to Marcus Smart because he's not even getting paid to play basketball yet.  Maybe Smart should have gone to the NBA, but maybe people shouldn't be assholes.


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