Tuesday, March 11, 2014

take a picture - or not

this is exactly the study you've been looking for

people are getting stupider

mood music for your comfort food?

so peng and swan and nancy all watch the Bachelor which is so strange to me. even my sister with her loathsome friends was confused - people watch the Bachelor? Who are these people? After reading this (which reminded me of playing to the spirit of Jeopardy article that you posted) it is so strange that people get mad that a guy who has been serially dating for a few weeks is supposed to propose marriage at the end of this? that's so insulting to marriage! and also just the weirdest thing to expect of reality show contestants. i mean, even people who win american idol or project runway can decline the prize at the end. (i read this article because of that yahoo article that said juan pablo was hated because of the comment he gave to the girl but i have no idea what the comment was! and the girl he rejected was like 'i'm glad my kids won't have a father like you!' to point out how bad of a guy he was (though i'm not sure that really proves anything except that this woman was made for reality tv).

2. that was such a well written response to people who don't address the arguments. i would send it to the feminists but that would seem too mean.

3-4. it does seem to me that people will be baiting others to say words that sound like the n-word. kinda like that alec baldwin story. which was sad. i found myself also thinking aw man alec baldwin, what a fall from grace, even though i had never read any of the articles. he mentioned bashir resigning from msnbc and there are so many resignations that i forgot which one he is. he just called palin an idiot, which is not nice but hardly surprising. maybe bashir shouldn't call himself a journalist but i'm not sure he needs to resign because of it. what i've learned with resignations though is that it seems like those people resigning are bad but much worse people refuse to resign.

6. this is my opinion as well. i haven't looked at global warming at all and i also don't think it's good to spew out carbon emissions but to the degree that actual science is involved, i would question anything that is "indisputable." or even if it wasn't "science."

7. i think it's interesting to think about archenemies and nemeses (and to think of this article written in 2004 when we thought w's archenemy is clinton. i think they're friends now. or at least acquaintances, which is still better than archenemy). i feel that val is my nemesis because i do hang out with her on occasion when necessary and i don't want to give her such a vaunted position as archenemy in my life. i will go ahunting for my archenemy.

11. i give the coaches a lot of credit for figuring out a ploy like that to advance their game. i think conservatives always think that of liberals -like when they thought obamacare was designed so badly so that it would fail and we'd get single payer - but i think we gave them way too much credit. here, it really does seem that everyone knew and knows what's going on.

from that article you posted on censoring charles krauthammer: is "youdlikethis" too forward for you?

"Heavy-handed New York Times?
It often pops up when you read the New York Times website: “Recommended for You.”
I don’t really need the Times to steer me to certain pieces, but some people find this absurd. As Public Editor Margaret Sullivan writes: 
“One, Patti Reid, wrote, ‘I find this offensive and ridiculous, since I feel competent to choose articles to read on my own.’ Others express privacy concerns – they don’t want their preferences tracked; and others protest the commercial applications that allow advertisers to present ads tailored to readers’ apparent preferences. A New York reader, D.B. Smith, wrote: ‘I subscribe to the NYT — I PAY money every week for access.’ He said he was annoyed that The Times tries to ‘monetize my patronage.’”
As for Sullivan, “I agree with readers that this is lamentable.”
Of course, lots of websites do this. Maybe a little humility is in order, as in “You Might Also Like”…? 

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