Thursday, March 28, 2013


1. I love how that story takes it for granted that expensing food is waste.  Yes, Qdoba is a waste of money in general, but I imagine the rules are way stricter for them than they are for us, and our rules are not exactly decadent.

2. Doing my best to pretend that nonsense isn't happening.  I actually have a huge problem with protesting in front of a court.  In my view, the courts are supposed to interpret the law without any reference at all to popular opinion (unless the law itself calls for such reference, in which case it's probably a poorly written law).  Gay marriage supporters should take their signs and chants to Congress (better yet, to their respective state governments, but I do understand that Congress passed DOMA).
3. So glad that I own one of those songs (Atlas Genius - Electric), and I actually heard the Phoenix song on the radio the other day (I even Shazam-ed it).  Maybe this music buying thing is working after all.

4. Looks good.

5. I would agree with you if the participants who worked for 7 minutes still bought the vanilla ice cream.  Maybe money can't buy happiness, but for most of us, it can buy not-unhappiness (i.e. electricity, shelter, etc.), and we don't always know in advance how much we'll need, and most of us aren't wealthy.  Also, did you read the link about numbers and shopping at the bottom?

6. Ugh.  I hated that article.  And I hate this whole question.  If a state decides that it thinks that kids are better raised in an orphanage than with a gay couple, that might be a terrible decision, but I don't understand why it's an unconstitutional one.  As far as I'm concerned, policy should be informed by science as read by our legislators, and the court has nothing to add.


4. It's hard to get bent out of shape over a government worker having to take every other Friday off when you don't have a job.

Update: I went to the Yumplings food truck today.  Their lobster bisque was kinda great, but the dumplings (and I tried 2 of each of their 5 options) were meh.


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