Tuesday, September 16, 2014

fact and fiction

does it say something about our culture that this guy can be redeemed but ray rice can't? does the racism card come out to play? is conning millions out of millions better than hitting one person who forgives you?

ah this would be the dream

yay uva! - well it's just a weird story

because i love talking/reading about/eating eggs

1. i'm not sure teach for america is really addressing their main problems. teaching inequality seems like adding to the cultural tourism factor of the whole exercise. you are the haves; here are the have nots. also, as the TFA pool gets more diverse, aren't we just diverting promising minority students into the low-paid industry of teaching (particularly those in math fields)? does TFA have any need to exist when there are tons of teachers who are unemployed and being laid off? also Wendy Kopp is quoted as saying it's not a teaching organization (which is weird) but a leadership one. shouldn't they just maneuver to something that america needs - like engineers?

2. i was excited about this but found it not as interesting when i looked at it. it's kinda what i expected. i typically follow mainline church thought.

3. i'm not sure the response is ideal but i guess that's the best they can do. i guess i'm unsure what not recognizing the org does?

4. yes, this seems backwards. although i do think colleges need to educate their students on not leaving their friends to get victimized. 1. don't get black out drunk 2. don't leave your friends in strange environments black out drunk 3. don't rape. also i don't know why we have this mindset that rape victims can't feel like they have any contribution. if you pass out drunk and get robbed, then you would probably blame yourself a bit for being so stupid and it's not big deal. if you pass out drunk and can't consent to sex, that is absolutely no one else's fault but the guy- you are a woman and have every right to pass out drunk and not know what happens. maybe this is just another way of saying women are helpless victims.

5. generational divide was a big thing in bowling alone. apparently our generation sucks.

6. very very sweet.

7. i still prefer coffee shops

8. i read something about this but i doubt it will happen soon. also didn't know it was fcc mandated. what public interest does it serve for the fcc?

9. i like that happy endings girl so i'll probably watch that. selfie was the best of the bunch - not that i've seen any of the rest - and the review of a to z is spot on. made me want to vomit with its annoying cutesyness and i watch new girl and himym and 500 days of summer and wear vintage clothes. and i like ginsberg too! unless it improves a lot, if it doesn't get my demographic, it's a goner.

8. only spa week or just because you're feeling especially sore? also, you should probably book soon.

1. rgiii for the win always. he even makes me dislike subway a little less.

even though i posted the solution in 2012, i still haven't quite figured out networking

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