Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Follow the Crowd

You might learn a lot from this short video.

The NBA is working on a strategy to deal with Shelly Sterling too.

Rand Paul is prepping for a presidential run.

I saw two articles by people attacking Donald Sterling for going after Magic Johnson and defending Magic Johnson's legacy.  I'm not going to post either of them.  I'm also not going to post the article about how murder is bad or the one about how 2+2, it turns out, equals 4.

What does your internet usage say about your politics?

What is adventure racing, and where can I sign up?


1. There are some good points in there.

2. Any explanation that makes academics sound like idiots is fine by me.

4. I think my ankles are okay now.  What I really need to do is strengthen my hips.

5. People stay busy often because they fear what they'll find if they don't have meaning.  They're stalling.

6. Great article.  Everyone should read it.  I'm going to read it twice.


1. There's an element of humility that's missing.  I got the impression that Laura Bush's efforts were hopeful and more or less uncontroversial.  Michelle Obama's efforts have been a combination of policy changes and cajoling people into eating "healthy" and exercising more.  To be sure, Michelle isn't the first First Lady to do that - Hillary (Hillarycare) and Nancy Reagan (anti-drug campaign) also had somewhat controversial efforts and caught similar criticism to Michelle.  Also, had the effort been a bigger success, the article likely would have attributed 100% of the credit to Michelle.

2. I think sticker shock would be a short-term reaction that would fade with time.  Also, I'm not persuaded that tipping is an efficient way of allocating compensation to the best waiters.  How many people just tip 15% and call it a day?  How many people tip badly all the time?  How many people leave a tip based on the quality of the food or other factors outside the waiter's control?  I would be curious to see how waiters feel about the change.

4. Sorry I'm not sorry.

7. Don't say something you don't mean!


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