Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It's all about the packaging

it really does make it seem more luxe

something worth trying

See, I thought the modern view was that healthy food is tasty, not just something to be endured until you get the good stuff - or the "junk" as she calls it. then again, i'm a whole living/mindbodygreen/goop devotee.

i feel that there's no reason to put her in a business suit. it's not like men's clothes connote power. but should we go so far as to say a swimsuit is the power suit for women?

on mice and men. and also something to note when people are all "it's science! therefore it's true."

it's like sarcasm on top of sarcasm - a sarcasm sandwich with nothing in between!

maybe if i keep exposing you to them, one day you'll forgive them - beets, that is

he misused the word 'stigmata' and that's all i can think about now

1. i think people are making short shrift of some potentially complex legal issues. you noted the lack of true discussion of the first amendment. i noted one of your articles saying Sterling has no way of suing the NBA if he gets taken to court. I don't think that's something an ESPN commentator can really brush aside. i'm sure many of the best legal minds have more to say, particularly now that the details of the nba constitution have come out. and that same commentator glossed over the issue of whether Sterling's statements count as not conducting his business in a "reasonable" or "ethical" manner. furthermore, it's not a foregone conclusion that 3/4 of owners will vote Sterling out. It could be that more owners are as savvy as Mark Cuban and don't want to devalue their teams in that way (by making the unprecedented move to take someone's team away from them and (possibly?) subjecting themselves to legal liability or at least the inevitable lawsuit that Sterling files). Worst case scenario for them is if Sterling gets $1B from the sale and then uses that money to sue the heck out of the NBA. That would cast a pallor on the NBA much longer than this scandal will last.

2. well it's irrelevant since neither of us are going to see it. i have always liked cameron diaz though. even some of her terrible movies turned out to be less terrible than i imagined. (actually i'm only thinking of 'what happens in vegas' and i thought that movie would be the worst). i did like the comment that "you don't need kate hudson to make a kate hudson movie." so tragically true.

3. i'm so tired of people saying politicians are "inarticulate" when they say something very clearly that's just against the other person's opinions. it's like, oh, well if you said my opinion, then you would be a great speaker. it's like that oped today about ryan paul being lambasted for his earnestness in trying to deal with poverty. i also like that when you say "your people" you mean republicans. when i say "my people" i'd like to think it means "enfp's."

4. have you tested your fitbit v. a pedometer? in the fitbit's defense, it has definitely encouraged you to walk more.

5. this judge is embarrassing. why is the issue here whether she received notice as opposed to who benefits if we kick this woman out of her house for $6.50? and who is wronged if she stays after paying the $6.50?

4. idk. not that much money? the problem with the gov now is that it wastes so much money that saving tens of thousands here and there doesn't seem worth talking about.
6. well the place shuts down at 5pm but it's not like we go clubbing.
8. you never explained!

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