Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It's all about the packaging

it really does make it seem more luxe

something worth trying

See, I thought the modern view was that healthy food is tasty, not just something to be endured until you get the good stuff - or the "junk" as she calls it. then again, i'm a whole living/mindbodygreen/goop devotee.

i feel that there's no reason to put her in a business suit. it's not like men's clothes connote power. but should we go so far as to say a swimsuit is the power suit for women?

on mice and men. and also something to note when people are all "it's science! therefore it's true."

it's like sarcasm on top of sarcasm - a sarcasm sandwich with nothing in between!

maybe if i keep exposing you to them, one day you'll forgive them - beets, that is

he misused the word 'stigmata' and that's all i can think about now

1. i think people are making short shrift of some potentially complex legal issues. you noted the lack of true discussion of the first amendment. i noted one of your articles saying Sterling has no way of suing the NBA if he gets taken to court. I don't think that's something an ESPN commentator can really brush aside. i'm sure many of the best legal minds have more to say, particularly now that the details of the nba constitution have come out. and that same commentator glossed over the issue of whether Sterling's statements count as not conducting his business in a "reasonable" or "ethical" manner. furthermore, it's not a foregone conclusion that 3/4 of owners will vote Sterling out. It could be that more owners are as savvy as Mark Cuban and don't want to devalue their teams in that way (by making the unprecedented move to take someone's team away from them and (possibly?) subjecting themselves to legal liability or at least the inevitable lawsuit that Sterling files). Worst case scenario for them is if Sterling gets $1B from the sale and then uses that money to sue the heck out of the NBA. That would cast a pallor on the NBA much longer than this scandal will last.

2. well it's irrelevant since neither of us are going to see it. i have always liked cameron diaz though. even some of her terrible movies turned out to be less terrible than i imagined. (actually i'm only thinking of 'what happens in vegas' and i thought that movie would be the worst). i did like the comment that "you don't need kate hudson to make a kate hudson movie." so tragically true.

3. i'm so tired of people saying politicians are "inarticulate" when they say something very clearly that's just against the other person's opinions. it's like, oh, well if you said my opinion, then you would be a great speaker. it's like that oped today about ryan paul being lambasted for his earnestness in trying to deal with poverty. i also like that when you say "your people" you mean republicans. when i say "my people" i'd like to think it means "enfp's."

4. have you tested your fitbit v. a pedometer? in the fitbit's defense, it has definitely encouraged you to walk more.

5. this judge is embarrassing. why is the issue here whether she received notice as opposed to who benefits if we kick this woman out of her house for $6.50? and who is wronged if she stays after paying the $6.50?

4. idk. not that much money? the problem with the gov now is that it wastes so much money that saving tens of thousands here and there doesn't seem worth talking about.
6. well the place shuts down at 5pm but it's not like we go clubbing.
8. you never explained!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Here are some recent opinions on the Donald Sterling situation.  And here's one after the Adam Silver decision.  I didn't like the dismissal of what I'll call the Mark Cuban argument as a "bogus First Amendment" argument - that characterization completely misses the point - but otherwise there are some interesting things in there.

Apparently I was wrong about The Other Woman.

This makes me annoyed with my people.  Rand Paul said something perfectly reasonable, and the response is outrage because he isn't alienating moderate voters hard enough.

And now it's time for the inevitable backlash.

The tension between law and pragmatism is real, and in this case, someone could have just knocked on her door and say, "Hey, give me $6.50 or we're taking your house!"  That probably would have resolved the problem.

We are increasingly having the need for speed.


1. (afraid to say anything)

2. (still afraid to say anything)

3. Yay stories that describe my childhood!

4. That's so wrong.  How much money the government could save by paying market salaries?  I bet the discount for job security itself would go a long way.

5. Are you in the mood for a rebranding effort?

6. They definitely have great food, but I'm told that Brussels is not the most exciting city ever.


1. My only thought is whether there is a way to formalize this notion.  People (to a certain extent rightly) say that rules are inflexible and are necessarily overinclusive or underinclusive, but it seems as though a rule, say, requiring the issuance of a summons to prison within 180 days of sentencing and starting the sentence as of day 181 (if a summons isn't issued) would create certainty for the convicted and place the burden of error on the only people who are able to reduce error.

4. One probably leads to the other (generally speaking, not necessarily with respect to a particular friend).  I think his perspective is worth noting, though, because it's so hard to explain racial segregation in the social context to someone who has no place to go - whether it's because there aren't any of his race where he is or because the person is mixed race.  For me, the notion of dating within my own race is a non-starter not just because it's odious, but also because I just physically can't.


Monday, April 28, 2014


putting my phone down

asian chicken soup. that's racist!

on why my parents might be ok giving cj all sorts of sweets

Part of my - this is what other people do for a living - segment

belgium would be fun to eat in

1. i don't see the reason to put him behind bars. it's principles v. practicality and i usually side with practicality. he's doing fine now and putting him in prison would just make everyone's lives worse (his, the overcrowded prison's, the taxpayer's, the people around when he gets let out and has no job and is hardened).

2. based on her selfies, this girl just wants attention. i'm not sure if that makes her hitting a pedestrian saying she doesn't care better or worse, though. send her to twitter-terrorist jail!

3. that was not the okcupid question i thought about. also the argument seemed to be more about interracial friend-ing than dating. i thought it was very interesting though and self-segregation is a big problem.

4. i actually paid a fair share of interest so it's not my fault.

5. i always thought that fingerprinting technology seemed a little sketchy.

6. i've read those stories too. it's amazing the hollywood schlock out there. the high brows are "hard to watch." the low-brows are "hard to watch." and the rest don't give a compelling reason to pay $15 for.

7. that was very clever.

8. i don't know what the deception is. tell me!

1. yes, have you seen him?

1. tonight!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Big Money

Maybe we talked about this, and perhaps there is some relevant case law somewhere (even if not in Missouri), but if only from first principles, what do you think should happen to this man?

Is there space for her in the same place that we're sending those terror-Twittering teenagers?

Slate has taken on the OKCupid question that we've discussed at length.

Credit card companies are starting to put the squeeze on consumers who carry balances.  I wonder whether part of this is people like you and me taking advantage of credit card benefits while never paying interest.

Some more people might be getting their "Get Out of Jail Free" cards.

Christian movies continue to find financial success.

Maybe I should start a dorky link of the week.

This study is deceptive if you're not paying attention.


1. Are you looking for innovator bear?

2. I knew it!

3. Are we sure this isn't Dominos trying literally everything?  Sure, not everything works and sometimes you have to fail to succeed, but does that include intentionally failing?

4. That's a solid list.

5. Can I buy some of that insurance?

6. I love so many of these ideas.  I'm watching the Aereo case with interest.

7. Good for her.  Btw, I thought the leading quote from the THR article was true of, oh I don't know, anyone trying to establish success in Hollywood.  Also, comparing her to Obama was mean.  But really, the Halle Berry discussion seemed bizarre.  I thought she was successful because she's light-skinned, but then she didn't have as much success as she should have based on her light skin.  I tend to think that Lupita's success will be based on the same random factors that affect so many other young stars in Hollywood.  Perhaps her skin color has something to do with it, but the sample size is so small (i.e. successful Hollywood stars) and luck plays such a role that I hesitate to draw strong conclusions no matter what happens.


4. Name the time and the place.  And no.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What's new

you don't have to respond to all of them here but i might ask you the questions in the future just for kicks

what cuddle and lazy bears gets right

so this is happening. i guess domino's asked those 14 questions and thought this was the direction america is heading.

cosmo is growing up

what a great commercial

what's going on in the world of business and ideas

this was really interesting especially considering this. people's most beautiful is based primarily on whom people thinks the public wants on the cover, not on actual beauty.


1. well this article is just perpetuating the myth that asians aren't funny, a myth started by margaret cho. (tho not continued by john cho or jackie chan).
2. put them in jail and fine their parents. if she were poor she'd probably be working a job instead of sending terrorist twitters.
3. i never watched the sopranos and i don't follow any weiner gossip so most of this is lost on me.
4. i still want to try the first resolutions. maybe a truncated version? do you really want to cut out sugar, she asks while eating a cookie?
5. probably file this under - those rare instances when people try to understand others.

2. i fully expect there to be a wooden canoe in your apartment the next time i visit.

5. she seems to say 'oh that makes sense' but doesn't change. i'm such a self-helper. i don't understand why you wouldnt' want to change.

7. well you always say how much you want a mandolin.

8. i should really cover all my egg bases. i should start with poaching.

10. i want to put that comment on my wall somewhere. maybe in my bathroom.

11. that's part of the reason you succeeded.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Joke's on You

I tried to read this, but it made my eyes hurt.  It really feels as though they didn't get the joke, but they don't want to face the embarrassment, so they're just going to carry this as far as they can.

Can't we treat these people like actual terrorists?

Here is the Grantland Mad Men preview.  Some of the points of reference may not mean much to you (or me, for that matter).

Since those resolutions never seemed to happen, how's this for a challenge?

I listened to the podcast she mentioned and agreed completely.

So true.


1. There is nothing to add to that.  It was the perfect response.

2. That's awesome.  I always wanted to build stuff or work on stuff as an adult, after coming home from the office.

3. Her idea makes a lot of sense.  You didn't send this to anyone else... did you?

4. I've always liked that Megyn Kelly.

5. How does she respond to your comments about her complaining and negativity?

6. Yeah, that's a small sample size.  But it wouldn't surprise me.

7. I think Marissa does this to keep the paleo diet while still having "pasta."

8. My omelet technique is something I work on as much as possible.

9. What was your lost year?

10. That comment was fantastic.

11. Why do you think I left skidmarks out of my old neighborhood?


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Some cheese for your whine

I always like it when advice columnists veer in an unexpected direction. in this case, empathy.

life imitates art

i really liked this

more on lean in

holy cow, now i'm really afraid of (negative) nancy

this really doesn't prove anything....yet

kinda fun

of course i posted this

i liked this bit about traveling - reminds me of my "lost year"

this article is so pointless but i do love that they posted the top comment alongside the article

an interesting take
1. ugh so gross. also how could they seize his whole building even if there was a whole meth ring coming from one of his tenants? still seems crazy.
3. thou shouldst beest embarrassethed.
5. i feel like we've covered most of the ground by now but we really do seem to be living at a time when discourse is dead in favor of shunning those with dissimilar opinions.
6. i guess you wondered how the "love your body" campaign would work with anti-obesity. it seems that "love your body" is going to kill all the thin people first. and then kill the anti-obesity train.
7. i thought this was very interesting and kinda makes sense. i think oftentimes republicans are the ones thinking, but what does this mean down the road whereas democrats are very "this makes me feel happy now!" and one way makes you think of protecting yourself and bad scenarios down the line and the other way makes you stop thinking.
8. i know about many of those things having visited Atlanta. although i didn't know the varsity was that old.
9. i saw another article - is painting and sipping the new dinner and a movie? painting is very soothing though and painting portraits would undoubtedly make me better at applying makeup.
10. i heard on msnbc yesterday "republicans voted down the equal pay act and gay marriage so it was a really bad day for lesbians" or something to that effect. i think it was supposed to be funnier but it didn't sound too funny when I heard it either.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Easy Targets

My friends at IJ are big on stopping civil forfeiture.  Here's an example in the context of the legalization of pot.

Though I don't like the way that the title (admittedly jokingly) tries to end debate, the point of the article is pretty compelling.

I was embarrassed for laughing as hard as I did at this Onion article, especially the old-timey quotes.

Charles Koch (one of the favorite targets of liberal demonization efforts) speaks out.

Two final thoughts on Mozilla and their now-departed CEO.

It's so bizarre to hear so-called feminists lashing out at other women in the context of body image issues.  Shouldn't it be painfully obvious that 1) people have different body types and 2) directing vitriol at other people because you feel bad is a terrible thing to do?

I've always been skeptical of studies like this because 1) they are often done by people sympathetic to liberals and 2) the usual thesis is "is there something that explains why conservatives have such bizarre and obviously wrong views on the world?"  That said, if we stipulate that there's something to it, it has some interesting implications for how liberals think about, say, the former Mozilla CEO.

Yay Atlanta!

Need a new hobby?

Here is the article about the gender wage gap.


1. That seems reasonable.  The controversy seems to be that it isn't intellectually pure, but I don't see that as a negative.

2. I know several people who have vacationed in Vietnam in recent years.  Maybe there's something to it.  Or maybe it's a trap!

3. That also seems reasonable.  I know I want to be a lawyer right now, but I worry that I can't think of anything else I might want to do.

4. We would probably need to travel a lot more frequently to take advantage of these, but they are nice ideas.

5. Let's get a dog!

6. You know, my birthday is coming up...

7. So much of what we process is anecdotal.  I've started spending a little more time on Nate Silver's new website.  I'm not all in on data journalism (mostly because I'm still learning about it), but it seems intriguing.  Oh, and by the way, good for him, and I hope he can collect from NYC for the wrongful conviction.

Here's an idea: there should be a law that requires payment to a wrongfully convicted person in a fixed sum based on years spent in prison.  No hearing, no having to file a lawsuit - just automatic money to the wrongfully convicted.  (If you think the prosecution targeted you or was reckless or willfully malicious in their prosecution, then you would retain a claim for that over and above this fixed sum.)  What would be the problem with that?  I understand that the justice system can never be perfect, but why should the innocent person bear the brunt of any mistake?


4. I thought the grilled cheese sandwich shop was a good idea.  The problem was that he wouldn't bend to the will of the judges and genuflect to their changes.  To be sure, this is why he didn't win (not why his idea didn't work - it did work).  Another theory is that he had the personality of stale bread.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Escape plans

I think this is the right way to approach lean in and an approach that I hope my feminist friends follow

how is hanoi on here? someone once said to me, people always think visiting Vietnam will be cool but there isn't anything to see there. That beautiful scenery in that picture is very similar to scenery in China btw. 

this is interesting and something to think about while we're trudging

would these help with vacation planning?

i want a dog

maybe i'll buy one for my nephew

this is really really sad although it's articles like this that get people confused into thinking that young black men actually doing crimes should not be convicted at all. on the bright side, all the commenters are of one opinion.

1-2 I think the more I look back at it, the more I think it's the right ending. Although it was really weird that right after we see the mother die, the kids are all, I love Aunt Robin! Tonally wrong. Executed poorly (starting with season 5). Still right.
3. I question how this study was done but really it's not that surprising. You have to work much harder to get all your nutrients and still feel full from vegetables and most people aren't trying that hard/don't have the time/don't have the money. also vegetarians include people who only eat potatoes. i've met them.and they're a smaller group so any weird people will throw off the health.
4. did we totally ridicule the guy on america's next top great restaurant for this idea or was that the judges? Seems like a winner. So does indian chipotle. also, is kimchi a normal thing now?
5. i thought the commentary about how amateurism was always a way to control people or rig the system was intersting. i also like how fired up this guy is about it. i'm fired up too. it's really terrible what they do to these kids.

3. The idea is that people on Facebook CAN have thoughtful conversations. I've never seen it in practice myself.

1. they should have never published information about michael phelps' diet. it's ruined all of us. i had read that ryan lochte also used to eat like that but said he did better when he switched to a healthier diet. well guess who didn't switch and who beat lochte and his stupid healthy diet. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Dinner and a Show

Here's the Grantland take on the HIMYM finale (admittedly from a guest writer).  I was mostly with him until he talked about the very end.  I guess I didn't see the last scene as "and they lived happily ever after."  While I definitely got the feeling that the show is about failure, it's always been about the hope that keeps us going in spite of failure, and I don't think we should assume that Ted and Robin just got back together and got married.

While we're here, here's what Entertainment Weekly had to say.  I probably agree with this take most strongly (though they awarded a B+ instead of an A-).

A friend on Facebook posted this article with the following statement, to which I have nothing to add: "This is what happens when you give God the finger by not eating the tasty animals He created for us."

This could be a source of inspiration (in addition to deliciousness).  It opens April 11.  It's right across the street from my old office.

This goes into a little more detail commentary-wise on amateurism and the Northwestern football team's attempt to unionize.


1. We've been talking so much about the cold recently. That said, these people are making the best of a tough situation.

2. There's a lot in there that makes sense (though we should note that this is not the new model of marriage as much as it is the model of marriage when both people are capable of economic independeence - I note this because my sister's marriage, and impending divorce, is primarily for economic reasons).  I liked the quote, "It's worth emphasizing here that even red-flag issues can be healed if both partners are committed to seeking help and working on themselves and the relationship."  But I think that's a lesson for our currently myopic society.  Any relationship, up to and including marriage, is something that takes work, and there is never going to be a time when it doesn't.

3. Me too.  And maybe I just have the wrong Facebook friends, but I see some pretty unhealthy conversations pretty often.

4. It's an interesting thought.  I want to do some stargazing in the middle of nowhere this summer.


1. My first thought when I read this article was Michael Phelps as well.


Short and sweet

to aid the wanderlust. i know i hated winter and winter is almost over but now i'm drawn to the stupid winter photos because of that stupid antarctica film!

the new age way to think of marriage

I think I have a healthy relationship with facebook. also, did you know that it's scientifically proven that you can have a healthy discussion on facebook?

because it's nice to look at the sky and wonder if you see ufos

1. Well, does this mean that Michael Phelps will have problems later in life or is swimming the exercise where you can eat anything? Or is it just Michael Phelps?
2. I guess it's easy to pile onto Susan Patton. But again, I think this is not a really unique analogy by her and she has more interesting controversial topics to discuss. I guess they're just trying to discredit the other ones by going after this one.
4. in other news, okcupid says that it's not going to operate on firefox anymore. article unnecessary. what a boon to internet explorer!
5. better contribute to charity while i can!
6. i think people meet in college but don't tend to marry. they tend to wait later in life to marry now. i'm surprised online dating is as likely as blind dates to find marriage. And the number of people who meet in public places is pretty surprising.