Friday, April 25, 2014

Big Money

Maybe we talked about this, and perhaps there is some relevant case law somewhere (even if not in Missouri), but if only from first principles, what do you think should happen to this man?

Is there space for her in the same place that we're sending those terror-Twittering teenagers?

Slate has taken on the OKCupid question that we've discussed at length.

Credit card companies are starting to put the squeeze on consumers who carry balances.  I wonder whether part of this is people like you and me taking advantage of credit card benefits while never paying interest.

Some more people might be getting their "Get Out of Jail Free" cards.

Christian movies continue to find financial success.

Maybe I should start a dorky link of the week.

This study is deceptive if you're not paying attention.


1. Are you looking for innovator bear?

2. I knew it!

3. Are we sure this isn't Dominos trying literally everything?  Sure, not everything works and sometimes you have to fail to succeed, but does that include intentionally failing?

4. That's a solid list.

5. Can I buy some of that insurance?

6. I love so many of these ideas.  I'm watching the Aereo case with interest.

7. Good for her.  Btw, I thought the leading quote from the THR article was true of, oh I don't know, anyone trying to establish success in Hollywood.  Also, comparing her to Obama was mean.  But really, the Halle Berry discussion seemed bizarre.  I thought she was successful because she's light-skinned, but then she didn't have as much success as she should have based on her light skin.  I tend to think that Lupita's success will be based on the same random factors that affect so many other young stars in Hollywood.  Perhaps her skin color has something to do with it, but the sample size is so small (i.e. successful Hollywood stars) and luck plays such a role that I hesitate to draw strong conclusions no matter what happens.


4. Name the time and the place.  And no.


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