Friday, March 8, 2013

More Places to Eat in DC

The Washington Post has a list, and I don't think I've even been to most of these places, much less tried the dish in question.

Maybe we did bail at the right time.

I was talking about a similar idea with Jay and Ryan yesterday, but apparently others have noticed the ridiculousness between the two problems of unemployed lawyers and unrepresented working class/middle class people.  I tend to think that the problem still lies in how ridiculously expensive law school is (since these alums are only working with the programs because they can't find jobs elsewhere, i.e. it's their only option), but it's at least an acknowledgement of the problem, and Arizona has helped by allowing students to take the bar exam after two years.  An additional idea that has been thrown around is to loosen the requirement that tenure-track professors teach virtually all of the courses offered during law school (this would get at one of the main drivers of increasing costs - faculty salaries).  Maybe the legal profession isn't doomed after all.

Peggy Noonan is one of my favorite writers.  Here she writes about how Obama isn't doing much to inspire confidence in America.

I don't remember if I sent you this article already, but here it is again.

And my comments:

1.  Co-sign.

2.  Not gonna lie - I started reading that article and was very skeptical that I would finish it, much less enjoy it.  But enjoy it I did.

3. This is one of those things that you posted for yourself, right? :)

4.  We can make the doughnuts this weekend (I've added everything to the Ziplist), but only if we can make them Boston Cream doughnuts (which essentially means that we top them with this instead of coating them with sugar).


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