Thursday, May 8, 2014

Bear Down!

This article goes out of its way to blame everyone (including the kids!) except Michelle Obama for this.  To be sure, they're not wrong - Congress passed the law and Obama signed it, and it's barely reasonable to blame terrible school cafeteria lunches on the federal government, but it stands to reason that, as the face of this whole campaign, Michelle might bear some accountability for the poor early results.

This is a development that is a long time coming.  It does help create certainty (with the waitstaff as well as the diner with regard to what he's paying), but I wonder if there are really people out there who value the ability to punish (or reward) waiters for how good the service was.

The NBA's legal strategy against Donald Sterling is emerging.  Also, Shelly Sterling is emerging as the wild card in the resolution of the LA Clippers nightmare.  At this point, she's not going anywhere.

Should we all apologize to Obama for letting him down?

Why can't he live at the ski resort?  Sometimes bears misbehave, but he would never (intentionally) hurt anyone!

This is a nice story, but my main takeaway that I want to call Ryan Quigley and offer my services as his money manager.

I know every reference to wrestling I make puts me on borrowed time, but if this video doesn't move you, then there's nothing I can do.


1. I think many of those people didn't think about it before saying anything and/or reflexively like Obama because hope and change, but that said, it's sad that people are willing to respond to a camera about the question without thinking about it.  Also, I mentioned the J.J. Redick thing to you.

2. I read an article that suggested that one reason that Asians seem to do better is because of 1960s immigration patterns.  The theory is that these parents place a greater emphasis on working hard work than the average parent and perhaps were better equipped to understand what hard work actually means in the educational context.  I don't know whether this theory holds up to evidence, but the idea that cultural factors play a role and that an outsized emphasis on hard work as the important factor makes sense.

3. It makes perfect sense because there are feminist radicals whose views many feminists don't hold but who speak more loudly than seemingly anyone else on the issue.  I've seen this with conservative/libertarian friends who don't self-identify as Republican as well (thanks to the Tea Party or the demonization of the GOP by liberals).  I think the article has mostly good things to say, but it's definitely more about correcting misconceptions.  (Btw, I suspect that the reason Shailene Woodley is getting pushback is the same reason Donald Sterling is, i.e. social media is now ever-present and all-judging.)

4. I like Megyn Kelly.  If I were to watch any of the prime time shows on Fox News, it would be hers.

5. I think Malcolm Gladwell would agree with this conclusion as well.  It's just too bad that that they don't tell you the secrets of the universe at lower institutions. :P

6. Why does this make you mad?

7. I haven't watched the sketch yet, so I'll withhold comment until then.


1. And I guess we're talking about it.  Are our lives really better for it?

2. I think part of the problem is that it's only 6 years in that people are starting to think about how to make fun of Obama in ways that don't reference political disagreements.  This wasn't a problem with GWB (stupid, drugs), Clinton (sketchy to women, greasy charismatic, fat (in the early days)), Bush 41 (boring, robotic), or Reagan (stupid, smooth talker).  It's interesting how liberals like to make fun of most conservatives as stupid or evil (Ford was considered stupid as well, and GWB, Reagan, and Nixon had evil in the lexicon too).

3. That link looks like something I would send you. :P  In any case, I do think that the key is whether the good that you get from a happy marriage (i.e. after all that hard work) is either visible to people or else something that people will miss if they don't have it.


Cub Scouts Honor

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