Saturday, March 15, 2014

a macaron crawl is happening in nyc. that is all.

because summer is nigh

maybe they are better for your health together- maybe not. but they're some good flavor combos to think about.

not sure what to make of this but i find it calming.

see, this is a good sandwich idea

probably too new age for either of us

a macaron crawl??!?!!

another list of stuff neither of us understand

i should do these more often now that i have an animated gif!

more on being a catch


1. but couldn't paternalism work if they made the penalty really high?

2. i think the "ban bossy" campaign may just be raising awareness and not actually banning the word. so in that respect, it accomplishes the mission.
but i did find it interesting that men have more leaders because they also have more followers. another take on banning bossy.

3. i think most of the advice is hard common sense. it's like "he's just not that into you." it's not that that stuff was new - it was the most common sense ever. but it was hard to take. like if you want to meet a guy, make yourself appealing to men is similar no-nonsense advice to if he doesn't call you back, he doesn't really like you. it's probably only a matter of time before susan patton's book becomes a terrible movie. maybe the next valentines day or new year's eve.

4. is prime worth it to you? do you really need stuff that fast? (for whatever anecdotal and unscientific reason, i've always known men to pay extra for express shipping. i've never understood it unless it was an emergency. but also i lose things so i'd rather get them later)

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