Friday, March 29, 2013

The New York Times?!

I imagine that the argument over the billable hour will continue forever, even if at some point law firms decide to get rid of it.

Here is yet another take on Generation Y.

Other places have weird laws.

They were just hungry!

I thought this article was extremely true.

This is the Hanna Rosin article I mentioned earlier.  Here is an interesting rebuttal.


1. Society is falling apart.  Either that or the people who thought it would be a good idea to take away dodgeball should have to play dodgerock.

2. The other day I completely filled up my iPhone's hard drive, so whenever it's time to upgrade to the next iPhone (5S? 6?) in December/January, I may have to get the 32-GB version.  That article makes me excited to get the 5S...

3. You'd probably have to mount hooks.

4. You mean because there's no accountability, tracking, or commitment? :P

5. Thank you, The Onion.

6. The idea seems to describe our (ideal) relationships with our loved ones - why not?


an answer to your facebook feed problem

"and for the record if you suck at dodgeball you wont be in long enough to be bullied."


but how would i hang these up on my patio?

maybe you don't need this with gympact and fitbit, but it seems pretty low-commitment to me

something to counter all your facebook feed posts

the answer is: maybe?

Thursday, March 28, 2013


1. I love how that story takes it for granted that expensing food is waste.  Yes, Qdoba is a waste of money in general, but I imagine the rules are way stricter for them than they are for us, and our rules are not exactly decadent.

2. Doing my best to pretend that nonsense isn't happening.  I actually have a huge problem with protesting in front of a court.  In my view, the courts are supposed to interpret the law without any reference at all to popular opinion (unless the law itself calls for such reference, in which case it's probably a poorly written law).  Gay marriage supporters should take their signs and chants to Congress (better yet, to their respective state governments, but I do understand that Congress passed DOMA).
3. So glad that I own one of those songs (Atlas Genius - Electric), and I actually heard the Phoenix song on the radio the other day (I even Shazam-ed it).  Maybe this music buying thing is working after all.

4. Looks good.

5. I would agree with you if the participants who worked for 7 minutes still bought the vanilla ice cream.  Maybe money can't buy happiness, but for most of us, it can buy not-unhappiness (i.e. electricity, shelter, etc.), and we don't always know in advance how much we'll need, and most of us aren't wealthy.  Also, did you read the link about numbers and shopping at the bottom?

6. Ugh.  I hated that article.  And I hate this whole question.  If a state decides that it thinks that kids are better raised in an orphanage than with a gay couple, that might be a terrible decision, but I don't understand why it's an unconstitutional one.  As far as I'm concerned, policy should be informed by science as read by our legislators, and the court has nothing to add.


4. It's hard to get bent out of shape over a government worker having to take every other Friday off when you don't have a job.

Update: I went to the Yumplings food truck today.  Their lobster bisque was kinda great, but the dumplings (and I tried 2 of each of their 5 options) were meh.


musicology, numerology, geography and cake

mmm gross - it's called chipotle, people.

it just occurred to me just now that the crowds around the supreme court, are not that far from where i'm sitting.  i saw an article - best signs from the protests - but they were all terrible and uninteresting, so i'm not posting them here.

music suggestions - haven't heard of all of them 

a new  eater  easter tradition

to me, this felt like earning the right to choose, not irrationally thinking about numbers

reading this

1. we can dream
2. i saw that too but didn't think it was that interesting. oh poor you, you can't live like a millionaire because you're not one. shoulda been raised by my parents, who laughed themselves out of Saks on 7th Avenue.
4. i think it's strange that there haven't been any sob stories from people facing the sequester. doesn't seem like we talk about the sequester much at all anymore.  i thought the propaganda machine would have really liked those stories. just liked they liked these stories


Maybe one day Virginia will eliminate its income tax like all these other wonderful places.

I thought this was an actually interesting take on the question of income inequality.  That said, I'm pretty sure that there is a certain commandment that is supposed to take care of this problem.

San Francisco is a weird place, and it's not just because of the aggressively liberal politics.  Why are they fighting with the internet (or, I guess more precisely, the industry behind it)?

Here's some proof that the Obama Administration was aggressively overreacting to the sequester.

If you ever want to know what the best bartenders in DC think about cocktails, here you go.

I always wanted a list of people who have an incredibly over-inflated sense of self-worth.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What is Ultra HD?

Apparently Ultra HD even better than HD (whatever that means), and there's a rumor that Apple's forthcoming TV (which is different from the Apple TV) will be equipped with it.

I assume that elevator operators claimed the same entitled nonsense when they were replaced by buttons.

Here is your RGIII update.

And then there were responses:

1. Why is topless Justin Bieber on my blog? :P

2. The more I see people talking about gay marriage on Facebook, the less inclined I am to support them.

3. Today I learned that there is a such thing as Extreme New England Clam Chowder, and that Amorini Panini serves it.

4. Maybe he's the one out of a hundred first-degree murder convict to be actually reformed, so if that's the case, then so be it.  But I'm generally against wasting resources on people who have committed first-degree murder.

5. Maybe the one thing Generation Y is good at is whining.

6. Big firms pad more because they have more mouths to feed.

7. It's because, short of handing out wads of cash, they know that nothing will get people to come to Rosslyn.

8. The prison system article?  I think he's just saying that conservatives weirdly defend the current prison system as if it's the best thing ever, and while we maybe shouldn't get too bent out of shape about people who committed crimes having bad lives (see #4), we should take note of the huge drain on society's resources that having a huge prison or ex-convict population has.

9. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have the sales associate touch my butt than have to pay $500 to try on clothing.


10. That is exciting.

11. Speaking of which... no pictures?

12. The Mormons manage to raise their kids with great morals in a world that seems to reject them.  No more complaining, parents.  If you can't keep your 12-year-old daughter from buying VS products, then you suck at parenting.  And probably life too.

13. My mom did this for a while. It's about liquidity.  You might be getting a paycheck to cover the other three weeks, but if you only have $200 to your name, then that'll buy you a week until you figure out next week.  It's the epitome of living paycheck to paycheck.

14. This is the first I've heard of this show.  Their response to Morrissey was nice, though.

15. Do we?

16. I know I watched Jersey Shore, but that Gawker quote just fills me with regret for so much of what is on television.


kill your heroes

wowza this was pretty fun to read

something to look for at your next yoga class

my vs package came in today.  we can have a fashion show.  unless you're all up in arms against VS like so many others. (This might be a weird thing to say but VS isn't that slutty. I mean, maybe their clothes are kinda slutty but their clothes are only in the catalogs and the sweat stuff isn't slutty - and not any more slutty than a normal teen store. And the underwear is supposed to go UNDER clothing so why should anyone care if someone is wearing slutty underwear? shouldn't you really be thinking, man they should hike their pants up and wear a shirt? there are no men in vs ads so for all anyone knows, the models are just wearing the lingerie for themselves in well-lit rooms)

i have never ever understood why homeless people live in motels - well, unless the gov is paying for it. if the area you're in doesn't have enough housing, but you have a car, why wouldn't you move? it's not quite the normal stress of moving in that you don't have any stuff anyway. and then, why wouldn't you negotiate a month rate?

in case you saw that yahoo article and were wondering too.  but you'd like this about them: "The Robertsons appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Scheduled musical guest Morrissey canceled because he objected to being on the show with those he called "animal serial killers." Phil Robertson responded saying "Whoever he is, I don't hold it against him." They made a parody video where they sold a carrot call, instead of a duck call, to call wild carrots to jump straight into their mouths. [19] "

we have to watch this:

"Reactions to the trailer range from excitement over watching train-wreck TV to utter disgust that Lochte has a reality show. Gawker snarks, "It looks, frankly, amazing. Ryan Lochte is 'Newlyweds' Season 1-era Jessica Simpson with Hulk strength. He is Pauly D from 'Jersey Shore' without the nuance and self-awareness. He is 'Britney & Kevin: Chaotic,' but in a swimming pool.""

responses to responses to responses to responses

i liked this headline: Bieber's bizarre behavior continues as he strips topless at airport... - i mean, he's still so PG he only strips topless. why is this news?

i don't really understand all the gay marriage buzz now - i mean, they're not going to rule for months. while this story was playing on msnbc, even the liberal office staff were like, why don't they cover real news, like how many jobs are being created in this economy? (actually the staff, based on their comments on msnbc, seem actually quite conservative. who actually put msnbc on the tv is still a mystery. and at nights, the tv is turned to cop shows.) anyway, i didn't have breakfast and i don't want to weigh in on gay marriage so i guess i can't post anything on facebook.

Here's something I learned at work today: Radiculopathy refers to a set of conditions in which one or more nerves are affected and do not work properly (a neuropathy). The emphasis is on the nerve root (radix = "root"). This can result in pain (radicular pain), weakness, numbness, or difficulty controlling specific muscles.[1]

what do you think of this?

i am going to read this but haven't yet

i don't think we're padding our legal fees. i'm working my butt off and i wish i could throw some bodies at my work.

we should take a picture in deep throat garage! it's weird that they haven't tried to capitalize on this fame with big signs and admission tickets.

ooh i want to see the new couch! i'll be swamped tonight but maybe tomorrow? and i know i left the book there - i left a lot of good stuff there.  i'll have to come get it.

response to response #2 - you have to explain the article to me because my brain could not get through it.

responses to responses to responses #2 - i think the vera wang situation is very different than the lululemon situation.  it's showing how rich you are by paying to try on a vera wang gown and it's not degrading like having a sales associate touch your butt.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

In Other News...

My vacuum, record player, and replacement couch all arrived today.

Also, you left your new book here.

Also, Facebook is full of people posting their support for (or opposition to) gay marriage.  I long for the days when people just posted pictures of their dog or talked about what they had for breakfast.

Here are some links, I guess:

Here is an article I'm reading about some of the problems in higher education.

Here is an article about the prison system written by Conrad Black, who I learned has spent some time in jail.

I'm just going to leave this here.


Text Twist > When the Saints Go Marching In

The way to get a song out of your head is by doing anagrams, according to this article.

I mostly agree with this article - I've always had a problem with pollution - with respect to conservatives and environmentalism.

I mentioned this already - immediately to the right just outside the picture is Gold's Gym, if that helps your frame of reference.

Teenagers are mind-numbingly stupid and bored.  I blame social media.

This story has been making the legal rounds today.


1. They mentioned the Louis C.K. bit I told you about.

2. I got all three right too.  I think it makes a lot of sense.  I've found that some people reflexively adopt positions that their like-minded friends or like-minded commentators adopt because they trust those people and assume that those people have done their homework.

3. Why don't you tell me how that goes?

4. That looks really good.

5. That... well, maybe after the non-vegan salted caramel is gone.

6. Expressive rationality?

7. Is that actually pâté?

Responses to responses:

1. No.

5. Here is the rebuttal.


miss you

parking signs that make sense

what do you think of this study? and yes, i got all 3 questions correct.

this will be my go-to sadistic app

yummy easter idea

potentially yummy but probably mostly healthy

nice underwear is important

i liked these food suggestions for people on the go


1. are you sure that was a joke?
2. that guy's a jerk. full stop. i hope the wife gets a good shot at him.
3. all my critically acclaimed shows are ending/ended - happy endings, community, 30 rock, mad men. i guess i'll have to start watching 2 1/2 men
4. never heard of any of them.
5. weird that wealthy women would subject themselves to putting on the pants and bending over. wouldn't they be like, ummm, just give me the money back?

Friday, March 22, 2013


This is the least funny joke I've heard today.  That includes this morning's fat jokes.

Ted Johnson, former football player himself, is a large man, but I still wouldn't want to be him after this joke on talk radio.  Vince Wilfork is not to be trifled with.

ABC seems mean for doing this to actually loyal fans of Happy Endings.  It's kind of a cruel joke.

I don't remember if I posted this already, but if not, here are the top new restaurants in DC.

Yoga pants-gate.  File this one under "Rich, Ridiculous People Problems."


Thursday, March 21, 2013

asians, gen y, and that bingo kid

the article about whether white americans are more individualistic is actually supposed to be about asians being less individualistic - what, talking about asians in the headlines won't get as many hits? being asian in philly wouldn't make an interesting article?

penelope trunk hates us

it may seem like a slap on the write now but he may have gone on to disrupt other games. do you think this goes on his record? what law did he violate? how much do people get sentenced for shouting 'fire'?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

there is no connecting thread

now the civil rights groups have gone too far

i know they're not the people they portray but this is still creepy to me.  they're surprisingly close in age. and their kids' eyes are going to be insanely blue.

i played this game and i ended up with a boatload of money at the end. i guess i would make it out of poverty?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Being White in Philly

James Taranto highlighted this very interesting article about race in Philly - from the perspective of white people.  Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter's response is here.  (Note: it's really idiotic and sad.)

I'm sure this idea sounded good on paper.

I am probably in this category.  That said, I read a bunch of articles about whether I should save money or pay down loans, and their conclusion is that, after I save a bit for an emergency fund, I should just pay down loans.


Monday, March 18, 2013

all kinds of people

cheap people

rich people

bad people

good person? i gave money to a homeless woman near metro center because i felt bad that a woman was out there in the elements and it's dangerous!  i'm sexist so i'm no good.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

This might be a good idea for you...

It's called Uber.  Essentially, instead of having to bother with hailing a cab or going through the pain-in-the-butt of calling one (since you have to find the number and whatnot), you can just go to the website on your smartphone (which I have decided that you're getting because you promised) and set up where you are and where you're going.  Also, as you'll notice, you can have a credit card loaded onto your account so you don't have to worry about having cash or looking for an ATM.

It is slightly more expensive than a cab (there is a minimum $15 fare and a high base fare compared to regular cabs), but you can also use Uber to find a regular cab for you (so you get the credit card payment advantage as well, but you pay what you would ordinarily pay).  Also, there is no need to tip an Uber car driver (for a regular cab, they automatically include a 20% tip, which at most will be $3 or $4 extra).  If your firm reimburses you for travel home after 8 pm and doesn't have some sort of voucher system or car service that they prefer that you use (and it sounds as though they don't), it doesn't matter that it's a little more expensive because you get reimbursed.

Full disclosure: I did just see this story in the Post today.  This is obviously very tragic, and I don't want to take anything away from that, but the plus side is that, because she used Uber instead of a random cab on the street, she didn't need to worry about trying to figure out who the perpetrator was because she had an electronic receipt from the service that included the driver's name and photograph.  On the other side of the scale, Joe at work uses it all the time and swears by it.  Also, I've heard other people in New York rave about it.

In other news:

Rand Paul spoke at CPAC and called John McCain "stale and moss-covered."  Well, not exactly, but still.

I don't really know much about this stuff, but it seems interesting.

This is happening.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bryan Voltaggio in DC

Maybe you knew this, but he opened a new restaurant in Friendship Heights, and apparently it's a hit.

Here are ten compliments you should never give a guy.  I think the list makes sense.

The Wall Street Journal draws a parallel between staying on your parents' health insurance plan until 26 and having your parents continue paying for your cellphone, Netflix, etc., indefinitely.  I've never really benefitted from this phenomenon, but I think I'd cut my kids off during or after college.

I didn't know this was a thing.  Or this.  It's not even that I thought they were just normal weight; I thought they were skinny.  Maybe not the skinniest without being unhealthy of all time, but definitely qualifier-free skinny.  This has to be the work of other girls.  You gals really do hate each other.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013


It's just a rumor, but that didn't stop these people from coming up with some fake drawings.

I definitely walk more now that I have a Fitbit.

This doesn't seem like a good idea, but it's out there.

Tony Gonzalez is coming back!  And RGIII is feeling better.


1. Happier now.

2. Two concerns: 1) the people issuing tickets are meter maids, not cops, and they may not be equipped to handle actual crime; and 2) in a place like DC, space is at a premium, and there may not be much room for parking decks.

3. Overkill?

4. I'm glad everyone on the internet isn't just an anonymous asshole leaving comments to articles.  I have only one problem: the IHOP tippers didn't need to put it on Facebook.

5. So true.  Also, how do women account for 60% of purchases when they don't actually buy anything?

6. That's a lot of self-improvement.  Sounds like a weekend project.

7. That's a lot of self-improvement.  Sounds like a weekend project.

8. Maybe watch Wicked again?


Monday, March 11, 2013

back with a vengeance

you're probably happy about this, right?

i mean, if you're parked illegally, you shouldn't be surprised to get a ticket.  but maybe they should just get rid of street parking because these tickets are the opposite of goodwill, and you could collect the money easily from parking garages. and traffic would be lighter because people don't want to pay the garage rates or wouldn't be searching for parking. and cops could do other things - like track down killers or something.

but she's wearing heels?

aww, heart warmed

oh how i wish to be online shopping but i guess i'll just read about it instead

interesting links to get back to

what if we started doing all this really boring but necessary stuff?

didya hear that oz movie did really well? and it's nothing like wicked. maybe interested in watching it?

Friday, March 8, 2013


1. ooh macaroons! but seriously $1.60/each is an unsustainable habit. i'll add macaroon ingredients to the ziplist.

2. seriously, up all night was not good. we, like lorna michaels, kept expecting it to get better, to actually be better than what we saw. but it actually was what it was.

3. i was all heartwarmed thinking of law schools actually doing good. but then it seemed more like they're employing graduates like interns - charging half price to their own schools but not paying the students much, not helping the low-income (because $150/hr is a lot even for people like us to pay a lawyer) and possibly putting other law firms out of business with their low prices but also low salaries.  heart not as warmed anymore.

4. surprisingly the liberal retort to this article was that unemployment was not that bad - that it had already dropped to 7.9% showing we're on an awesome recovery.  this was confusing to me since 7.9% still seems terrible.  but i also wanted to see what real unemployment looked like - is 23% real unemployment historically bad?  turns out, unsurprisingly, yes. also, real unemployment seems to be increasing.

also, are hotels unsafe? that quote kinda stuck out at me? are people getting mugged outside their hotel rooms? inside their hotel rooms?

5. the stylist video - i didn't think i would like it so much either - and it would certainly be more my cup of tea than yours. but it was so amazing - and i think the comments read this too - that a parent would take a seemingly ridiculous dream for a 7-year old but give him a little fantasy day for it.  and the fashion people all took him seriously too. and her remarks about how proud she seems to be of him.  aww. it was kinda like a thing that would only happen on tv but it was all real people. i totally like that article.

6. you didn't like the nicolas cage video?!?!?!!?

7. we can always look for a boston cream donut recipe if you like.

Which should I buy?

In the red corner, we have the KitchenAid stand mixer.  I'd probably go with the empire red model, but I'm open to color suggestions.

And in the... yellow corner, we have the Dyson DC33 vacuum cleaner.  It's bagless, it's convenient, and it's British... whatever that's worth.  I would consider other Dyson models.

As for pros and cons:

1. The stand mixer is something I have been coveting for quite some time.  That said, I have also secretly longed for a Dyson vacuum.

2. I have seen a fair number of recipes (#1: cinnamon rolls) that would be possible with a stand mixer.  That said, it's not as though the stand mixer is the only thing standing between me and a whole new (cooking) world.

3. I need a vacuum cleaner.  That said, 1) there are cheaper vacuums and 2) if I hire a maid service, they will likely bring their own vacuum cleaner that will be industrial-strength.  The vacuum would still have a place for more frequent cleanings, but it's not as though I'll be overrun by dirt without it.

4. I'm probably going to buy both items within the next 12 months (the real question being which I get first), so a different way of framing the issue is figuring out which item will provide the most utility/satisfaction over the next, say, 6 months.

What say you?

In a(n un)related story, she used to be my Congressman.


More Places to Eat in DC

The Washington Post has a list, and I don't think I've even been to most of these places, much less tried the dish in question.

Maybe we did bail at the right time.

I was talking about a similar idea with Jay and Ryan yesterday, but apparently others have noticed the ridiculousness between the two problems of unemployed lawyers and unrepresented working class/middle class people.  I tend to think that the problem still lies in how ridiculously expensive law school is (since these alums are only working with the programs because they can't find jobs elsewhere, i.e. it's their only option), but it's at least an acknowledgement of the problem, and Arizona has helped by allowing students to take the bar exam after two years.  An additional idea that has been thrown around is to loosen the requirement that tenure-track professors teach virtually all of the courses offered during law school (this would get at one of the main drivers of increasing costs - faculty salaries).  Maybe the legal profession isn't doomed after all.

Peggy Noonan is one of my favorite writers.  Here she writes about how Obama isn't doing much to inspire confidence in America.

I don't remember if I sent you this article already, but here it is again.

And my comments:

1.  Co-sign.

2.  Not gonna lie - I started reading that article and was very skeptical that I would finish it, much less enjoy it.  But enjoy it I did.

3. This is one of those things that you posted for yourself, right? :)

4.  We can make the doughnuts this weekend (I've added everything to the Ziplist), but only if we can make them Boston Cream doughnuts (which essentially means that we top them with this instead of coating them with sugar).


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

career advancement and nicolas cage

another take on marissa mayer's bold move

from the same blog, this was adorable

this was what i wanted to add in the first place. nicolas cage is in taylor swift's new video for the song i just bought!

a new project?

Friday, March 1, 2013

no knockout!

1. when you said i-66 would get improvements, i was really hoping for a picture of the road with a new waterslide.

2. i was pretty sure the PCH was dangerous but i guess that just proves it. glad we didn't go on one of those days the road collapses.

3. chris christie is wearing on me but i would probably reelect him if i was in nj - i mean, against cuomo? or  some rando dem? but i think it makes sense people are baking the hilary over him. i would do the same.

4. i'll shop at walmart to make up the difference! altho i kinda like target better and it's closer.

5. that brewery place seems good. another bar to consider - the drafting table, where karine and i went once. it was features in wapo.

6. i didn't like reading that arrested development article because it seemed to be apologizing so much (only jason bateman will be in every episode. it's only one season.)  forget apologizing. they're giving us more arrested development! it's like apologizing for a surplus of puppies and rainbows.

7. i actually didn't have a problem with marisa mayer's pronouncement. i mean, yeah, you have to go to work sometimes. i think you should be allowed to telework if you've proven yourself, but only certain days. there really is something to be said about coming into the office and seeing who you work with.

8. dawkins is a coward.

9.  in other news, my sister hit a deer and may need to borrow my car for a week. since i don't drive much, i don't see it as a problem, especially for next week since i'll probably be working so much that i won't have time to drive anywhere anyway.