Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Some cheese for your whine

I always like it when advice columnists veer in an unexpected direction. in this case, empathy.

life imitates art

i really liked this

more on lean in

holy cow, now i'm really afraid of (negative) nancy

this really doesn't prove anything....yet

kinda fun

of course i posted this

i liked this bit about traveling - reminds me of my "lost year"

this article is so pointless but i do love that they posted the top comment alongside the article

an interesting take
1. ugh so gross. also how could they seize his whole building even if there was a whole meth ring coming from one of his tenants? still seems crazy.
3. thou shouldst beest embarrassethed.
5. i feel like we've covered most of the ground by now but we really do seem to be living at a time when discourse is dead in favor of shunning those with dissimilar opinions.
6. i guess you wondered how the "love your body" campaign would work with anti-obesity. it seems that "love your body" is going to kill all the thin people first. and then kill the anti-obesity train.
7. i thought this was very interesting and kinda makes sense. i think oftentimes republicans are the ones thinking, but what does this mean down the road whereas democrats are very "this makes me feel happy now!" and one way makes you think of protecting yourself and bad scenarios down the line and the other way makes you stop thinking.
8. i know about many of those things having visited Atlanta. although i didn't know the varsity was that old.
9. i saw another article - is painting and sipping the new dinner and a movie? painting is very soothing though and painting portraits would undoubtedly make me better at applying makeup.
10. i heard on msnbc yesterday "republicans voted down the equal pay act and gay marriage so it was a really bad day for lesbians" or something to that effect. i think it was supposed to be funnier but it didn't sound too funny when I heard it either.

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