Friday, May 9, 2014

to do or not to do

how to be unhappy

article is overly long but provides support for when you see something that everyone else thinks is classic and you think sucks  (the invisible knapsack comes to mind)

things people are doing

things we should do

doing less

finally, i get to post an article about forgiveness

1. i saw that article too. i mean, i guess we can all agree that it's not technically her fault but if it had been a success, she wouldn't have included the others parties in her awards speech. also, it seems that her plan has backfired and more kids are hungry now and if she cared about the kids, wouldn't she change it?

i was going to say well, it's not like laura bush accomplished anything special in her time so maybe michelle obama shouldn't feel bad but laura bush started the national book festival, which drew 200,000 people last year. i've been once - it was pretty cool. also laura bush apparently did some stuff for heart disease and education that was positive. i read laura bush's wiki and although i liked her before, i really like her now.

2. i think it'll be bad because people will eat out less (as they said in the article, people got sticker shock and they don't count tipping as part of the money they spend or how they calculate the cost of the restaurant) and good waiters will earn less. with so many of the new jobs being in the hospitality industry, i think we've just created millions more people barely scraping by.

3. that seems like a dicey strategy. i imagine every owner has some weird contract that they didn't abide by 100% of the rules. and if they're going to invoke the "not engage in actions hurting the nba" clause, that's especially terrifying. i'm sure owners thought of that as directly going against the nba's direct financial interests and not random thoughts they uttered in private. also, it's a big loss for the clippers' ceo who didn't even do anything but whom is definitely getting sacked, no matter what happens.

i kinda foresee the sterlings bringing the nba down with a lawsuit. in any case, i think this is going to cost the nba a lot more money/goodwill than if they had just let it slide - issued a statement that was "these are a man's private thoughts and we think they're abhorrent. but it's not our place to police them. now let's focus on some basketball.").

4. i don't know about you but i have nothing to apologize for. =P kinda sad that that's his legacy. "people don't behave the way i thought they would. therefore i just shut down rather than try to figure out the puzzle." what we really need from politicians is tenacity and probably really really liking people.

5. poor baby bear.

6. seriously, why does he have to make his story into such a sob story? "I make 400k and can't afford to buy clothes and also I gave to charity." Why can't it just be "I gave to charity." Now we feel bad for you when we could have just felt happy about you.

7. that was very touching. i've always been impressed with how much the wwe does for make-a-wish and for kids. i think the atmosphere is pretty cool - everyone seems so into it. maybe we should go to a wrestling match sometime.

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