Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Racism/feminism/ageism/sexism - oh my!

The Donald Sterling thing has gotten out of hand because Americans think like this. But Sterling's racism is weird because it only seems to negatively affect white people.

on believing in destiny and believing in hard work. 

I don't know why Shailene Woodley is getting so much pushback for saying she's not a feminist (so many female stars have said similar things and Shailene isn't a household name yet) but I think this article is honest about why so many women say it.

more from that smart megyn kelly

i guess there's hope for those of us that didn't go to princeton =P

this actually makes me mad, considering millenials are labeled as entitled.

the new leslie jones controversy

1. because we're going to have to talk about this invisible knapsack because people say we do.

2. i totally saw this already. surprised that politico would say anything not pro-obama. what kind of joke would make obama seem aware? jokes about his vacations? his partisanship? racism? is he supposed to be the next leslie jones?

3. more views on marriage. i'm not sure people are ready to revert back to the open marriages idea. (although maybe we're going to a no-marriages view in america since so many people aren't getting married) and being married in japan sounds atrocious!

5. i saw this too! i had already heard of this from my radioneurologist friend. fortunately, he doesn't work for the good of the poor - he works for the money-ed. or the middle in any case.

5. i will defend self-help books to my detoxing dying day.

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