Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What is Ultra HD?

Apparently Ultra HD even better than HD (whatever that means), and there's a rumor that Apple's forthcoming TV (which is different from the Apple TV) will be equipped with it.

I assume that elevator operators claimed the same entitled nonsense when they were replaced by buttons.

Here is your RGIII update.

And then there were responses:

1. Why is topless Justin Bieber on my blog? :P

2. The more I see people talking about gay marriage on Facebook, the less inclined I am to support them.

3. Today I learned that there is a such thing as Extreme New England Clam Chowder, and that Amorini Panini serves it.

4. Maybe he's the one out of a hundred first-degree murder convict to be actually reformed, so if that's the case, then so be it.  But I'm generally against wasting resources on people who have committed first-degree murder.

5. Maybe the one thing Generation Y is good at is whining.

6. Big firms pad more because they have more mouths to feed.

7. It's because, short of handing out wads of cash, they know that nothing will get people to come to Rosslyn.

8. The prison system article?  I think he's just saying that conservatives weirdly defend the current prison system as if it's the best thing ever, and while we maybe shouldn't get too bent out of shape about people who committed crimes having bad lives (see #4), we should take note of the huge drain on society's resources that having a huge prison or ex-convict population has.

9. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have the sales associate touch my butt than have to pay $500 to try on clothing.


10. That is exciting.

11. Speaking of which... no pictures?

12. The Mormons manage to raise their kids with great morals in a world that seems to reject them.  No more complaining, parents.  If you can't keep your 12-year-old daughter from buying VS products, then you suck at parenting.  And probably life too.

13. My mom did this for a while. It's about liquidity.  You might be getting a paycheck to cover the other three weeks, but if you only have $200 to your name, then that'll buy you a week until you figure out next week.  It's the epitome of living paycheck to paycheck.

14. This is the first I've heard of this show.  Their response to Morrissey was nice, though.

15. Do we?

16. I know I watched Jersey Shore, but that Gawker quote just fills me with regret for so much of what is on television.



  1. responses to your responses but not your links yet:

    1. i never clicked on the article. is he really topless? does he look just like a girl on top?
    2. the less you are to support gay marriage or to support people who post about gay marriage on their facebook>?
    3. this needs some more elaboration.
    4. wasting resources - does that mean you should let first degree murderers go?
    7. lol
    8. no, that article about the 3 questions. but i for one have never been a fan of the american prison system.
    9. you would
    11. yeah, that would have been helpful. but i do have a yoga for dummies book that has pictures.
    12. the article was really dumb too because vs said: actually we're not trying to market to teenagers. perhaps if they can't teach reading comprehension, how are they going to teach morals?
    13. but why don't you just move?
    15. maybe we could watch duck dynasty instead.

    1. 1. Not dignifying with a response.
      2. Both?
      3. I took a picture of the sign on my iPhone. I did not go in.
      4. Expedited appeals process + death penalty?
      8. There was a popular (among liberals) theory that conservatives were conservative because they were dumber or less rational. Then academia got involved to try to prove it with science.
      13. Because you need a security deposit and first month's rent, which is approximately 8 times more money than whatever the weekly rate would be. And if you're asking why they don't save, then I don't think you're appreciating the nature of the problem.


    2. 3. do you want to get this clam chowder? does it have bacon in it? does it have lobster?
      5. well, i got that part. but what did the article actually prove? that people agree with other people that think like them?
      13. no i get it. i just think articles do a poor point of explaining this type of thing. but ideally, you would stay in a shelter - assuming one would take you -or with family- for 2 months and save up the rent and deposit, rather than living in a hotel. also, food costs would be much more expensive. but i understand it's difficult. you'd think they would have covered these real type issues in that poverty game.

      i'm afraid of this 'ultra hd' but mostly because of the naming. what will come after - 'super ultra hd'? it was like when the art world defined the modernist era, then it was all post-modern and post-post modern and eventually, urine in a bottle with a cross in it.

      i worry for rgKNEE. i don't want him to kill himself to make week i - i want him to be healthy for the long haul. I just don't know if dr andrews is going to make that happen.

    3. 3. This is DC. Maybe it just opposes gay marriage, which in some people's minds would make it extremist clam chowder. I'm not quite at the point where I want to find out.

      8? Yes? I think that's the only real take-home lesson here, but the relevant backstory is that the people who perform these studies are often trying to prove with science that liberals are smarter than conservatives (and failing).

      13. Aren't shelters for people with zero cash?

      If they don't come up with a better name, then Apple truly died with Steve Jobs.

      If anyone can, Dr. James Andrews can.
