Friday, February 21, 2014

Out of Control

The animal rights people are out of control.

Some people think Jimmy Fallon is going to be a boon for Democrats.

Ted Cruz is back on my excrement list.

Sometimes I wish I could come up with an idea like this.  We talked about this at the cocktail party last night.  If you had $1 billion, what would you buy?  My answer was a house for my mom.  (My second answer was 125 Broad Street.)


1. That makes me so sad.  I'm rededicating myself to getting in better shape.

3. Have you tried Daily Burn?  I think I'm going to do the 30-day trial.

4. Dave Barry is great.


1. I suspect that you only save and submit the ones you think are legit.  That said, throwing it away is idiotic regardless.

3. I think that is the law in many places, i.e. there's a general rule against driving while incapacitated by anything from legal prescription drugs you might be taking to booze or illegal drugs.


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